Introvert (Kuroo x Kenma)

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(Words: 996)

It's hard to read Kenma. All he does is play on his PSP and keep to himself unless Kuroo makes him socialize. But surprisingly, Kuroo is a little harder to read. Yes, he's more outgoing but that doesn't make him more honest about his feelings, just gets him more friends. But just the way he was one of the few who can tell how Kenma was feeling, Kenma could sense how Kuroo was feeling, too. When something was wrong, it wasn't obvious; he'd still smile and joke and laugh. So, it was the little things Kenma would have to catch like how he walked a little slower and sat with a slouch instead of straight like he usually did. The biggest tell tale though was him sleeping in class. Unlike most high schoolers, Kuroo doesn't sleep in class. He's the captain of the volleyball team after-all so he couldn't let his grades fall and he had to set an example. Yes, Kuroo was cocky and loud and loved fun but school was a priority because volleyball was a priority. But only Kenma knew this because he didn't want everyone else thinking he had a stick up his ass or that he was smart so he could be asked about tutoring his classmates. So when he saw Kuroo nodding off in one class and taking a nap in the next, he knew something was up.

At lunch, Kenma approached his boyfriend. "Kuroo."

"Oh. Hey, kitten! What's up?"

Kenma decided to cut straight to the point instead of easing into it. "Are you okay? You're acting strange," he said mellowly.

"What? I'm fine. Just a little tired since we've been staying longer after school for that practice match against Karasuno," he answered.

"Are you sure?" Kenma asked studying his face, "You're usually okay when we practice late. Are you sure it's not something else? Nightmares? Are your parents arguing?"

"Well, yeah, but that's really nothing new. It happens every now and then."

Kenma frowned. He knew Kuroo hated when his parents argued and stressed about. "Do you want to stay at my place for awhile? My mom said you're always welcome," he offered.

Kuroo shook his head. "No, it's okay. I think they finally sorted it out last night. Thanks though." Kenma nodded as the bell rang to let the cafeteria know lunch was over. Kenma and Kuroo gathered their trash and headed to the next class which they didn't have together.

The next day, Kuroo looked absolutely wiped. He had dark bags under his eyes that stood out on his pale complexion and a drag to his walk instead of pep. This time, more people than Kenma noticed. Yaku and Lev told him he should probably go home but he refused. He claimed he was just tired, which wasn't exactly a lie but was withholding the truth. Coach Nekomada had told him he couldn't and wouldn't practice in his condition but he convinced him that he'd rest as soon as he got home somehow. During practice, Kenma was studying him; how his spikes weren't as powerful and sometimes blocked, how he finished his water bottle quicker than normal, the way his voice sounded scratchier when he was giving orders during warm ups and how quickly he was out of breath and sweating early into the practice. When practice was over, the coach called Kuroo over to talk for a while so Kenma had to wait since him and Kuroo walked home together.

"So what did Coach Nekomada talk to you about? Seemed important," Kenma asked while looking at his device.

"Nothing important. About how I need to get more sleep. Take care of myself," he answered tiredly. "Can I stay at your place tonight? Your house is closer."

"Yeah, I guess. My parents are home though so don't try to pull any funny stuff," Kenma teased.

"I won't. Not in the mood," Kuroo mumbled. Kenma frowned at that. Normally he would tease back, serious or otherwise. Kenma stopped making Kuroo stop. "What?"

"Nothing. Let's go." Kenma and Kuroo made it to his house and headed to Kenma's room after saying hi to his parents. The minute Kenma sat down Kuroo sat next to him and buried his face into his neck. "Hmm?" Kuroo shook his head as a way to tell him nothing was wrong but Kenma knew better. Kenma made him sit up.

"What?" Kuroo asked. Kenma studied his face, trying so hard to see if anything was wrong. There was a blush across the bridge of his nose and his cheeks but Kuroo always blushed at contact no matter how cocky he seems.

"Nothing, I guess. Want to play video games?" Kenma answered.

"Can we just watch a movie? I'm tired." Kenma nodded and chose Spirited Away to play on the TV. Kuroo buried his face into Kenma's chest and breathed in his scent, a clear telltale that he was exhausted. Kenma started to play with his bedhead hair and drift to sleep himself.

When Kenma woke next, it was to the feeling of the bed dipping and the sound of gagging. He sat up and gave Kuroo a trashcan which the older took gratefully. Kenma frowned as his boyfriend threw up, rubbing gentle circles across his back, not saying a word. Once he finished, he whimpered and sobbed. Kenma held him to his chest and rubbed his back, shushing him. His parents came to his room but he reassured him he got it.

"Kitten?" Kuroo asked when he calmed down.


"I don' feel so well," he slurred.

Kenma huffed softly and smiled a little. "I know. You should have told me sooner."

"I thought it would go away," he shrugged. 

"Next time, no matter what you think, tell me, okay?"

Kuroo nodded. "Are you going to be my nurse?" he pouted.

"Well not if you put it like that. But I will take care of you."

"Thank you, babe."


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