Sanna the Dark Witch

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Sanna was struggling psychologically. Since fucking between her and Shadow. The latter, began to have a heartache. Above all, what a surprise. Shadow, who had had pangs of conscience. Had confessed everything to the chameleon, who had returned to the charge in the face of this betrayal. The chameleon ninja didn't want to know anything about her anymore. This scene still haunted her in her mind. Besides, she also had the news of the century. Even if it wasn't. The mad scientist had confessed his conception to him. That she didn't just have Shadow DNA in her. It unsettled her knowing that inside her there was DNA. From Maria, Amy and Sonic. It was not possible to his ears. The witch had demolished everything in her room. Even a good part of the central computer, where his file was. He had not measured the extent of his confession. It is understood that her energy had greatly changed in her. Even his gaze had become more menacing than usual. Also, Dr. Eggman didn't know what happened between Shadow and her. And also, the dispute between Espio and Sanna. But, something was calling her without her knowing why. Hell on Mobius was just beginning. The young witch flees from H.Q. without leaving any trace of where she would go. The mad scientist looked around. Entering his computer room.
-I created a monster... without knowing it... he sighed. So desperate for what he saw. He didn't have the strength to fix everything. Even if he hadn't asked anyone for help yet. Tails, had sensed that the energy had shifted at Dr. Eggman's H.Q. Above all, that his computer had managed to detect the Chaos Emeralds. So, only pieces of the Master Emerald. He had a hard time understanding why the energy of the gemstones had changed. Even that he felt that they were becoming how to say... threatening for Mobius. He probably had a logical reason for all this. The yellow fox, had to have the heart net. This one decided to leave in the direction of the H.Q. of Eggman. Who was deep in the jungle. While he was going there. Tails, had a huge shock when he saw a huge black mass, which passed him. His plane, gone completely mad. No longer able to control him, he abandons him in flight. It fell into the open ocean. It sent shivers down to his bones.

At the Chaotix agency, a lot was going on.
-Do I stay here, going around in circles? While brooding over my anger at Shadow and my sadness at Sanna? Espio thought. The other two members of Team Chaotix glanced briefly at their friend. They watched the chameleon, which had been circling for days. Charmy and Vector knew very well what was going on in their friend. The bee and the crocodile thought back to that disastrous moment.

All 3 were at the agency. Trying to finish many files, which they had put aside. Espio was at his desk. Working hard, not to rethink. When he confessed to Sanna that he was in love with her. And that is his mother's fault. It could never be a couple. It was not easy for him. Very often, he felt like bursting into tears. Except, he didn't want to attract the attention of the crocodile and the bee. Even if his two friends weren't that stupid. Charmy, was in the living room while trying to understand a file. On which he had been working for several hours. As far as Vector was concerned, he took it easy in his office. He had almost finished his files. Taking a break, before he is helping Charmy. He had put on his headphones, with the volume turned up. The green-colored reptile did not hear the doorbell. The bee, who was covered in sweat, trying to keep her cool. Faced with a cursed file that never ended. Said, aloud to enter. The door opened slowly, with the arrival of Espio as well. Shadow, stood in the doorway. Charmy, dropped his file, which he had in his hands. He was not happy with this distraction. The latter, tried somehow. To restore order, in the leaves he had dropped on the ground. The chameleon stared at the hedgehog not really knowing what to answer. Already the last time he had passed him. Let's say he would have preferred under other circumstances. Pretending nothing, faced with the presence of the hybrid with black prickles. He motioned for her to follow him to his office. The hedgehog closed the door behind him. Hoping that Charmy or Vector will follow him. The last times they had met his two idiots. Wasn't a very good memory in his memory. He had nevertheless warned the blow, to take his weapon with him. When, that he passed in front of the crocodile's office. The black hedgehog, heard him humming song lyrics. It was very clear that he was in his own little world. Even Espio, had not had the heart. Close the door to his office. Above all, that he didn't want to disturb him in his work. Back in place, he gave Shadow permission to enter his office. He asked her to close the door behind. Certainly not wanting Charmy to snoop around. The hedgehog sat down on the chair, which was opposite the purple chameleon. He sighed deeply, while lowering his eyes. There was a huge number of incomplete files.
-Well then, what is the honor of your coming worth? It's not like you to come all the way here.
-He doesn't seem to know... How come? thought Shadow, who really wondered if he was dreaming. Except, he pinched his nose. Espio, looked at him without really knowing what to say to him. So hearing him say something. He plunged his head back into his many files.
-I have to tell you something Espio. Shadow inhaled, sweating profusely. The purple-scaled reptile looked up at the hedgehog who looked very uncomfortable. -What's got into you all of a sudden? Have you lost the use of the language?
-No that's not it...
-So, is it for today or tomorrow? You can see that I have a pile of files to complete. I don't have a single second for me.
-I have to tell you something important...
-You have 2 minutes then... faced with Espio's bad address. Shadow frowned. Then, he spits the piece without holding back.
-Me and Sanna kissed. And not just once, but twice. he chuckled as he got up from his chair. Espio got up from his desk. In Shadow's gaze, he could see that it was sincere. The chameleon, one ordered to get out of his office. Before he throws a shower of shuriken at her. Shadow left the room, without lingering too long in the agency. Charmy watched him walk away without saying anything. Suddenly, he jumped off the couch when he heard Espio's screams. The chameleon came out of his office in giant strides. While heading for the exit. The bee felt the gust of wind, which the chameleon had provided. His files opened quickly while letting the sheets of documents scatter all over the living room.
-But what possesses him to have shouted like that? questioned the member of the Chaotix team. Vector stuck out the tip of his snout. He saw the mess that had been in the living room.
-Let's see, what happened? asked the crocodile. Looks like there's been a tornado in the living room.
-Yes, but it's not what you think. I didn't cause this mess. It was Espio, who blew past and he didn't look in the mood at all. Annoyed, Vector let his gaze wander around the room, and a heavy silence fell between the two members of Team Chaotix.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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