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I watched her silently as I took a sip of my drink. There was no trace of awkwardness left around us like there had been the first few seconds after they took a seat. Albany was at ease and I couldn't decide whether I should be happy about it or pissed that Thomas had managed to make her relax.

She sat between the twins, listening intently to something Thomas was explaining. The drink in front of her was still untouched and it didn't look like she was in any hurry to finish it.

There was something different about her, but I just couldn't seem to place it. The Albany sitting across from me wasn't the same Albany Crystal constantly talked about. In the photos she had taken with Crystal, she had been happy. The woman sitting across from me might seem happy but there was a deep sadness that lingered in her dark eyes.

Was it because of what she had told me earlier? Was it because Crystal was no longer around?

How could I have missed something like that? Crystal and I were friends too, not as close as them but we had a lot of things in common. If she had shown any interest in me, I would've jumped at the opportunity to ask her on a date, but Crystal was still hung up on some man from her past.

"How did the two of you meet?"

Severide's question snapped me back to reality. It was Steven who answered the question.

"Albany ran into some car trouble," he said. "She ended up causing a big traffic jam."

Colour flooded Albany's cheeks and her eyes dropped to the drink. After hesitating for a few seconds, she picked it up and downed almost half of it before she placed the glass down again.

"We're going to fix her car," Thomas said.

I threw my head back and laughed. Thomas working on her car? It was very laughable because he wasn't someone to get his hands dirty.

Severide jerked and muttered a curse. "Why the hell did you kick me?"

"I thought it was Kieran's leg! I'm sorry."

I wiped a fake tear from the corner of my eyes as my laughter died down. "Now why do you want to kick me?" I asked him.

Thomas glared at me and tried to change the subject but Albany wasn't having any of it.

"Why did you kick him?" she asked Thomas.


"Because he didn't want Kieran to tell you the truth," Severide said.

Albany frowned. "Truth?" She looked up at Thomas. "What truth?"

Thomas shook his head and tried to change the subject. She watched him with a frown for a few more seconds before she gave in and allowed the change of subject.

A few more drinks were ordered along with some snacks. Steven and Severide stuck to their limit of one drink while Thomas and Albany had one after another. I didn't drink at all but I had nothing against my friends for enjoying their alcohol.

I slowly slipped my soda as I listened to their stupid jokes and how they explained everything that had happened during the day. The moment Albany excused herself to go to the bathroom; I leaned forward and rested my elbows on the table.

Thomas took a seat again and glanced between Severide and me with a look of triumph.

"You're not fucking her," I told him before he could utter a word.

"Who the hell are you to—"

"She's drunk, Thomas, and I'm not going to allow you to take advantage of her."

"Albany can decide for herself," he hissed through clenched teeth. "It's her—"

"Let's not do this," Steven interrupted. "We're not planning on fucking her tonight."

Thomas glared at his brother but stayed silent. Not tonight? They weren't going to touch her at all if I could help it. Thomas was too much of a fucking player for Albany.

"You're not going to touch her tonight or any other night, understood?" My eyes darted from one brother to another. "Albany's grieving the loss of her best friend. I'm sure the last thing she needs right now is your—"

"—tongue leaving wet traces all over her sexy body while she's a squirming—"

I reached across the table and gripped his collar to jerk him forward. Before my fists could connect with his face, a hand gripped my arm and jerked me back. Severide held me back while Steven restrained his brother.

"What the hell do you care what I do to her anyway? It's none of your fucking business," Thomas yelled.

"It is my business! I met her before you did."

"Whoa!" Severide exclaimed. "I met her before any of you did. If anyone should get a chance to bed her, it should be me."

"I've known her a lot longer than any of you," I said as I pointed a finger between them. "Crystal introduced us." It was a lie but none of them knew that. "Nobody talks about bedding a woman anymore, Severide."

He rolled his eyes at me. "Whatever. It's better than talking about fucking a woman."

I shrugged his arms off and leaned back but my eyes stayed lock on Thomas. Steven hesitated for a few more seconds before he dropped his arms and reached for his drink.

"It's clear that we're all interested in the same woman," Steven muttered. "Why don't we do what we've done in the past?"

"Which is?" I asked him.

He leaned closer and after a moment's hesitation, we all followed suit. Being so close made it easier to hear what he was saying and to be honest I wasn't very happy with his plan at all.

"Whenever we've wanted the same woman we bet on it, remember? The first one of us to get Albany into bed, gets to. . .keep her."

"But no dirty playing," Severide said. "Everything that happens has to be Albany's choice. We can't force her or seduce her." He gave Thomas a pointed glare. "No seduction."

"How are things going to work out if I'm not allowed to seduce her?" he asked.

Silence settled between us. I rubbed a finger over my lips as I debated Steven's suggestion. It worked well in the past but then again those days we had no real interest other than getting laid. Things were different with Albany.

She wasn't like the other women.

"Let's change things a bit," I muttered. "Albany has to be the one to choose. The first one she admits her feelings too, wins."

"So no sex?"

Severide snorted. "Not everything's about sex, Thomas."

"Not for you, anymore. We're still young and in need—"

He broke off and straightened. Not even a second later Albany stopped next to the table with a small smile that didn't reach her eyes. She swayed slightly, making Severide reach out to grip her arm.

"I—thank you for this fun night, but I need t-to get home." She swallowed. "I had fun."

I nudged Severide's arm so he could get up. He slid from the booth with his hand still clutching her arm. I moved to her other side and pressed my hand to the small of her back.

"How are you getting home?" I asked her.

Albany turned her head and tilted it back to look up at me. Her eyes were glassy and a bit unfocused—a clear sign that she was drunk.

"I'm getting a t-taxi." She hiccupped. "Or Uber."

"I'll drive you," Severide said before I could.

Albany surprised all of us by shaking her head. She leaned forward and then paused when she realized that she couldn't reach her bag without accidentally knocking over one of the glasses.

Steven picked it up and nudged his brother who slid out of the booth and purposely bumped into me. I glared at him to which he only smirked at me.

So, he was planning on playing dirty.

Bring it on, Thomas, I silently urged him. Two can play this game. 

The Bucket List (A REVERSE HAREM ROMANCE)Where stories live. Discover now