"dont call me crazy": Taehyung🖤

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gun play, gore, psycho reader AND Taehyung, joker x Harley type vibes... semi-short chapter.

"In the end, it's him and I." - Halsey


The train speeds down the tube on the tracks. It was a rainy night out in downtown Seoul but honestly the weather was the least of everybody's concerns.

There was a couple. A serial killer couples wrecking havoc on the streets of South Korea. It wasn't expected to be two very important people. Two very famous people who's names were always in the tabloids, every magazine, commercial, tv interview — everywhere.

But, as the old saying goes - always expect the unexpected. And this...this was way beyond the unexpected.

The toothpick scrapes against the bottom and top row of the man's pearly white teeth. Since he couldn't go for his usual cigar considering the fact that he was on a train — he settled for the small wooden toothpick.

His hat looms over his face. Leather gloves on his hands. A posh black suit on his body and shiny black dress shoes on his feet. The shiny silver watch on his wrist shows that it's thirty minutes past nine pm meaning that they were very close to their destination.

The man looks up to the sight before him. A woman dressed very similar in a black dress, gloves, high heels and hat looking over her beautiful features. She occupies herself by stirring her straw within the cup of water she had long ago requested, despite the fact that she hadn't yet taken a sip.

The man smirks as the toothpick stills between his teeth. He is awestruck by the sight of her. Wishing he could bend down in the right booth they managed to bag on the train and get a good look at her long, smooth brown legs.

"Got a problem, puddin' ?"

The woman's voice suddenly sings. She sounds mischievous. Her voice was low and raspy, yet it was light. In a way she sounded like an Angel with millions of her flaws on display — yet at the same
time the man knew she was anything but.

"What? I can't admire my wife?" He ticks, taking the toothpick from his teeth and leaning up in the seat.

The woman scoffed, looking out of the window at the many trees they bypassed on the tracks. She was more than anxious to get off of the train, never being one for confined spaces and such calm atmospheres.

She was fidgeting. And the way he was constantly looking at her had her on edge.

"Don't do this right now Taehyung." She sighed.

The man - Taehyung - sighed.

"Oops, sorry puddin'. I know we agreed to call you Vincent in public." She genuinely apologized for her mistake, knowing how serious it was.

Calling him Taehyung would no doubt make people figure out exactly who they were. With him being so popular in South Korea alone - she could put them in serious danger.

"It's okay, darling." Taehyung said, leaning back in his seat and ending their conversation there. After all, he simply wanted to check on her.

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