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The twin's mother was not how I'd imagined her to be. She was the exact opposite of the brooding man they called dad. Tammi was a small petite woman with a very bubbly personality. It was funny to watch her yell at them when they did something to piss her off—like leave their dirty dishes in the sink instead of washing them.

But then again she wasn't very happy about the fact that I was sleeping in the den with them. According to her it was no place for a lady but unfortunately there weren't another place for me to sleep.

One thing that sucked about sleeping in the den was the heat. Even with the fans it was hot. The men were lucky because they could take of their clothes and nobody would bat an eye.

"Coffee to go with the cookies, dear?"

I blinked and raised my head to look at Tammi as she approached me with a plate of cookies.

"No, thank you. I'm okay." I gave her a smile and watched her as she took a seat on the bamboo chair that had been moved out onto the porch.

I shifted uneasily in the chair as she continued to stare at me. She was a friendly woman but he questions were a bit too forward sometimes, and she had the habit of constantly asking personal questions. Apart from that, Tammi was great company. Certain actions and topics made me think of Crystal though.

"Are you pregnant?"

I choked on my tea. A hand started patting my back and a second later Severide kneeled next to my chair and took the cup from my hands.

"She's not pregnant, Tam," he told her. "Albany had food poisoning a few days back."

I nodded. "My stomach's still a bit upset," I croaked.

"Why didn't you just say so?" She pursed her lips and then without a word, she got up and disappeared into the house.

I looked at Severide and found him silently studying me. He glanced around and then surprised me by leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my lips. It was short and by the time I got over my shock, he was already walking away.

My eyes stayed glued to his back as he made his way towards the barn. Instead of entering it, he walked around the side and then disappeared from sight. Letting out a sigh, I finished my tea and carried the cup inside.

Steven and Kieran had been gone long before I woke up. After we had breakfast everybody went their separate ways. It's been like that for the last two days and I was starting to get sick of it. We didn't talk to each other unless we were with the twin's parents.

The stairs creaked as I made my way down it. I was planning on finding some wrapping to wrap their presents but my steps halted when I spotted Thomas on one of the beanbags. He was playing videogames and oblivious to anyone else.

Biting my lip, I hesitated for a second more before I approached. His eyes darted up to mine when I stopped next to him. Reaching up, he pulled the headphones off and smiled at me.

"Hey," he muttered.


"Want to play?"

My eyes darted from the remote in his hand to the TV and then up to his face. "I don't know how."

"I'll teach you." Thomas sat up and patted the beanbag. "Come on."

I smile at him and kicked off my shoes before I took a seat between his spread thighs. Thomas wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me back until my back was pressed to his chest.

The feel of his warm breath against my skin made my heartbeat increase. With his arms on either side of me, he rested his hands that held the remote on my stomach. I tried to focus on what he was saying but it was all hopeless.

I couldn't really focus much with his lips brushing the shell of my ear every time he spoke.

Thomas ended up playing the game instead of me. I stared up at the TV without really seeing anything. I was content just being so close to him. Letting out a sigh, I moved my head on his shoulder and looked up at his face as best as I could in the position I was in.

My eyes darted over his face and then lingered on the hints of a five o'clock shadow. But then they dropped to his lips and the sudden urge to kiss him hit me.

"Why are you mad at me?"

His eyes shot down to mine for a few seconds and then darted back to the screen. "Why do you think that I'm mad at you?"

"You've hardly said a word to me since Kieran posted the photos and the. . . video."

Thomas pursed his lips. His focus went back to the TV and silence surrounded us again. Why wasn't he saying anything? Letting out a sigh, I turned onto my side and stared at the blow up mattresses they pushed aside. The longer the silence lasted, the more irritated I got. Couldn't he understand how they're silence were affecting me? I'd done something I never considered doing before because I thought that they might like it.

But clearly I was wrong.

"I miss my bakery," I blurted out. "I miss having someone to call when something great happens or to runt to when I get pissed. I miss not having to worry about what the future might bring."

I blew out a breath.

"I hate the fact that I can't drive over to Crystal and pig out with her. I hate that we can't cry together over ice cream while we watch sad movies." Tears burned my eyes. "I hate that she can't give me a hug when I really need one. I hate that she can't write me those stupid notes she always leaves everywhere for me."

Silence filled the room.

"I hate that she can't tell me what to do because I fucked up by taking those pictures."

Fingers dug into my skin and he gripped my chin and tilted my head backwards. I blinked up at him through blurry eyes. His thumb swiped underneath my eye, catching a teardrop before it escaped.

"You didn't fuck up," he muttered. "I can't speak for the others, but I personally love those photos. Don't even get me started on that video." He made a sound at the back of his throat. "That video is better than any fucking porn I've ever watched."

Colour flooded my cheeks. "I'm not a porn star."

"No, you're way better than one." Thomas smiled. "Way better."

Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to my forehead. His hand slid down my throat, pretty much the same way Kieran had gripped me with his hand weeks ago. I titled my head back even more and offered him my lips.

Thomas kissed me slowly almost tenderly.

His lips were softer, less possessive and a bit hesitant. His hand slid up my neck, fingers brushing my jaw and then slipping lower where he gripped the back of my neck.

My lips parted when the tip of his tongue brushed mine.

Air locked in my throat and my stomach clenched when Thomas sucked on my tongue. I reached up to grip his arm just as someone cleared their throat.

We broke apart and turned to face whoever it was. I blew out a breath and dropped my forehead against his chest when I realized that it was only Steven.

"Having fun without me?"

"The fun hasn't even started yet," Thomas muttered.


The tone of his voice made me look up at him. He stood closer with his hands on his hips and his eyes focused on me. There were questions in those eyes—questions I knew had to with the discussion we had in his class.

I swallowed, licked my lips and then gave him a small smile. "I'm ready for you to. . . for us to. . . have sex." 

The Bucket List (A REVERSE HAREM ROMANCE)Where stories live. Discover now