Momma Volleyball (Daichi x Sugawara)

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Daichi didn't have to ask, he could tell. Sugawara wasn't feeling well. Finding out was the easy part; it was getting him to admit it that proved challenging. Suga, being momma volleyball and all, didn't like showing weakness, even when he couldn't exactly help it. 


Suga turned around to his boyfriend. "Hey, Daich. Everything okay?" he asked in his rough voice which was rougher than normal.

"I should ask you that. I can tell you're sick. You should see the nurse and go home," Daichi advised. Suga looked caught off guard before shaking his head.

"I feel fine, Daichi. Besides, we have a practice game soon so I can't miss practice."

"But, Koshi, you look unwell. I don't want you to pass out at practice just because you don't want anyone knowing you're sick."

"I'm not sick. And I won't pass out," the gray haired teen argued.

Daichi sighed. "As your captain and boyfriend, I forbid you from going to practice until you're better." Sugawara's jaw dropped.

"You can't do that," he shouted. Well, Suga doesn't exactly shout, he just talks harsher. "I'm perfectly fine and I need to be there."

"You need to rest," Daichi said, louder than usual.

"No, I don't," Suga protested, followed by a cough. Daichi raised an eyebrow at him as Suga scowled from behind his elbow. "It's just a cough, doesn't mean anything. My throat's probably irritated from practice. Daichi shook his head. Why didn't he just admit he was sick? Daichi loved Sugawara, he truly did, but he's so stubborn. And then he came up with a compromise.

"Okay, how about this? You can come to practice but you're staying on the bench. It's the only way I'm letting you come. If you even think about getting up, I'll personally drag you home. Got it?"

The 3rd year setter sighed. He knew he wasn't going to win and that Daichi was going to tell Coach and Takeda. This was his best bet. He nodded in agreement as the bell rang. The day dragged on for Suga. Don't tell Daichi but he did feel sick but just a little. Not even enough to go home. He was just kinda achy and hella tired and felt feverish and had a scratchy throat and dry cough but he was fine, perfectly fine. Half-way through the day he stopped feeling perfectly fine. His head was pounding and he fell asleep in class. Everyone's eyes were on him every time he coughed and thank God all his classes with Daichi had already passed. But it was also a little unfortunate. He wanted to hug the captain and tell him he wanted to go home. But he wouldn't. He didn't want to worry anyone. So he'd go and sit on the bench so no one would worry and come up with some lame excuse about lunch not sitting well. Hopefully the team wouldn't be too loud today.

"Noya! Could you stop doing that? I need to make sure my spikes are landing where I'm aiming!" Asahi shouted at the short libero.

"And I need to work on receives!" he fired back.

"You're receives are fine," Asahi growled. He wouldn't be so mad if this was the first time this practice but it was the 8th.

Yu huffed. "Fine. I'll practice with Tanaka. Tanaka!"

So, clearly that was wishful thinking. The Karasuno Boys' Volleyball team was never quiet unless it was after a long day of back to back games.  Suga sat on the bench, not even bothering to change. When Daichi walked in, he was relieved to see that Suga was taking it easy but also worried that Suga was taking it easy. Maybe he just didn't want to go home. Daichi made his way over to huddle the team up to get warm ups started.

"How come Sugawara isn't joining us, Captain?" a certain orange haired boy asked, jogging harder to keep up with him. 

"He isn't feeling well but he refuses to go home. This is the only compromise I could find."

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