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Day two didn't start any better.

We had to spend a night at a cheap motel since none of us thought of where we were going to sleep during the trip to their parent's house. Our day started later than we had planned and to make things worse we somehow managed to lose Kieran along the way.

Silence hung in the air between the three of us. Thomas was driving while Steven sat shotgun. I had taken dips on the back seat where I was stretched out with a bunch of pillows behind my back. I had a notebook and my phone resting on my lap while I clutched the folded piece of paper with my bucket list written on it in my hand.

My eyes darted to the front of me where Severide sat.

We hadn't had time for the conversation that started yesterday. After what happened yesterday the twins hadn't exactly left us alone. I couldn't decide whether I was thankful for it or extremely irritated at them.

Severide's attention was focused on a book and based on the cover it looked kind of boring.

Rolling my eyes, I glanced down at my notebook. To be honest, the road trip wasn't going as I imagined it would. We were all supposed to have fun but everything was so tense between us. Not to mention the fact that Kieran was still missing—he hadn't caught up with us yet.

I couldn't help but wonder if the tension had something to do with what Thomas said.

I cleared my mind and focused on why I pulled the notebook out of my bag in the first place. Unfolding my list, I picked up my pen and wrote Severide's name at the top of the page.


#3. Share my deepest darkest secret with.

#12. Visit a zoo

#27. Have sex in a car.

I turned the page after rereading the things to make sure that it was everything.


#1.Get over my fear of bikes.

#11. See an embarrassingly sexy movie.

#20. Dance under the stars.

#22. Go sex shopping.

#24. Tie to a bed and take total control

#26. Be a voyeur.

#29. Have silent sex in a house full of people.

Biting my lip, I stared down at the page. Steven had said that Kieran and Severide were open to trying new things. Kieran seemed like the man who liked to dominate others so I had no clue if he'd actually let me tie him to a bed and dominate him. Maybe I should choose one of the twins for number twenty-four instead.


#10. Go to an arcade.

#15. Prank call people.

#17. Hide a walkie-talkie in a tree and scream when someone walks by.

Thomas was more of a joker than any of the others. He'd love to prank call people and scare people. Steven had told me about all those time when Thomas pranked him and their parents will growing up. Maybe he'd even add a few more stuff we could do to the list.


#6. Volunteer together.

#5. Share a tradition.

#28. Have phone sex.

The twins together:

#11. Have a pillow fight.

#19. Go to a drive in movie.

#21. Have a threesome.

My head snapped up when the radio was turned down. Thomas leaned back in the seat and then glanced in the rear-view mirror at me before focusing back on the road.

"If you want me to stop, now's the time to tell me," he said. "There's a small town up ahead where we can stop."

"The town is smaller than the one I've marked off," Steven muttered. "We can stop for a potty break but then we need to leave again."

"Why can't we stop?" I asked him curiously.

Steven turned around in his seat to look at me. He had a small smile playing around his lips that made him look like a naughty boy. "Because, there's a lot more things to see in the town over than there is to see in this one."

Was I imagining the devilish glint in his eyes?

"I need to take a leak," Severide said before I could utter a word.

"Of course you do," Steven muttered as he turned back. "We should've gotten you one of those piss-things they advertised for Christmas last year."

"What piss-things?" He slipped a bookmark in-between the pages and placed it aside. "I'm sure it would've been better than the socks you got me."

"You got him socks for Christmas?" I questioned in surprise.

Severide turned around in his seat and rested his arm along the back of it as he faced me. His eyes dropped to my notebook which I quickly slammed shut. I was going to do this differently. This time around none of them were going to know what I wanted to do with the others.

"There was four pair of socks," Sev said, snapping me back to the present. "Steven got me black socks and Thomas got me white socks."

"And Kieran?" I asked softly. "What did he get you?"

His eyes darted away and his fingers curled into the leather of the seat. I'd noticed that fact that Severide and Kieran seemed closer to each other than the others. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that they were closer in age or maybe it was because they'd been through more together. Kieran had mentioned that Severide was the one who'd helped him when he was at his worse.

"A kiss," Severide whispered. "He gave me a kiss."

Our eyes locked again and mine widened in surprise. That was not the answer I expected. I blinked at him and realized that there was a small, barely there smile playing around his lips.

Sitting up, I leaned forward and rested my arms on top of his. It brought our faces closer together which gave us enough privacy to keep the conversation to ourselves.

"So do you swing both ways too?"

His brows dipped and the smile completely disappeared. "I'm not sure," he muttered. "I punched him after he kissed me and stopped talking to him for about a year. I've watched him kiss and flirt with other men and never once did it make me jealous our curious or anything, until he stupidly kissed me."

"So now you get jealous when he kisses somebody else?"

He shook his head. "The thing is that he hasn't been with another man or woman that I know of until you."

"I can't wrap my head around the fact that he. . ." I trailed off with a shrug. "I don't understand it."

"We don't understand a lot of things." He leaned forward and pressed his lips to my forehead. "I guess that's why we judge and make fun of things and others. Kieran is still the same man you've gotten to know, cupcake. The only difference is the fact now you get to watch him work his charm on both sexes." 

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