Espio's mother

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The day was about to end and a chance. Sanna, after her shower, had made the immortal hedgehog drool. Shadow went to see Dr. Eggman.
-So, how are you with my niece? The black hedgehog, frowned, staring at the scholar.
-According to you, old fool?! She is making me lose my head completely! Tie there, stick there or lock up there! he got angry.
-The chance to get your emerald back, my little one is very slim right now. Shadow gritted his teeth, hearing the doctor's comment.
-You old debris! As soon as I get it back, I will show so much color! he thought.
-I hope she's in her room right now? Dr. Eggman asked quickly.
-But yes! Shadow snapped, rolling his eyes. He was more than tired of watching this damn plague. Except he walked out of the room, completely exhausted. Shadow, headed for a room Eggman had lent him.

The night passed quickly. When, that Shadow opened his eyes. The first thing he did, he came out of his room. Her expression turned very cold, seeing that the door to the witch's room was wide open. He could hear Dr. Eggman moaning. Once again, Sanna had taken the key to the fields. The ultimate life form, sighed in rage. Sanna was with Espio. There was only a day left before her mother arrived. The chameleon was very nervous. This one was seated in front of the ninja. They hadn't spoken much since his untimely arrival. Especially, with what had happened the day before. She was having a hard time starting the conversation. The young witch feared that Espio was going to ask her tons of questions. Of how and why she had kept something so important from him. By report, she is Dr. Eggman's niece. The ninja had his eyes closed, while breathing deeply. He didn't know how to approach the subject. Especially since the arrival of his mother stressed him so much. He didn't mean anything hurtful or too cruel. Considering the pressure, that her mother, even though she was not yet there, was weighing a lot on her shoulders. One of the two had to say something. So Sanna took the plunge.
-Everything will be fine, Espio... she said timidly, not meeting the chameleon's gaze. The ninja detective, opened his eyes while staring at the hedgehog.
-Tell me, he said seriously, in a rather detached tone. Eggman, is he really your uncle? Sanna looked back at the chameleon, which was only inches from her face. She could feel his breath, penetrate his skin. His heart was beating like a drum solo. She was trying to keep from blushing. Which was not easy for her. All his emotions were flowing. But why, did it have to happen right now.
-Then? he said with a frown. The yellow, from the chameleon's eyes, penetrated Sanna's soul. Like laser beams, the more she looked at him. Plus, his heart was beating harder and harder. As if his body was going to lose control. The beating of his heart, echoed up to his ears. The tip of his nose turned red. By reflex, she puts her hands on his face. Hiding from the detective, she was starting to blush. Surprised by her reaction, he realized he was very close to her. He started to blush, while still having smoke coming out of his head. He coughed, while pulling back to sit down.
-Let's see, what caught me being so close to his face. he thought, staring at her. Even though it was red, like a peony. He didn't look away from Sanna.
-Why are you coming back to this? asked the latter, who withdrew her hands. She was all red, staring at the chameleon. At the time, seeing her as red as him. His heart swelled in his chest, thinking he was going to lose control over his body. Espio listened to his heartbeat in turn.
-Go quickly! React damn it! Do something with your carcass. He stood up straight while thinking of two scenarios in his head. The chameleon, imagined having one of these fits. As it very rarely does, while throwing shuriken in any direction science allows. Or, to pounce on Sanna while kissing her passionately. Like this image from the second sequence he had imagined in his head. He holds his head in both hands. While trying to brush aside this idea, which his heart dictated to him. Sanna, looked at him without flinching. At the time, she also on her side. She imagined two possible scenarios. The first was that Shadow would show up unexpectedly. While seeing, the chameleon in full crisis. Wanting to beat him up for no reason. Or the second film, which she made in mind. Was to take his legs around his neck and walk away without looking back. Except she didn't move an inch.
-Is... Espio... You are starting to make me worry... What is the matter with you acting this way so suddenly... You are not in your normal state. she said very softly, while swallowing back her saliva. The chameleon, Sanna's words say, finally came to himself. The latter had finally managed to get the image of him wanting to kiss the young witch. Then suddenly remembered the subject he had brought up with her.
-You still haven't answered my question, young lady. he said narrowing his eyes at Sanna. She became offended by Espio's relentlessness. The young hedgehog began to cringe in her turn. It was seriously starting to get annoying and itchy in his ears all the time.
-But why, you insist so much on that? -Because, he said, standing up abruptly while clenching his fists and teeth, I don't like Dr. Eggman and I don't trust him. That's why. he finally raised his arms in the air, gesturing them all over the place. Nobody, I mean nobody likes this one. He still wants to hurt Sonic and I pass. My poor thing, I pity you. You're with someone filthy and the disgusting thing about it all. You protect him! Finished Espio, who couldn't believe, that it had just come out of his mouth. It pierced Sanna, all over her body, like broken windows that had shattered in front of her. His heart, torn somewhat, in his chest. He even put it there, one of his palms on it. Not being able to believe, that the ninja, which was presented to her. Like a true gentleman, such monstrous things had said to him. Her eyes instantly filled with water. While not being able to hold back her tears and screams. She burst into tears, on the sofa, in front of the detective who decomposed in front of this scene. For the first time, for the little hedgehog, to fall into a rage of emotion and especially to cry.
-If it's like that, I'm going home! Sanna yelled, hurrying off the couch at the Chaotix agency. Without him having time to add anything, the chameleon was left alone.
-But what happened to me telling all this shit to Sanna... I shouldn't have been so grounded about Eggman being her uncle. It kept circling in my head. But the latter had stayed close to the Chaotix agency. She certainly didn't want to come back to H.Q. in tears, especially with the glue pot, which serves as a babysitter. Sighing heavily, she wiped away her tears as she tried to calm herself down. She had to relieve the pressure she felt inside her stronghold. Above all, that she still had a little pang in her heart, just to think back to Espio's words. Also, she was really trying to figure out why she was coming back to him. It made a lump in his stomach. The attention on his shoulders was really unpleasant. Sanna went deeper into the forest, to think of something else.

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