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"Is there a specific reason why you're hiding out here instead of sorting out the mess you made?"

Kieran didn't acknowledge me. I hesitated before I moved forward and stopped next to him. Raising my arms, I folded it across the top of the wooden fence and stared out at the horses. They were beauties and Sam's pride and joy.

"What crawled up your ass?" I asked him again. "You haven't been back to the house so I know it's not about the matching underwear."

That got a reaction out of him.

Kieran chuckled. "You don't like the stripes on them?"

I glared at him but didn't answer. My eyes darted back to the horses as my mind wandered off. We'd entered the den to find our beds for the night already set up and boxes with each of our names on it, placed on our mattresses. It was exciting until we opened it and found out that everybody got the same thing.

"I don't like the fact that we all got the same thing."


No. I frowned as uncertainty hit me. Was I jealous of the twins? No, because Albany gave all of us equal attention. I couldn't say that she shared everything with us because that wasn't true. I could bet on it that she didn't discuss with me everything she discussed with the twins.

"Why are you pissed, Kieran?"

"Not pissed."

Kieran turned towards me and gestured down the front of his body. My eyes slowly trailed over him. At first I saw nothing but then I noticed the bulge in his pants.

"The last thing I want to do is disrespect Tammi in her own home," Kieran said softly. "She was touching me and I know it wasn't meant to be provocative, but after the bragging Thomas has been doing about Steven fucking her. . . I had to get away."

I swallowed. "She thinks that you're mad at her."

"I know." He sighed. "I'll make it up to her later."

Silence settled between us as we stared out at the horses. My eyes darted up to the sky which was littered in different shade of pink and orange. I loved being on the farm. I love being out in the open and being able to stare at the stars.

"She's allergic to latex."


"Yeah. She told me when we were sex shopping."

For a moment I was unable to find my voice. "You went to a sex shop?"

Kieran turned towards me with a smirk playing around his lips. I caught the playfulness flashing through his eyes before he looked away. He slowly straightened and surprised me by taking a step towards me.

"Have you ever been sex shopping, Sev?" he asked.

I scoffed at him. "Of course I have. Did you forget that we went to one together when we were looking for a birthday present for your ex?"

"Don't remind me of her." He pulled a face. "I'm glad that you managed to get rid of her."

"Me too," I told him.

Kieran's one night stand ended up being sick—a woman who wasn't right in the head and unfortunately we only found that out when it was too late and some damage had already been done.

"Has Albany sent you your list yet?"

"We're not supposed to discuss it with each other, Kieran."

"I know." He hesitated. "There is something we need to talk about, though."

He moved even closer until his shoulder brushed mine and then lowered his voice. We'd hear if someone approached us but I didn't tell him that. I waited for him to talk and luckily I didn't have to wait long.

"It's about number twenty-six, I think. About her being a voyeur."

Right. . . that number. I was okay with everything on my lips but I was uncertain about that part. What exactly does she mean by being a voyeur? Does she want to watch some strangers having sex or does she want to watch one of us having sex with a stranger?

Kieran voiced almost the exact same questions that were flashing through my mind. Albany wanted to be a voyeur with both of us so that meant that we could both discuss it with her, but what if she only wanted to do that with only one of us.

"She told me that she wanted to watch me fuck a man."

"She did?" I acted surprised but based on the look he threw me, I knew he wasn't falling for it.

"You already know about it."

I threw a smile at him. "She might've mentioned it. What's so bad about her wanting to watch you?"

Kieran reached up and tugged at his hair with both hands. After a few minutes of silence, he straightened and took a few steps back. Our eyes locked but then my eyes dropped to the colour flooding his cheeks.

I tensed when Kieran reached out and gripped the back of my neck. For a few seconds my eyes dropped to his lips. I thought that he was going to kiss me again, but he didn't. Kieran pulled me closer until his lips were close to my ear.

"There is a big fucking problem," he rasped, "because the only man I want to fuck is standing in front of me."

Without looking at me, Kieran walked away. The bomb he just dropped on me was enough to leave me frozen on the spot.

Frozen and completely speechless.

I blinked, slowly snapping out of my shock and turned in the direction he had disappeared in but Kieran was nowhere in sight. Shaking my head, I tilted my head back and stared up at the darkened sky.

He wanted to fuck me?

Hewanted to fuck me! 

The Bucket List (A REVERSE HAREM ROMANCE)Where stories live. Discover now