If Crazy = Genius, Stressed = Sick (Shirabu x Semi)

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Since their loss against Karasuno, the Shiratorizowa team had been kicking themselves mentally. Except Shirabu. He seemed to be kicking himself physically. Of course coach was making everyone work overtime until it felt like their limbs would blast off if they moved another muscle. Despite this, Shirabu always stayed after practice alone. No one knew how long, no one asked. It was hard for everyone to wrap their heads around losing still and communication just wasn't an option. They talked during practice on the court and that was that; no voices were heard during clean up, warm ups, cool downs, or in the changing room.

Everything was almost back to normal after a week with everyone talking again and working harder and playing against the college teams. Except Shirabu. He was still quiet and was working so hard at practice all of his attention went to one thing and he neglected everything else about setting. If he was focused on the timing, he wouldn't set it strong enough or to the wrong person. The coach had chewed Shirabu out and he didn't even look down. He maintained eye contact and nodded curtly before going back to what he was doing. The team was worried about the setter and often asked if he was alright and he would always respond with a hum. Semi was worried especially for his boyfriend. He knew Shirabu took all the blame for the results of the game even though it wasn't all of his fault. On Wednesday of the 2nd week, the whole team was taking notice of how run down Shirabu was. He had dark circles under his eyes and he was slow in his movements. Even so, he stayed after practice alone on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday, Semi couldn't stand by and watch anymore so he decided he would stay with their setter and see what was wrong.

"Shirabu, is it okay if I stay too today?" Shirabu looked in surprise before nodding. They took turns setting the ball one after another, Shirabu coughing the whole time. After about the 15th round of turns, Shirabu stopped for water. Semi sat next to him and watched as the boy drank, a shiver running down his spine as he gulped.

"Are you cold?" Semi asked.

Shirabu nodded before saying very quiet and weakly, as if he hasn't spoken in weeks which truthfully he hadn't, "I can't seem to get warm these past few days, even during practice." This concerned Semi a lot. His boyfriend had definitely been working up a sweat and he looked really pale.

"Shirabu, are you sure you're okay? You don't look well."

The brunette just glared but Semi didn't cave. "I'm fine."

"I don't think you are. Maybe we should call it quits."

"No. I'm good, let's just keep practicing." Semi was about to protest but Shirabu was already off of the bench. He followed and helped him with sets. As it went on, Shirabu's sets got worse. He was getting frustrated and at some point started lightly scratching his arms, anxious to get better. The scratching gradually got worse.

"Shirabu, don't do that, you're gonna hurt yourself."

The younger rolled his eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm fine?"

"Until you're actually fine. We're done for the night," the gray haired boy ultimately decided.

"Good night," Shirabu grumbles, walking back to the net.

Semi walked and grabbed his wrist. "I said 'we're' done. Not just me, both of us." Shirabu winced at the hand on his wrist, jerking it away. "Kenjiro, your wrist!"
"It's fine," he whimpered. The 3rd year took a deep breath before holding his younger teammate's hand and leading him to the bench.

"I'm going to get the first aid kit, stay here and drink some water." Shirabu finally gave in and nodded his head. While Semi walked off, he sipped at his water bottle. He was still cold and his body ached. He hadn't had an appetite and had been eating less, maybe that was it. Eita came back with the kit and pulled out some ointment and bandages to wrap his arms. Before getting to work, he held the thermometer in front of Shirabu's face.

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