Broken A.C. and Breaking Hearts {Noya X Asahi}

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(Words: 964)

The air conditioner in the Azumane household broke yesterday afternoon but the guy who was called to fix it couldn't make it until 4. It was 1 and normally Noya would be awake by now and he wasn't. Asahi was going to check on him but he came home late last night from his study session with Tanaka so he let him sleep in. 2:30 came around and Noya finally came out of their room. 

"Hey, Noya. Sleep well?" Asahi asked. Noya just stared forward, eyes half-lidded. He was swaying dangerously. Asahi ran up to him and steadied his boyfriend, Noya jolting at his hands. He looked the ex-ace in the eyes but they were unfocused. "Are you alright?" Noya shook his head.

"I feel cold," he admitted, tightening the blanket he had draped over his shoulders. "Did the guy already fix the A.C.? It's only 2:30."

"He hasn't come yet, baby. I'm going to grab the thermometer, you go sit on the couch and try to relax, alright? I'll take care of everything." Noya nodded and made his way to the couch while Asahi went to get the thermometer from the medicine cabinet. While he was in there he grabbed some Tylenol and a bucket, just in case. When he went back to the living room, his short boyfriend had his jacket bundled in his arms, sniffing it and shivering. "Babe? You alright over there?" 

Noya shook his head and let Asahi take his temperature. When it beeped it read 103 degrees, a high grade fever so he was probably down with a flu or stomach bug. Hopefully, he wouldn't throw up. Asahi went to the kitchen to wet a cloth and fill a glass with water. He attempted to lay the cloth across Nishinoya's forehead but he shrank away and hid under the blanket. 

"Babe, we have to get your fever down," Asahi tried to reason.

"No. I'm cold enough with out that damn thing," he protested.

"Yeah, well, you have a fever so the cloth is going on your head," he pushed back sternly. Noya fixed his posture and took the blanket from his face, shivering at the placement of the cloth. He pouted as Asahi poured him a dose of medicine and turned on Netflix; Noya only paid attention to his running nose and irritated throat, though. Hearing the orange streaked male sniffle made Asahi grab the tissues from the supply closet in the bathroom. He lifted Noya's head up and set it in his lap, handing him a few tissues. The sickie blew his nose and started dozing off, the medicine already taking effect. Asahi knew that Nishinoya liked having fingers ran through his hair and thanked God when he didn't feel any wax so he could.

~Time skip brought to you by the handyman~

The A.C. was fix and Noya kicked off the blanket, trying to cool off.

"Hey, sleeping beauty," Asahi teased. With sweat glistening down his face, Noya glares at the taller man. "Kidding, kidding. How about a cold bath? You look warm." Noya nods before settling against the couch. Asahi started the water for the bath and some tea. Unfortunately he had to add ice to the bath to break Noya's fever. He wasn't gonna like it but he had to do it. 

"Noya! It's ready!" he yelled to the former libero. The vertically challenged dragged his feet in and stripped to his underwear. He lowered himself into the tub uncomfortably since the water was ice cold and his muscles ached. Was this going to help his sore muscles? No, they'd probably cramp up but it would help his fever. Besides, he could put some heating packs on later. He started to relax, thankful for the cool feeling that seemed to be chasing the heat away. After about 5 minutes, Asahi made him leave his haven so he wouldn't succumb to hypothermia. He wrapped him in a robe and helped him to their bedroom where he changed out of his soaked boxers and into a tank top and dry underpants.

"How do you feel? Nauseous? Feverish? I need to know," Asahi rambled.

Noya chuckled slightly. "I feel less miserable for sure. My head and muscles kind of hurt but I'm sure it'll pass." Asahi's heart ached knowing his baby was in pain but he was still happy that he was sweating less.

"I need to check your temperature to see if it went down any," he told him. Noya nodded and let the thermometer slip under his tongue. "101 degrees. It's lower at least," he confirmed sullenly. Noya frowned at the attitude shift. It was clear Asahi was upset. He crawled to Asahi and looked up at his boyfriend with huge eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asks softly.

"It's just," he sighs, thinking how to word it. "I know you hate being sick and it breaks my heart knowing you feel ill." He breaks their eye contact. Noya sighs but it isn't a tired sigh. It's more of a 'I love him but he worries too much'.

"It's true I don't like being sick but that's only when I'm throwing up or you can't take care of me. If I'm not spewing undigested food and you're looking after me then I don't mind being sick once in a while. It's not ideal but I'll survive." Asahi smiled. Knowing that he was helping really helped. "I could use another nap," Noya said, getting comfortable in Asahi's lap despite Asahi being in a position you wouldn't want to be in for a few hours.

"Noya, no," Asahi whined. Noya snickered before letting him situate himself. When he was done, Noya laid on his chest and Asahi pulled a light blanket over them. "I love you, Nishinoya."

Noya smiled. "I love you, too, Asahi."

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