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Kieran wasn't answering the door.

Unease gripped me when I knocked again and there was no reply from him. He had drunk wine with us when we were at Albany's and it worried me. Kieran has been sober for nearly five years, one slip up and he could fall back into his bad habits.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I dialled his number and then pressed my phone to my ear. From inside the apartment I could hear his familiar ringtone.

So he was home. Then why the hell wasn't he answering the door?

I ended the call and knocked on the door again. Muttering a curse, I pulled the keys from my pocket and searched for his spare key I had. I was just about to slip the key into the lock when the door was pulled open.

"You're too early for the party, Sev. It hasn't started yet," Kieran muttered with a smirk.

I blinked at him and then chuckled as his words registered. Kieran turned around and walked away. Pushing the keys back into my pocket, I stepped into his apartment and kicked the door closed behind me.

My eyes instantly located him in the kitchen. He was busy pouring himself a glass of ice water. Our eyes locked as I made my way over to him. His were blank like they usually were on this day—his sister's death anniversary.

"I'll wait here while you search the place," he muttered.

"Is there a reason for me to search your place?"

His eyes dropped to the glass and then shot up to mine again. "No."

We stared at each other silently for five minutes. Turning around, I walked around the counter and started opening and closing cabinets. We always did this. Kieran denied having alcohol or drugs in his apartment and I search it anyway only to come up empty handed.

With the kitchen done, I searched the living room, washroom and then headed into his bedroom. His bed was unmade and the clothes he wore yesterday was scattered around the floor. I turned left and entered his bathroom.

Searching the cabinets under the basin, all I found were extra towels and cleaning supplies. Turning around, I glanced at the shower and then exit the bathroom. Kieran sat on the edge of the bed with his elbows resting on his knees and his head hung.

"Do you want me to make a call?"

Kieran instantly shook his head. "I don't want to fuck some stranger. It doesn't feel right."

"Because of Albany?"

He nodded. Swallowing, I leaned against the wall and waited for him to say something but Kieran remained silent.

"No fucking strangers. So, what do you want to do then?" I asked him.

Kieran usually fucked strangers to keep his mind occupied since he couldn't drink to numb the pain. Keeping his mind occupied worked wonders but if he didn't want to fuck then he'd look for something else to numb the pain.

"Let's go to the gym downstairs." Kieran looked up at me. "Then we can pig out on pizza or something."

"Hit the gym and then pizza. Got it." I straightened and gestured at my body. "You'll need to borrow me some clothes because I am not going to the gym wearing a suit."

His lips twitched. Kieran stood and walked over to the chest of drawers where he pulled out a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt. Throwing it over to me, he kicked off his shoes and reached back to pull his shirt over his hurt.

We'd seen each other naked numerous times during the years. There was nothing to be embarrassed about but the moment Kieran slipped his fingers into the band of his pants, I stepped into the bathroom and kicked the door closed.

The Bucket List (A REVERSE HAREM ROMANCE)Where stories live. Discover now