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I checked my bags one last time to make sure that I'd pack everything for the trip and then zipped it closed. My eyes darted around my almost empty apartment.

With the help of the twins, all my things had been moved to Crystal's condo where it would stay until we returned from the trip. I'd already talked to my landlord and explained to him that I wouldn't be able to pay rent for my apartment since I'd lost my bakery. He was a bit more understanding than Sheen.

Letting out a sigh, I placed my bags on the floor by the bed and took a seat on it. Tonight was going to be the last night in the apartment. Tomorrow morning at five A.M we'd be leaving for our epic road trip which I was excited for, but also a bit apprehensive.

We hadn't really talked much about the sort of relationship we were entering. It almost felt like cheating when I spend one day with a brother and the next with one of the others. It was strange but not entirely unpleasant.

My phone pinged from the island, snapping me back to reality. I walked over to it and stared at the massage on the screen. Reaching out, I clicked on the message and smiled as I read it.

Thomas: What's up, my little blossom? Feel like grabbing a bite?

My fingers hovered over the keyboard. Between the four of them, Thomas and I haven't spent as much time together. Whenever we set a date, something just seemed to prevent us from going through with it. Biting my lip, I typed a reply and then set my alarm for tomorrow, an hour earlier.

It was the last night I'd spend in the apartment and I wanted to enjoy it. Once we returned from the trip, I'd have to start searching for a job and then a new place to stay. I could sleep at Crystal's condo until I got settled. If that didn't work out then I supposed I could ask Severide for a loan. Although, the thought of borrowing money made me cringe.

I'd never be able to repay him.

Another message came through but I ignored it. I took one last look around me to make sure that I had everything and then crawled into bed. As I leaned back against the pillows, my eyes locked onto the list against the fridge.

I was still a bit undecided about a few things on it.

But hopefully this trip would help me figure out what I was going to do with whom. It was my chance to get to know all of them and then figure out if being in a relationship with all four of them was what I wanted. The thought of choosing between them made my heart clench in pain.

Unable to fall asleep, I got up and grabbed my phone before crawling into bed again. I stared at Thomas's messaged for a few seconds before replying. Opening the massager app, I clicked on the group icon.

"Cinders and her four Princes," I muttered out loud as I added it in the space as the group title.

I added their numbers and then created the group. My eyes were glued to the screen after I sent a simple hello. None of them had replied yet. Swallowing, I turned onto my side and stared at the window.

Maybe this trip wasn't such a good idea.

Thomas: I'm digging the name Cinders. I thought you said that you're going to bed early.

Albany: That was the plan. I can't sleep though.

Steven: Some of us ARE actually trying to get some sleep.

My lips curled up into a smile because I knew he was only joking.

Thomas: Liar. You're hosting an online class with your students. They usually go on till after midnight.

Steven: And you're busy playing video games. Turn down the volume, you're disrupting my class.

My mind trailed back to that day a week ago when we were caught in Steven's lecture hall. God, it had to be one of the most embarrassing days I'd ever had. I couldn't even imagine what those students were thinking while they stared at us with something close to shock.

The first reacting that shot through me was to climb off his lap but Steven had prevented that. It was only when I hid my face against his neck that I realized why it would've been a bad idea. The man was practically naked.

Severide: If the two of you bicker like that in the car, I'm going to throw you out. Or better yet, why don't you just stay? That way we'd be able to enjoy our trip in peace.

Thomas: You'd love that wouldn't you, Sev? . It's not going to happen, old man.

Severide: Call me old man one more time. . .

Kieran: Old man.

My eyes snapped up when a sound reached my ears. A sigh fell from my lips as my eyes locked onto the cat sitting outside my window. I hesitated for a moment before I got up and opened the window for him. There was no cat food so I gave him the leftover dinner I had and crawled back into bed.

I had to swipe up to read all the messages they sent while I was busy. Kieran and Thomas were making fun of Severide's grey hairs. Steven had chipped in a few times but he'd fall silent after that.

Albany: I think you look good for your age. The grey hairs only add to your appeal. Haven't you seen the way women turn their head to stare at you when you walk past?

Severide: Do you turn your head to stare at me when I walk past?

The phone slipped out of my hands when the cat jumped onto my bed. He rubbed his body against my arm as he walked past me and made himself at home on the pillow next to mine. Rolling onto my side, I reached out to pet him.

"This will be the last night you can stay here," I told him. "I'm moving out."

My eyes darted over him. He looked well taken care of so he couldn't possibly be a stray. But why was his owner allowing him to roam around? What if he got hit by a car or something? With one last pat to his head, I lay down and searched for my phone.

Thomas: Albany? Where did you go?

Severide: Maybe she fell asleep.

Albany: I'm here. Just feeding the cat.

Thomas: You have a cat?

Albany: No. Have you ever seen a cat while you were here?

Steven: So, he still visits you? I thought you said that you weren't going to feed him again.

Albany: I can't help it. Hey, do you think we can visit Spotty before we leave?

Steven: It'll be too early. I stopped by earlier this afternoon. He's doing well, but he misses you.

Kieran: I thought we were going to talk about more interesting things.

Thomas: Right. How about the fact that you like to suck dick?

Shock held me immobile. I blinked at the screen and reread the message a few more times to make sure I'd read it right the first time. Now why does that sound so wrong?

Severide: Stop being childish, Thomas. You—

Kieran: As a matter of fact, I LOVE to suck dick. It's not something you'll ever understand. Not until you grow the fuck up. I'm getting sick and fucking tired of you. You understand nothing so keep your fucking mouth shut before I shut it for you.

If Kieran's gay, then why was he interested in me? 

The Bucket List (A REVERSE HAREM ROMANCE)Where stories live. Discover now