(BokuAkaKuroKen) Hide and Go Seek

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Hey guys. A few short things to mention. No, this isn't another littlespace chapter, sorry to disappoint. I am working on the book I've just been busy. This is BokuAkaKuroKen again like the last chapter and I felt bad for doing the same ship twice in a row and then I remembered something. This is my book, I do what I want with it (unless you request something.) Please don't request characters from either parts of season 4, I haven't seen it and wouldn't write it correctly. Also, the next part isn't a chapter, it's an author's note and I'd REALLY appreciate it if you interacted with it so I know what content you guys would like to see and what not. Anyway, that's it. On with the story.

Honestly, I couldn't answer Kuroo's question. I know I took him to the store with me, came home, made lunch and I haven't seen him since. I've looked everywhere including the pantry and cabinets but nothing. He's loud and large, I shouldn't have been able to lose him yet, here I am, one Bokuto short.
"I don't know but he isn't picking up his phone and doesn't reply when I yell his name. Kuroo...I'm getting worried."
I could hear our boyfriend let out a sign before he continued, "Look, Keiji. He's somewhere in the house you just have to look harder. Did he seem upset today?" I thought back to the events of today before answering.
"He seemed tired more than anything."
"Okay, have you checked the kitchen cabinets?"
"The laundry room?"
"The back of the closet?"
"And the basement, I can't find him."
He took a few seconds to respond with, "How about asking Kenma?"
"I tried but he's too into his game. Though, he's a little quiet today too, I wonder what's up with that."
"I don't know. I'll come home soon to help you look, alright?"
"Okay. Be safe, I'll see you soon."
"I always am. Bye, I love you."
"I love you, too."
I hung up the phone and ran my hands through my hair. I don't know where Bokuto was or if he was okay. While I was spiralling, I felt gentle hands on my shoulders, rubbing them softly.
"What's the matter, babe?" Kenma asked, putting his chin on my shoulder and yawning.
"I can't find Bo. I'm this close," I put up my index and thumb super close but not touching, "to filing a missing person report."
"Oh, Bokuto? He's in my gaming room, something about having a bad headache and I let him stay since it's soundproof while I took a nap."
"He was with you? Is he okay?"
"Well, he wasn't with me per se. You should check on him, he looked a bit down." I kiss Kozume's cheek.
"Thank you babe. And please get something to eat while you're down here," I reminded.
"Ugh, fine," he whined, making his way to the fridge and grabbing some sandwich stuff.
I walk up the stairs to Kenma's gaming room and knock lightly. I hear a whimper from inside and take that as permission to enter.
"Bo? You alright?" I ask, seeing that the room was pitch black. I turn on the light switch and hear a whine from under Kenma's table. "Oh sweetie. Come here," I say softly. He shakes his head, holding it in his hands. I turn off the light and cautiously walk back to the table. He scoots out from under the table, tears on his pale face.
"Baby, what's the matter?"
"Everything h-hurts, Keiji. I f-feel so si-ck," he wails. I put a head to his forehead, fever rolling off his skin.
"Oh, baby. You're burning." He nods, holding onto my shirt. A sick belch leaves him and I hear bile hit the back of his throat.
"'kaashi...m don't feel good," he slurs, skin turning a sickly green. I grab one of Kenma's trash cans and hold it under his chin, his lunch being lost only a few seconds later. I rub small circles into his convulsing back, sitting silently until he was done.
"Ow, ow, ow," he whines, clenching his stomach.
I reassure him, "You did so good, Bokuto-san." He sobs, hiccuping harshly. "Come on, love. Let's get you something to settle your stomach so you can rest."
"M so sorry 'kaashi."
"Whatever for?"
"M made a mess and all your cooking went to waste and now you have to take care of me and-"
"Bokuto," I interrupt. He looks at me with sad eyes. I exhale before smiling. "Let's talk about this later, okay? You need to rest for now, alright?" My big baby of a boyfriend nods his head before trying to get up. I help him and we walk to the hall.
"Bedroom or couch?"
"Couch." We walk downstairs and I let him lay down on the couch. I put one of our ugly couch pillows that Kuroo just HAD to have, under his head and draped one of the plush throws we had over his legs and part of his torso.
"Comfy, baby?"
"Mhm. You'd make a good nurse," he mumbles. I chuckle, kissing his forehead.
