partition: Namjoon🖤

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Limousine seggs, dom! Namjoon, sub reader...they are married in this.'s lots of tension. Angry sex I guess? This is nasty lol. Choking, degrading and...public?

Partition~ Beyoncé

Driver roll up the partition please...


"I'm coming Namjoon, damn!"

I groan out of frustration as I place my earring in my ear. I was currently standing in the mirror of me and my husband's shared bathroom. It was quite big night I add, and his constant bitching about me taking too long was what filled up the extra space.

I rolled my eyes as he continued to yell at me just as he always did. Honestly, I was numb to it now.

"No y/n because you're always pissing around! I told you we had to be at this club at 9:30 pm sharp. Do you take my fucking work as a joke?" He yelled at me.

I shake my head and grab my purse.

"No. But still, you doing too much." I mumble. My hair was down, i had just recently gotten it done. I wore a tight dress that was rather uncomfortable but still I loved it so I didn't mind. The high heels I wore made my feet ache a bit but I ignored that as well.

Namjoon loved it when we both looked good. No matter how uncomfortable. It was especially something he was particular about since he was a drug lord and lived to strive for top of the line and only that. He was expensive in every since of the word. Even before we got married he spoiled me with gifts, things I didn't want and things I did want.

I didn't love him for his money. I loved Namjoon for the simple fact that he was Namjoon. When he wasn't pissed or annoyed he was my favorite person in the world. My man and my best friend. Which is why I often pushed him off when he got in moods like this, excusing his behavior because I knew it was only out of stress.

"Ready, baby?" I ask, trying to brighten the mood. Namjoon clenched his jaw and softly grabbed my arm. "Been fucking ready." He grunted to himself.

I sigh and allow for him to walk the both of us out of the mansion that we shared. The driver waited in the driveway. I would have to finish touching up my make up in the car since he was rushing. It took me a total of 40 minutes to get ready...45 if you count me struggling to put in my earrings with these king as nails.

Namjoon opened the door for me. He allowed for me to get in first and then he followed after. It wasn't long before we pulled off, and I wasted no time in getting out my make up.

Namjoon looked over at me with a dry, humorless chuckle. "Of course you're still not ready. Un-fucking-believable." I smack my lips at him but didn't say anything.

Namjoon turns his head and takes out his phone as I finish with my make up.

The silence was awkward. I didn't want to be smothered by Namjoon's nasty ass attitude, so I lightly tap the driver on the shoulder once we stop at a red light.

He turns to me slightly. "Yes, miss?" He asked. I give him a polite smile and gesture to the radio. "Can you please turn it on some musics? It's a bit silent in here." I say.

He wasted no time in turning on the radio at my request. I sigh and lean back in my seat as I begin to clean my make up.

The music softly started to play in the background. It wasn't hard to feel how tense Namjoon was beside me. When I looked over at him I could see the frown on his face as he mugged me. I raised my brow at him and crossed my arms over my chest.

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