Feelings, kisses and tears

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As soon as daylight appeared on the planet, Team Dark slowly awoke. Sanna, she was already in the direction of Mobius. Rouge, was quite surprised to see that Shadow was there. Omega, got up slowly. He noticed that Shadow had particles of the Master Emerald in his possession.
-Did you find the pieces of the Master Emerald? Rather, what remains. Rouge, got up in turn.
-But, it's only almost green dust... What could have happened? Besides, there are a lot of them! How many pieces would there be in there? Rouge asked.
-In my opinion, there are at least a hundred of them. I believe we have found all the pieces to rebuild the Master Emerald completely!
-At least one good thing done!
-And a chance, I will finally have peace... said Shadow, who did not seem in a good mood yet. Omega and Rouge looked at each other in silence. They didn't want Shadow riding on his high horse. Afterwards, to wake up properly. Team Dark, came out of the abandoned house. He had to get to their ship. But Rouge stopped short.
-You shouldn't find that little pest of a witch?
-I no longer feel the slightest trace of his energy. It must be returned to Mobius. Anyway, she did not find the pieces, which we have in our possession.
-Imagine, if found the other Chaos Emeralds. Sanna, probably take them to Dr. Eggman. launched the robot.
-And, I have nothing to do with big mustachioed bacon! He's already wasted my time enough. said the black hedgehog, taking out his emerald. I'll use my Chaos Control to get us back to the ship. Without waiting for the opinion of the other two, he already pronounced the sentence. In the blink of an eye, the team was made to the ship.
-Good, come on! I don't have all day! Shadow exclaimed, heading for the catwalk.
-He is still so charming... the robot was indignant.
-And you, you still have your sense of humor. Rouge smiled at him. Come on, we better join him. Knowing him, he might just leave us here.
-It's really reassuring... sighed Omega, who took Rouge in his arms. He sat her on one of his shoulders. Do you think it will ever change?
-You dream in color my friend! chuckled the bat.
-You never know, what can happen.
-But, for the moment that day is not here! Come on, get on the catwalk. I can hear him blubbering. Omega complied and the closer he got. More than he could actually hear Shadow complaining about.
-I always have to be slowed down by my team members! What possessed me to say yes to this unfortunate excursion?! complained the hedgehog, who took his place at the controls. He did not want Rouge to be driving for the second time. The ultimate life form was powering up the ship. Omega settled down, while pushing Rouge off his shoulder. This one was not at all pleased, that the leader took control of the ship. The bat went to sit making big eyes at the hedgehog. He didn't even flinch at Rouge's gaze. He was too focused on getting the ship off the planet. And anyway, he didn't care how his white furry friend felt. His dearest desire was to return to Mobius in one piece. Already, that the return trip was going to be painful and long. Omega, analyzed the behavior of the hedgehog. He was much more angry than usual. This was starting to worry him. Even, that he subtly tried to talk about it to his teammate. But the latter, was too pissed off against Shadow. Seeing the attitude of the hedgehog, she tried to calm down.
-I'm getting out of here. I'm going to take a little nap, since they don't need me! she said coldly, glaring at the black hedgehog. The tension was really heavy between the bat and the hedgehog. Omega, didn't even feel like arguing about anything. He went into standby mode, so he would have peace. In a sense, this is more to the ultimate life form. Finally, he will have the peace he had so longed for. Slowly, the ship sped off into space. The sand planet was just a tiny speck in the universe.

