Catching the Flu (Bokuto x Akaashi)

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(Words: 1200)

Bokuto is annoying when he's sick to say the least. He refuses to admit he is sick until he feels really bad and then clings to me like a gray and black koala until I get sick myself. And that's why I'm here, stuffy nosed and all. I really don't want to go to school today but I have to or Bokuto will worry and then I'll have to tell him I'm sick and he'll go into sad mode. I'll just have to pretend to be okay until I can rest this weekend.

"Keiji! Are we still walking to school together?" I hear Bokuto shout from downstairs, causing a headache to bloom in my forehead. I rub my temples as he comes in unannounced.

"Of course, Bokuto-san but must you be so loud?" He raises one of his silver eyebrows at me and frowns.

"Do you have a headache? I'm sorry, I'll be quieter. You didn't catch my flu did you?"

"No," I lie, "Just studied too late last night. Let me shower and then we can go, okay?" I kiss him on the cheek and grab some clothes and a towel before heading to the shower. The water felt nice as the steam fills the room, it was hotter then normal but it helped loosen the congestion and relax my muscles. Unfortunately, I can't stay in for as long as I want since I already got a late start. I turn off the water, immediately getting cold. I hope it won't be one of those bone deep colds that I can't shake. I dry off and dress before stepping out where Bokuto is sitting on my bed, playing some game on his phone.

"Hey! Ready to go?" Bokuto exclaims. I nod and we start our trek.

It's absolutely frigid to me. I know it's not really cold but I'm freezing. Bokuto sees me shaking and hands me his jacket. I smile at him in thanks and he gives me two thumbs up. I attempt to keep the shivering down to a minimum but it's not that suspicious as I always feel colder than Bokuto anyway. As we get closer to the school, my body flashes between hot and cold, making me absolutely miserable. I should've stayed home.

-Time skip brought to you by the girl managers-

It's 5th period, the only class Bokuto and I don't have together since I'm better at math. I just had to get through this and practice and I would be home free. But, jeez this class was dragging on. We weren't doing anything new, just going over material we had been learning for the past two weeks and that made me want to nap but the teacher would get mad and I'm not in the mood for a lecture. I power through the last 2 classes but I don't think I can practice. My muscles ache and I'm dizzy and everything just feels worse than this morning. I hear bounding steps coming my way as I walk to the gates.

"'Kaashi! Where are you going? We have practice," he whines.

"I'm sorry. My mom wants me home early. I forgot to tell you, " I lie easily, faking a smile. Bokuto stares at me with a blank face before exhaling.

"I know you caught my flu 'Kaashi, you don't have to lie," he pouts. 

"Bo, it's not your fault, please don't be emo."

He stops pouting. "Okay. Can I walk you home? I know you feel shitty and I want to make sure you get home okay." I smile fondly at Bo, glad he stopped pouting. I nod, throat too sore to say anything. He grabs my hand, kissing it before running back to get his stuff. When he returns, we start walking, hand in hand and he starts telling me about his day in a gentle voice that makes me slightly less miserable. The walk feels longer than normal and I can't wait until we get to my house. 

"Well, here we are," Bokuto breaks my train of thought. I guess I spaced out. He opens the door for me and I place my shoes against the wall. I don't feel too warm so I turn up the heat. I cough weakly into my elbow and park on the couch, too exhausted to walk up the stairs. "You don't want to go to your room? You'll be more comfortable there."

"Too far. Jus' wanna sleep," I slur, sleep already luring me into it's candy van. 

"You need to take medicine first, Keiji. And put something on your stomach, I bet you haven't eaten all day. Do you feel dehydrated? Hold on, let me take care of you and then you can sleep."

I want to protest but he's right, I haven't eaten and I need some medicine and fluids. Plus, I know it'll help with his guilt. I sit up and nod as he beams a little, walking quickly to look for some medicine and who knows what else. As he does that, I get stuck in the state between awake and asleep. I'm leaning into sleep more when Bokuto shakes my shoulder. "Are you alright? You spaced out on me."

I blink, trying to clear the fog of my mind. "Yeah, I'm alright. Jus' tired." He nods in understanding. 

"Well, this'll take just a few minutes," he reasons, handing the dose of medicine to me. I down it, sticking my tongue out at the taste. I hand the cup back and grabbing the glass of water, taking small sips. "I made some soup. Well, I heated it up in the microwave. You don't have to eat all of it, you're probably not up for it but a couple of bites maybe?" I try to grab the bowl but he pulls it away. I quirk an eyebrow at him and then he moves the spoon in front of my face.

"Kou, I can feed myself," I rasp.

"Shhhh. Don't talk, you're not doing yourself any favors. And I'm feeding you so you can save what little energy you have left." It's sweet that he cares but I can take care of myself. It's also a little weird that he knows exactly how I'm feeling but I guess since he was just sick, it makes sense. "Keiji. Baby, are you sure you're alright? You keep spacing out." He sounds worried and I hate making him feel worried. I nod my head and let him spoon feed me. About half way through the bowl I lose my appetite and get tired. Bokuto puts the bowl and spoon down and tucks me in before I can register what he's doing. It still surprises me that he knows how I feel before I can tell him. He kisses my forehead and slips in next to me, spooning me from behind.

"I'm sorry I got you sick, 'kaashi," he murmurs against my neck. He's slipping into emo mode, he must be tired too.

"It's alright, Bo. Just," I pause. "Stay with me while I rest. Take care me. Please?"

My boyfriend smiles softly and holds me a little tighter. "Of course, Keiji. Forever and always."

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