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The smell of baked goods—something that usually cheered me up—was doing nothing to ease the pain in my heart. There was an empty hole that wasn't going to fade anytime soon.

I stared down at my failed attempt at making brownies with burning eyes. Somehow I had forgotten to add something to it and it flopped. It has never happened before.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I hadn't been able to sleep at all since Crystal had been diagnosed with cancer, but these days it wasn't worrying for her health that kept me up. The last night I slept peacefully was two nights before Crystal's panicked call.

Reaching up, I rubbed at my eyes with the back of my hand.

With one last look at the flopped brownies, I picked the pan up and walked over to the trashcan to throw it away. There was no use trying to salvage it.

Relieve flooded me when I heard the bell above the front door ring. The last thing I needed right now was to be alone with my thoughts. Lee was the person I needed by my side at the moment. She would be able to distract me.


I tensed. That wasn't Lee's voice. Had I forgotten to lock the door behind me again? My eyes darted over to the clock on the wall; it was too earlier for customers to start arriving.

Swallowing, I hesitate before I picked up the knife and then made my way to the front.

What I wasn't expecting was to find a well-dressed man standing near the register, glancing around with a frown.

My eyes dropped to the knife in my hand, I quickly placed it on the counter, out of sight but still within reach if I needed it, and then I cleared my throat and took another step forward.

"Morning, I'm afraid that we're not open yet but if you. . ." My words died down when he turned his head to look at me.

For a few seconds, we only stared at each other. He was the first to look away and clear his throat. When he looked back up at me, he looked somewhat more composed.

"Are you Albany?" he questioned.

"Yes. How can I help you?"

His eyes darted over my face and lingered on my cheek before locking with mine again. I took note of the way his lips twitched and the amusement that flashed through his eyes.

"You have a little something. . ." he pointed to his cheek. "Here, let me."

Before I could react, he stepped forward and reached out. My hands curled into fists and my body tensed. I held my breath when he raised his hand to my face and swiped his thumb across my cheekbone.

"Is that chocolate?" he asked as he stared down at the piece of dough stuck to his thumb.

"Oh no, I—"

My warning came a bit too late because he had already raised his thumb to his lips and was licking the dough from his finger. He pulled a face and to my surprise, a giggle fell from my lips.

"I'm sorry," I muttered. "I forgot to add something to the mix. Here."

He took the serviette and wiped his thumb. "You added salt instead of sugar."

"I did?" I questioned in surprise. "I don't remember doing that."

Stuffing the serviette in his pocket, he walked over to the display fridge and stared down at the empty platters.

"Everything is baked before the store opens. I'm afraid that we aren't open yet, but if you come back at around eight you'll have a wide variety to choose from."

The Bucket List (A REVERSE HAREM ROMANCE)Where stories live. Discover now