3 AM Emetophobia (Tsukishima x Yamaguchi)

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Yamaguchi always knew about Tsukishima's mannerism. From his movements to his words, he could always tell how his boyfriend was feeling. But not today. It's 3 in the morning and Yamaguchi is in bed, cuddling his boyfriend who spent the night like he does every Saturday when Yams parents leave the house so they can spend time together without interruptions. They're very trusting and told their son if he ever was to do it, buy some condoms first. But they never have. That's besides the point. The point was, they were cuddling. Or so he thought. Yamaguchi's phone was sounding off like crazy making him glad he didn't put it on vibrate or else it might have fallen off the nightstand. He rubbed his eye and sat up, disoriented. After a few seconds he was able to pull himself together but he realized some things were off. He wasn't cuddling Tsukki, firstly; his boyfriend had been replaced with a pillow. Secondly, Kuroo was the one texting him. He only had his number because once Karasuno's blonde middle blocker sprained his fingers and Yamaguchi was his emergency contact. He looked at all the text that Kuroo was sending and mostly it was just screenshots. He clicked on each one and they were mis-typed conversations between Nekoma's captain and the bean pole. 

Tsukki-dude: Kuroo, i neef helo (Kuroo, I need help)

Cool Cat: With?

Tsukki-dude: I don feek qell (I don't feel well)

Cool Cat: I can tell by your texts. What's wrong?

Tsukki-dude: Dinno. Felt nausoes. Didmt wan wale yams so im ib yhe barhroon doenstaies. i dom wab b sicj (Dunno. Felt nauseous. Didn't want to wake Yams so I'm in the bathroom downstairs. I don't want to be sick)

Cool Cat: Do you feel feverish?

Tsukki-dude: Yesh (Yeah)

Tsukki-dude: Jokd in (Hold on)

Cool Cat: Okay.

It took a little over twenty minutes for Tsukishima to reach him again and when he did he called him instead.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kuroo asked. Tsukishima sobbed before answering with a bit of an echo.

"I'm sh-shaking too much to type. Can't hol-d my phone," he whimpers. Kuroo frowned, trying to think about what to do.

"You should tell Yamaguchi, man. I can't help you from where I am but he's there and mi-" He was cut off by a gag on the other end, making him since away from the phone. When Tsukishima finally got the remains of his stomach contents up, he sobbed again.

"Oh, Tsukki."

"I-I feel diz-dizzy." That was the second to last thing he heard. The very last was a muffled thud.

And now we're here. Nekoma's captain spamming his protege's boyfriend with worried texts. Yamaguchi stood up quickly and ran to the bathroom where his lover was collapsed on the ground. He got next to him and started shaking the tall blonde. "Tsukki! Tsukki, please wake up!" He could feel the heat radiating off of the glasses wearing male and got worried. He had felt a little warm earlier but they were cuddling so he thought it was just body heat. Yamaguchi kicked himself for being so dumb. With shaking hands he turned on the cold water in the bathtub and starting taking off the blonde's clothes until he was in nothing but his boxers that had dinosaurs on them. Yamaguchi would've laughed under any other circumstance.

Considering Tsukishima was slightly taller, he had an awkward hold trying to get him into the bathtub but eventually got him in, making sure to watch his head. He sat at the side for 5 minutes with a bucket for when he woke up to make sure his boyfriend didn't slide under the water on accident. When he came to, he leaned over the side and Yamaguchi put the bucket under his head, get a little vomit on his hand but he couldn't be bothered to care about the warm undigested food at the moment. When he was finished the bucket was almost full and he was shaking.

"My poor baby," Yamaguchi cooed. Tsukki shivered at the cold water he was surrounded by. "Let's get you in some dry pajamas, okay?" he said, reaching for a towel in the closet. The middle blocker stood up on shaky legs, almost collapsing again. He got up and sat on the toilet lid. Yamaguchi handed him the towel and turned around so he could take off his wet underwear and wrap the towel around his waist. The greenette helped his boyfriend to his room and sat him on the bed.

"Why didn't you tell me you felt bad?" Yamaguchi asked softly, looking for some sweat pants and a loose tee shirt.

"I didn't wanna b-bother you," he slurs. Yamaguchi isn't very happy about his answer.

"Tsukki, if you feel sick you need to tell me, especially if you're staying over. I won't be bothered, I'm your boyfriend. All I want is for you to be okay and to know when you're not," he says sitting the pajamas next to Tsukishima.

"Sorry," he sniffles.

"It's alright. Just let me know next time. I'm going to find the thermometer and some medicine while you change, okay?" he asks while stroking his sickly boyfriend's cheek. Tsukishima nods in agreement, just wanting to feel better and Yamaguchi kisses the top of his head.

While Yamaguchi is downstairs looking for the thermometer and medicine, Tsukishima is in his room, mind clearing. That's when it hit him. He threw up. He really threw up. He started to shake and hyperventilate which wasn't helping his rolling stomach. Tadashi walked in on his boyfriend having a panic attack and set everything he was holding down. 

"Tsukki. What's wrong?" he inquired, concern evident on his freckled face.

"Threw...up," he panted.

"Oh, Tsukki. It's alright, I'll clean it up. You don't have to worry." 

Tsukishima shook his head. "Not just now. Earlier. I hate throwing up. I-I always react like this. I  don't know why." Yamaguchi held his hand and rubbed his thumb on the back of his hand. "I know. I'm pathetic."

Yams shook his head. "You can't control it. But you're okay right now." He put the blond's hand over his heart. "Try to match my breathing. In," he inhaled and held his breath, "out," he exhaled. Tsukki tried to keep up, breath stuttering every now and then. "Better?" Tsukishima nodded and laid his head on Tadashi's shoulder. Yams knew if he was anyone else, this wouldn't be happening. 

"I'm tired," he yawned. Yamaguchi handed him the pills and water and checked his temperature. "Is it high?"

"Yeah. 102. You should sleep so you can get better. I can stay in the living room if you want space." Tsukishima held Yamaguchi tight. He didn't have to say anything, Yamaguchi knew. Yamaguchi always knew.

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