Even The Captain Needs A Break Sometimes (Pre Oikawa x Iwaizumi)

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(Words: 2496)

If you ask Oikawa, he isn't allowed to take a break.. He was the captain of Seijoh, the official setter and their best server. The only days he allowed himself to not practice was Mondays because none of the boys' team practiced that day and even then sometimes he'd practice by himself or with Iwaizumi. But as it turned out, today was Wednesday and he felt like shit. His body ached (from sickness or practice he wasn't too sure), he was shivering under his duvet but his head felt like it was only feet away from the magma in a volcano and his throat ached so badly that when he tried to talk only a coughing fit would come out. As much as he wanted to stay home, he couldn't. He had school and practice and his nephew had to go to his volleyball practice and he agreed to take him already. There was too much to do to stay in bed so he got up slowly to avoid vertigo. He checked his phone for the time and it was 10 minutes before his alarm which meant his mom had already left. He set it back down and got ready for a warm shower. Or maybe a cool one to break his fever, he hadn't decided yet.

So, the cold shower was a definite nope. He was already shivering and the warmth loosened up his congestion. When he got out he made sure to thoroughly dry his hair so no cold drops would drip onto his shoulders later in the day. When he had gone stairs, he decided to just have a yogurt for breakfast even though he could've spared time for something more. His appetite just wasn't that big today. He saw a note on the counter when he got a spoon. His mom asking him to go grocery shopping and that his nephew came down with the flu so he didn't have to take him to practice. 

'Must be going around,' Oikawa thought to himself. But he was grateful that there was one less thing on his to-do list. And one more thing but it's better than what could've been a grand total of 4. With the extra time he had he could go and buy some cough drops. He stuffed the grocery list into his bag along with his lunch which he probably wasn't going to eat. He shot Iwaizumi a text about leaving a little early for some coffee and not to wait up. He finished his yogurt and locked the door on his way out.

"Feel better soon, son," the shopkeeper calls after Oikawa leaves the store. He waves back silently and walks to school. He's exhausted already and he's not even at the gates yet. When he can see the school building, he plasters on a fake smile so no one suspects anything, especially Iwaizumi. He'd drag his sorry ass home and it wouldn't be the first time. He walks to the main entrance, flirting with some girls and greeting every other person good morning. He goes to put his belongings away and goes to class. He won't see Iwaizumi until 1st period so he decides to sleep through homeroom.


Oikawa bolts up and pulls himself together. Somehow he felt worse and sleeping in a desk didn't help. He cracks his back before making his way down the hall for 1st. He sits down and places his bag in his seat for Iwaizumi, the way he always does and the way Iwaizumi does for him if he's first to arrive of the two. When Iwaizumi got there, he seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Aww," Oikawa coos. "Why's Iwa-chan so grumpy?"

"I left one of my textbooks at home and I really need it today," he grumbles, hands combing through his hair like a child.

"Oh? What class?" Oikawa asks.

"Japanese, my next class," he answers and slams his head on his desk.

"Calm down, Iwa-chan. You can borrow mine, I don't have Japanese until after lunch so just give it to me then," Oikawa smiles. Iwaizumi looks up and makes sure there's no mischief in Oikawa's eyes. There isn't but they seem glazed over and he looks a little sweaty, pale.

"Are you feeling okay?" he questioned.

Oikawa raises an eyebrow, a sweaty eyebrow. "What? Because I'm doing a nice thing? I'm kind of hurt Iwa-chan," he fake pouts.

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