Sanna The Witch Hedgehog

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-Dr. Eggman, your specimen is being created. said a mainframe.
-Mwuahahah, excellent! Everything is going, as I expected... he said overjoyed.
-There would be an anomaly, Dr. Eggman... this precipitated the computer. Eggman, lost the joy he was lighting her up a few seconds ago.
-An abnormality? But what kind? he said angrily to his computer screen.
-The M-A-S-S Project has no name. the computer pointed out.
-Of course if, computer stupid. You just said it: Project M-A-S-S. retorted the doctor.
-No, Dr. Eggman. This is the name of your project; M-A-S-S. I am talking about the first name of the specimen. he finished.
-Hmm, I hadn't thought of that detail. Eggman reported.
-What would you say about... Soucia? he exclaimed.
-So Souna? he asks again.
-I have it, Sauna! The computer sighed.
-Sauça? he asked questioningly.
-Negative, Dr. Eggman. The doctor almost tore off his mustache. He who had an IQ of 300, could not even find a simple first name.
-Computer, do you have a list of names to suggest to me...
-Calculation in progress... Calculation in progress... Request found!
-Mwuahahah! Perfect, so tell me.
-No, too princess, I don't like...
-Too common...
-That bad memories, it seems to me. Keep on going.
-Too human... Continue...
-Are you kidding me? hitting his fists on the computer controls.
-You already said that one. sighed Dr. Eggman.
-Sanna... repeated the scientist. Hmmm... that sounds particularly good in my ears.
-So now your specimen will be called Sanna. And what type will she be? He looks at his computer screen. He reads the words that were on the screen; Thief, Cheater, Rat, Princess, Queen, Flower... Hmm... Then the last one he saw made him smile.
-I will take the last one, mwuahahahah!
-Authorization completed. Your M-A-S-S Project will have a name. And it will be; Sanna the Witch Hedgehog.
-Perfect! he exclaimed, laughing like crazy.
-In an hour, Sanna will be in the doctor's recovery room.
-Excellent. he said slyly. I would finally take power over Mobius. I would have finally got my hands on the Master Emerald as well as the Chaos Emeralds. And I would take out Sonic and his friends one by one.
-Doctor Eggman, I can sense presences very close to your H.Q. They are in the jungle, before your hiding place.
-How far away, computer?
-According to my calculations, they are almost at the entrance of the jungle...
-And who are they? Eggman wondered.
-The Dark Team; consisting of Shadow the ultimate life form, E-123 Omega as well as Rouge the bat. Do I send a robot squadron to their tail?
-No... he smiles. We're going to let Team Dark go into the jungle. I will send him my welcoming committee. As soon as he's ready... he said smiling.
-Heard, Dr. Eggman.
-Nothing to detect, the road is deserted. No robot presence as well. Omega confided to his teammates.
-What do you think, Shadow? Isn't that the Eggman type, not to send us his welcoming committee? Rouge intrigued.
-I am of the same opinion as Rouge. Omega confirmed.
-As we have destroyed his robots, Dr. Eggman must have no idea. Shadow said mockingly.
-Negative affirmation, Shadow. Dr. Eggman still has spare plans. Do not be fooled by appearances. expressed Omega.
-Hmm... you may be right Omega. Rouge approved.
-OK, let's go? Or do we just sit here like idiots?
-Affirmation true. Shadow is an idiot.
-What, Omega? What did you just say? said Rouge.
-Are you quite sure that you loaded your circuits, big heap of scrap metal? he asked Omega before entering the jungle.
-Let's go Shadow, calm down. Omega didn't mean that, well... I hope?
-No information, why did I say that.
-Well, you see Shadow. Even his data doesn't understand what he just said.
-Hmphff... he simply found to say. Omega and Rouge came to join him. Then, they began their run.
-What is your purpose in coming to see, Dr. Eggman? the bat asked him.
-I have no idea Rouge. My gut tells me, something not too pretty is about to happen.
-Well, now you are a diviner? Rouge smiles.
-Very funny... It's just that I have a strange feeling, which led me to find Dr. Eggman. said the black hedgehog.
-Funny sensation detected... said Omega.
-Looks like Omega, is good for junkyard... said Shadow slyly.
-Cannons loaded... affirmed Omega. The black hedgehog and the bat stopped walking. But Omega, no. He continued a few meters then turned to his two teammates. A strange foreboding came to surprise Shadow and Rouge.
-Omega... they both said in chorus. The robot pointed with both arms in the direction of the two hybrids.
-But are you completely derailed, or what? Shadow grew angry.
-Targets detected... he said simply.
-Good, you see Shadow, Omega... began Rouge, except that she hardly had time to complete her sentence. Omega shot them. Shadow and Rouge threw themselves to the ground.
-Since when, are we the targets? cried Rouge. Shadow glared at the robot.
-No but, big pile of bolts... What's your problem? Shadow shouted in turn.
-Threat not eliminated. Observation of cannons in progress.
-Oh... Oh... Shadow... Rouge suddenly worried.
-We're crazy about the Rouge camp! Shadow hastened to say who rose from the ground, along with the white bat.
-He's not going to shoot us a second time? Rouge asked aloud. They could hear Omega's cannons reloading at breakneck speed.
-I think so... said Shadow coldly. Omega fired again in the direction of Rouge and the black hedgehog. They dodged Omega's shots again.
-But Omega... Rouge worried, who absolutely did not understand the behavior of his robot teammate. Shadow felt that the bat was really distraught, given the robot's behavior. Except that his attention was drawn to Omega's eyes. -Rouge, look at his eyes... Shadow hastened to say. Not responding to the hedgehog, she looked into the robot's eyes.
-But what's that golden-green glow around his eyes? she said anxiously.
-I have no idea... Except that it's not normal at all... he said. Then the glow, disappeared from around Omega's eyes.
-Energy almost empty... said the robot weakly, which almost fell to the ground. They were relieved that the robot was no longer shooting at them. But that gave them no explanation, faced with the behavior that Omega had had. Why had he attacked the two hybrids. Then Omega went out, his lights and closed and he fell face down on the ground.
-He has no more energy...
-At least he won't be able to attack us anymore. Shadow blurted out, staring at his friend on the floor. "Do you think Eggman..." Rouge started, but Shadow cut her off.
-It cannot be the cause. He may be intelligent, except that draining a robot of his energy is not his style. He would have made her self-destruct. Maniac as he is.
-I admit that for that, he is good. His robots all jumped in his face, or almost. Rouge confirmed.
-Let's go Rouge, we have to go see him.
-But we can't leave Omega like that?
-It's true, except that the two of us, already walking it is heavy, imagine inanimate...
-I admit... Shadow walked towards the robot, followed by Rouge.
-I promise we'll be back soon, Omega. Shadow said, rushing off.
-Trust us... said Rouge, who also left. Eggman's new creation, finally opened his eyes. Looking in all directions. She sat down in bed. Being disoriented, not sure what to do, she didn't move. Then the doctor appeared.
-So little girl, slept well? The hedgehog reacted to Eggman's words and turned to him. He was really happy with the result. Sanna had black fur, with pink-mauve highlights. These quills, were somewhat wavy, just like the hair of his cousin Maria. She had features like Shadow, except they weren't Rouge. They were supposedly a raspberry red, including pink highlights. Those eyelashes and eyebrows were a little paler than her other features.
The same build as Amy Rose. She did not have white gloves. You could see the tips of his fingers. Her clothes made her look like a witch. But what he loved above all, in his brand new creation. Sanna had Maria's eyes, except they were a different color. Sanna had green-gold eyes.

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