Too Many Words...

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There were only 2 days left, before Espio's mother arrived. The chameleon ninja was very nervous. But, on the other hand, he was happy. Spend time alone, with Sanna. Yes, this hedgehog that makes him lose his mind. Except that his happiness was short-lived, when he thought about his mother.
-Hmmm... maybe I should look... No, my mom might make a scene, if they're both here... the reptile sighed. For once, since its inception, Sanna had asked for permission to go out. But on the condition that Shadow escorts him. He raised all the prickles of his body. But obeys his Uncle Eggman. Shadow, turned to the hedgehog.
-Well! It amazes me coming from you that you are asked for permission. Shadow said smirk.
-You are seriously annoying me! Sanna said coming out of Eggman H.Q. Shadow followed closely behind.
-By the way, what do you want to do? the hedgehog asked subtly.
-In your opinion? I'm going to go see Espio, Sanna replied, pausing, looking at the ultimate life form.
-Why that doesn't surprise me. Shadow sighed, who rolled his eyes.
-You know, if you don't like the idea, I won't hold you back. You can leave. Sanna offered, who was stretching very slowly. That way, you will finally be rid of me. Shadow frowned and walked over to the witch. The mood in the jungle seemed tense. Sanna did not carry the ultimate life form in her heart in her heart. Neither did he either. But he had to make huge sacrifices to get his emerald back.
-You are very lucky that I am not killing you with the attitude you have in front of me. If it was just me, you'd bite the dust. Shadow whispered in Sanna's ear. He wanted to be sure she would hear it.
-You know, with this wild attitude, I could show you all the colors. And what's more, you can say goodbye to your dear little emerald. I would graciously go and complain to my Uncle. she whispered in turn, in Shadow's ear. His eyes widened sharply. He tasted bitter in his mouth. She had literally threatened him and she would be able to. Shadow didn't feel good about himself. He certainly didn't want to waste the chance to get his green emerald back. The male hybrid apologized to the hedgehog. Even if it wasn't for the sake of it.
-I don't think your apologies come from your heart. Rather, I think they're from your a... except that Shadow cut him off.
-That's enough! You won! No need to return the iron to the wound. the black hedgehog snapped.
-We are sensitive, the young hedgehog said hastily. He said absolutely nothing. However, he saw a tree branch lying in front of him. Shadow takes it in his hands and breaks it into pieces. Venting his anger on it, to refrain from hitting Sanna. Throughout the journey, which led to the Team Chaotix agency, Sanna stung Shadow all the time. She wanted who to lose his temper. While wanting to provoke him.
-What happens to him for being so daring with me? thought the ultimate life form trying to pull away from her. The two hedgehogs were finally in front of the Chaotix agency.
-I hope at least he's here... Shadow said, crossing his arms. Being unhappy to be there.
-Maaah! You are getting on my nerves! Sanna gritted her teeth.
-And you, you think you're not annoying me, with your behavior of a spoiled rotten child? She didn't answer him and knocked on the door.
-Make him here... I'm sick of staying with Shadow... Sanna thought, hiding her arms behind her back. While crossing my fingers. The door opened, but the girl was disillusioned. It was an echidna woman totally different from Tikal who had opened the door for him.
-I can help you? asked the echidna, who turned his gaze to the black hedgehog.
-Shadow? she said surprised.
-Julie-Su, is that you? Sanna was far from imagining what would happen next. The echidna woman hastily drew her weapon. She pointed me in Shadow's direction, not paying any attention to Sanna.
-But... is she crazy or what!? Sanna thought.
-Julie-Su, lower your gun, please. I am not here to fight. She didn't have time to say anything, Espio came up behind her. Accompanied by a funny shell animal, as well as a hybrid with yellow skin, with a big bushy tail.
-It's okay, calm down. Espio said, who frowned as he looked at Shadow. Then Sanna stood in front of the black hedgehog.
-Woooouuhh! It's me! she said waving her arms.
-SANNA?! he said, almost blushing. Julie-Su put away her gun.
-But who is this beauty, Espio? Mighty whispered to him. Except that the mauve-colored chameleon gave him a nudge in the stomach. The armadillo lost its breath, while doubling over.
-Well playing Espio! laughed the squirrel.
-Thank you for the help Ray! the red-shelled armadillo pissed off.
-What the hell are you doing here? Shadow wondered.
-Espio, to call on us. Ray said, standing up.
-Little Tails wants to see us. said the armadillo, who stood up, glaring at the chameleon.
-Yes, we have to give our time, good old Knuckles. As always, Sanna wanted to place a word, but Shadow put a hand over her mouth.
-I'm coming back, give me a few moments. he said, stepping back with Sanna.
-She is his sister? Ray asked.
-But no... Espio sighed.
-So this is his girlfriend? asked Julie-Su who turned to the chameleon. But he didn't answer her, he was staring at Shadow with a bone-chilling look.
-Hey man, are you okay? Mighty asked him. But, Espio, didn't even answer the armadillo. Watching, Shadow, walking away with Sanna. The other 3 former members of Team Chaotix heard the ninja growl.

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