I made my way to the kitchen where Kenma was playing a game on his phone instead of eating.
"Ahem," I cough.
He looks up at me and puts his phone down with an eye roll. "Did you find him?"
"Yeah. He's got a fever. And I wouldn't go to your room for a bit, he threw up in your trash can."
"Aw man!"
"Sorry. I'll clean it up in a minute." I look through the cabinets and fridge for something to help Bo's stomach. I found some Sprite, a water bottle and ibuprofen.
"Eat that sandwich, I mean it. Kuroo will be home soon."
"Why's he coming home so early?"
"I called him when I couldn't find Bokuto and figured he was almost here so no need to tell him I found him," I shrug. I walk back to the living room where Bokuto is fast asleep.
"Bo, sweetheart," I whisper, stroking his cheek softly. Even though he was ill, he looked as beautiful as ever.
"Hm? Hey 'kaashi. Whatcha doin here?"
"Bokuto, I live here. With you and Kenma and Kuroo."
Bokuto just laughs. "Oh, yeah. We got a house together. M so happy you're here and Kuroo and Kenma though Kenma's a little mean but it's just 'cause he's short," he giggles.
"Yes, love. Just because he's short. Do you think you can sit up for me?"
"For you? I'd jump to the moon." I smile softly, helping him sit up.
"Here, take some of this and then you can rest again." I hand him the medicine and the water bottle. He takes 2 of the pills and a sip of Sprite before crashing and falling asleep again. I kiss his forehead and take the rest back to the kitchen.
Bokuto had been asleep for about 40 minutes. In those 40 minutes, Kuroo came home and was running his hands through Bokuto's gel free hair. Kenma was cuddled into my side as we watched the Lion King. Bokuto started whimpering again and I turned to look at him.
"'Kaashi. My belly hurts," he whines hoarsely.
"Yeah? Want me to get the heat pack sweet pea?"
"Yes please. M cold."
I get up to get the heating pad out of the linen closet, Kenma grumbling about his heat source leaving. I find it in between of some of our spare sheets, taking it down carefully as not to make all of the bedding fall. When I walk back to the living room, Bokuto was crying softly, Kuroo trying to soothe him as Kenma paused the movie.
"Aw, Bo. Please don't cry, I know you don't feel good, we're gonna make you better, okay?" The words fell upon deaf ears as Bokuto shook in Kuroo's lap. There wasn't much I could do besides plug in the heating pad and place it on his stomach. Bad idea. The minute it made contact, wretched gags filled all of our ears as he lurched forward. I'm so glad Kuroo has quick reflexes or else I'd have to get another expensive rug. He held the trashcan below Bokuto's chin as Kenma, who scooted closer at some point, rubbed his back.
"That's it Koutaro. You're doing so good, just get it up," I whispered softly. Between his first bout of sickness and the second, we helped him sit up to stop so much strain. As my two catlike boyfriend's comforted the sick one, I went to get a cold cloth to clean his face. I ran it under some cold water and let some ice sit in it for a minute or two before going back to the living room. Kenma was helping Bokuto through some deep breaths as Kuroo went to clean the trash can. I took Kuroo's place on the couch and started dabbing the cloth at Bo's face.
"You did so well, my love. How's your stomach feeling?"
"Overused," he groans, leaning against me and taking to cloth to put on his neck.
"You're hot, huh?" I ask, already knowing the answer.
"Uh huh. That's what I hate about fevers, my body has to be freezing hot or burning cold."
"You mean freezing cold or burning hot?" Kenma asked.
"Yeah, that."
I'm glad Bokuto seemed a bit more aware, his eyes not so dazed. Kuroo came back and I got up from his spot, moving back to mine. He handed Bokuto some Sprite but he shook his head.
"I can't stomach anything right now, especially not something so sugary." Kuroo nodded in understanding, setting the cup on the side table. Bokuto curled into his side, clearing wanting more head scratches. Kuroo chuckled, spoiling our boyfriend and Kenma pouted at me.
"I want head massages too." I kiss his pouting lips, scratching his head lightly and I swear, I SWEAR he purred. He played the movie and we watched silently. Within minutes, both Bokuto and Kenma were asleep. Kuroo stifled a laugh, taking my hand to hold.
"They're kinda cute, Akaashi. Can we keep them?" he joked.
"I wouldn't have it any other way," I reply, kissing both of their heads and Kuroo's bed head. "I love you all. So much." Kenma snuggled closer into my side and Bokuto smiled softly as if they could feel my love in their sleep.
"We love you too, Keiji. So much."

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