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"Excuse me?" I gasped.

She slammed her palms down on the table and leaned forward to glare at me. "You must be part of a cult or something. You have all of them cast under a spell. I raised my boys with manners. They would never, never participate in such disgraceful acts."

My mouth dropped open.

"It's sinful!" she exploded. "God made you for one man and one man only!"

Pursing my lips, I pushed my chair back and stood. "Listen, Tammi you—"

"You're not a virgin are you?"

"It's none of your business," I hissed.

"So you're one of those girls. You're just with them for the fun of the joyride."

"With all due respect, Tammi, you don't know me therefore you have no right to judge me. I love your sons and I love Kieran and Severide just as much, but what happens in our personal life has nothing to do with you. We're all adults and that includes Steven and Thomas. I think that they're old enough to make their own decisions." I gave her a smile. "Please excuse me."

I walked away before she could utter another word and headed back to the den. The last thing I wanted now was to face any of them at the moment. Honestly, I fucking loved waking up the way I had and I wanted it to happen again. It was the first time all of us were on the same page while in the same room.

I'd just finished refolding the pull-out bed when a phone started ringing. Frowning, I straightened and glanced around. Tilting my head to the side, I listened and then followed the sound to Severide's bag. I was a bit surprised by the fact that his phone wasn't with him.

The name Kat flashes across the screen. Swiping my thumb across the screen, I answered the phone.

"Where the hell are you?" Kat exploded. "I went by your house but you weren't there so I tried your office but you're secretary said that you were away on business. Where the hell are you, Severide?"

"Uhm. . . He's not here right now but—"

"Who the hell are you?"

"Albany, Sev's. . . uhm. . . girlfriend."

The silence that followed instantly made me regret calling myself his girlfriend. It wasn't a lie because we were technically dating, but I wasn't sure if he'd want me telling anybody about it.

"Girlfriend?" The woman started laughing. "Darling, you have a wild imagination. Severide dating? It's laughable, really. Stop teasing and give the phone to my husband."

My knees weakened. The last word echoed over and over in my mind. Severide wasn't wearing a ring, I would've noticed it if he had, but then again he could've taken it off. Most married men took off their rings when they're looking for a new side piece.

I pressed a shaky hand to my mouth to stop the sob from escaping. I should've fucking known that everything was too good to be true!

"I'll tell him you called," I croaked before I hung up.

Tilting my head back, I blinked rapidly up at the ceiling to stop the tears from falling. Once I had my emotions somewhat under control, I stormed out of the house with his phone clutched in my hand and started searching for Severide.

It wasn't long before I spotted all four of them in the distance near one of the padlocks. My steps slowed slightly as I admired their fine asses in the tight jeans they wore. The twins had matching cowboy boots while only Steven wore a wide brimmed black Stetson.

Focus Albany. I shook my head and stormed towards them. Kieran turned slightly and spotted me first. The muttered something that made all of them turn towards me.

Halfway there I slipped and nearly hit the ground. I frowned down at the mud and slowed my steps.

The moment I reached them, I narrowed my eyes at Severide and slammed the phone against his chest.

"You're wife called," I sneered.

"Wife?" He frowned at me as he took the phone from me.

"Yes, you're fucking wife! I'm not going to be your fucking side piece, Severide!"

I spun around without waiting for a reply and started storming off. A hand gripped my arm and spun me around to face him. Severide's frown had cleared but his lips were pursed and his eyes dark with anger.

"Who said anything about you being my side piece?" he asked softly. "Katline is not my wife, Albany."

I ripped my arm from his hold which was a mistake. In the next second I found myself on my ass in a puddle of mud. My mouth hung open as I raised my hands slightly. I could feel the wetness seeping through my pants.

My eyes darted up when Severide started chuckling.

"It's not funny!" I yelled at him which apparently made it funnier.

Feeling extremely embarrassed and beyond angry, I dug my fingers into the mud until I had a decent size mud ball and then threw it at him. It hid him square in the chest and instantly cut off his laughter. Severide stared at the mud on his shirt for a few seconds and then slowly raised his eyes to look at me.

"That wasn't very nice of you, cupcake."

"It wasn't very nice of you to keep your wife a secret."

"She's not my wife. Katline and I are divorced. We've been divorced for nearly fourteen years."

"Liar!" I yelled. "Why didn't you tell me that you've been married before?"

Severide paused and looked at me. "I didn't think that it was important."

Instead of answering him, I threw another mud ball at him. Severide sucked in a sharp breath. His lips parted but he didn't get to utter a word.

"Mud fight," Thomas yelled.

We all froze for a few seconds before all hell broke loose.

Since I was on my ass already, I had an advantage over them. It was easier for me to make mud balls than it was for them, especially since everybody seemed to gang up on Thomas.

"Not fair," he called after a while when he realized what was happening.

"You started it," his brother yelled.

Thomas's lips parted but he was hit with a mud ball right in the face before he could utter a word. I burst out laughing, unable to hold it in. He got mud in his mouth!

Spluttering, he wiped his mouth and glared at us. "You'll all fucking pay for that!" 

The Bucket List (A REVERSE HAREM ROMANCE)Where stories live. Discover now