The hedgehog witch was on autopilot. She admired the 5 Chaos Emeralds she had in her possession.
-How beautiful they are! exclaimed the girl. Sanna, had heard left and right during her escapades. That the red-colored echidna was looking for its fabulous treasure. The latter had never seen this famous goalkeeper. Except, she had read some notes about him. Dr. Eggman had mentioned to her that she should return the emeralds to the guardian. It hurt very badly in his ears. But in fact, it was just a trick from the mad scientist. He left time for the others to search for the emeralds as well as pieces of the Master Emerald. So, seize it later. But for that, they had to be put back in place. Leaving time for Knuckles to digest the reunion. Then, after invading the floating island again, to seize the loot. At the time, Sanna did not react very well. During its long journey through space. She reviews the scene before her eyes. After that Shadow and Omega slipped away. She turned back to Espio and Eggman.
-I'm glad he didn't have time to approach you. Espio thought he would burst into tears. He couldn't hold back, the chameleon threw himself on Sanna. The ninja took him in his arms. Even though Eggman was behind him. It didn't matter to him, he was just happy that the one he loved. Was there, in front of him in good shape but above all alive. Dr. Eggman cleared his throat and coughed. He turned on his heels, quite surprised at the reptile's reaction. He didn't know how to react to this. This is why he preferred to leave, leaving the two friends alone. Suddenly, the young Sanna tensed while blushing. She didn't think Espio would react like this. He, too, didn't often show his emotions. But, she was very happy to see the one she also loves. She hugged him back. Espio, turning red in turn. Except, it only lasted a few seconds. The mustachioed, who was again in the control room. Ordered the two hybrids, to relax at the sound of the microphone. The reptile chuckled somewhat, still having a red face.
-I... In fact, I think I should go a long way. Charmy and Vector have no idea what happened. I should let them know.
-You weren't alone? Sanna was surprised. He nodded to her.
-You know, a lot of people came to your bedside. the chameleon smiled at him. This came, hitting Sanna directly in the heart. She would never have believed that there are so many people who are worried about her.
-I thought I was, just a creation of the hands, of a deranged scientist. she thought. Espio, greeted the young witch and went into invisible mode.
-I have to go, but I'll be back. Espio said also you are always welcome at the agency. he finishes. The invisible silhouette of the reptile slowly moved away from the hedgehog. And he disappeared behind the huge front door. Eggman, who had witnessed the entire scene, shares video camera. Retired from his chair, heading outside the control center.
-From what I see, you have regained your form. Eggman said, walking out of the room. Sanna turned to her interlocutor.
-Yes, it does me a lot of good. I really believed, to die under the blows of this black hedgehog maniac.
-What could you have said to him, to make him mad?
-Nothing. Sanna said vaguely. She didn't want to confess to the doctor. That she had spoken ill of Maria. Above all, that she was the cousin of its inventor.
-Stop playing innocent, little witch! I don't like being taken for a fool.
-And I don't like being treated like I'm a child. Sanna exclaimed, turning her back on Eggman.
-Listen, what was your purpose in trying to snatch the green emerald from Shadow?! You wanted to get beat up again or what?
-I thought that...
-Stop! crossed out Dr. Eggman. Stop thinking! It's not the best thing. Look where you landed?! In a deep coma! Anything that dismays the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald. You forget for a while. With everything that's happened, it's not a very good idea.
-But... started Sanna, who turned back to Dr. Eggman, isn't that what you wanted!?
-Yes, but not to the point that my creation is destroyed. I have many plans for you, my little one. I wouldn't want to be forced to start over, a new you. You're already dumb enough as it is. Sanna, felt Eggman's words, go through her heart. As if it were knife blades. She was in so much pain, deep inside. Except, she swallowed the mad scientist's words. Unwilling, get his attention. Let's say, that Eggman, had not yet understood that this little one. Was beginning to find out what feelings were. Above all, that she was becoming more and more sensitive. He had never seen her cry again. Sanna was terrified that he would find out about all this.
-If you have this chance to find chaos emeralds or pieces of the Master Emerald. Good for you, except you'll have to take them straight back to Angel Island.
-Eh? What are you telling me?
-For one of the rare times, I am giving you permission to go out. But, do not try to follow ultimate life form. he said leaving her alone. Eggman, returned to the central room, with his gigantic computer. He closed the door behind him, while greeting Sanna. She had a hard time understanding the creation of her creator. She became very happy, in her body. While thinking back, to the beautiful face of Espio. Sanna scampered to the exit. The computer, which had heard everything, threw the subject to Dr. Eggman.
-You let Sanna out, with Shadow who supposedly came back around? You're sure everything's fine, Dr. Eggman. The mad scientist quietly settled into his chair. Looking up at his computer screen.
-I don't know why, but I had to. As if something ordered me to act this way.
-You know doctor, since you created Sanna. You seem how to say, without you taking it for an insult... Protector, as a father would do for his daughter or even his boy. The scientist almost lost his glasses. He couldn't believe, that his central computer. Had just said such nonsense to him.
-I think you need a good cleaning of your hard drive. You start talking bullshit. he said getting out of his chair.
-I didn't want to insult you Mr. Robotnik...
-Enough flattery my dear, it doesn't work with me. As soon as my little Bokkun returns. There will be a computer, which will be cleaned. Because I believe it has viruses sticking to the tongue. Eggman added, walking out of the room again. The computer sighed for a long time, he knew very well that he had just made a big mistake. The young witch came to, as an air pocket hit the ship.

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