Uncle Eggman asks for help

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Espio, was back at the agency. His two companions were sleeping in the middle of the afternoon. Both of them stuffed with pastries. At least he had the desired silence, to try to understand what had happened to him, in front of Sanna. Except that his attention was constantly shifting to the eyes of the hedgehog. His image appeared in his mind. Shaking his head lightly, to get young Sanna out of his mind.
-But what is happening to me? the chameleon wondered, blushing without paying much attention. He in turn let himself fall into his bed. The chameleon ninja, looked subtly at the ceiling, but again saw the image of Sanna and her bewitching eyes. He clapped his hands against his eyes. Except that there was nothing to do, the image of the hedgehog, with golden-green eyes haunted him.
-Why is his image imprinted on me? he whispered, quietly removing his hands from his eyes. He was still all red, with a heart that squeezed his chest. His breathing quickened as a result of his heartbeat. He even started to have a cold sweat. But he recovered quickly enough. While sitting down, among his many blankets.
-Okay, let's calm down Espio. I have to focus on the point that bothers me... That I just disappeared without doing anything. he thought. He slowly closed his eyes, when suddenly he heard a voice calling for him. It was Sanna. He almost fell on his bed at that moment. The hedgehog had had the right indications, thanks to Vanilla, Cream's mother. At the time, Vanilla was very surprised to see her daughter and Cheese, with a funny hedgehog, with black fur, which had reflections of pink colors sometimes sometimes mauve.

The detective will know out of bed and rushed for the entrance. When he saw Sanna, his heart leapt so hard in his chest. He could have been seen pounding through his scaly skin.
-Sanna, what an honor to see you again. said Espio, who smiled at him. She also smiles at him.
-I didn't want to stay locked up with my Uncle. Especially since he's around that ungrateful black hedgehog... she said with a grimace.
-Are you talking about Shadow? the detective wondered. But who is your uncle? Sanna sighed for a long time, trying to deflect the question. Her attention, she turned him to another subject. Asked the chameleon where his two other friends were. He saw quite quickly that the hedgehog wanted to change the discussion everything. Pretending nothing, just continued chatting with it.
-Vector and Charmy sleep like bricks. Their stomachs gained from eating so much. Sanna smiles, so it's okay to change the subject.
-Thank you Espio... she said somewhat embarrassed and embarrassed at the same time. Her emotions were flowing a lot when she found herself in front of the purple chameleon. It was still strange to her, whole new sensations. He smiled at her, understanding the meaning of her thank you. Being stronger than him, he liked to look into her eyes. Loving the kind of shiver that ran through his heart, to the rhythm of his beating in his chest. No longer knowing how to give head. Luckily he was able to keep his cool. Repeating himself over and over in the depths of his being, why was he acting like such a fool. Since meeting Sanna. At least he hadn't disappeared with his invisibility. It reassured him a little more.
-But I think about it... Sanna started. Am I bothering you?
-Of course not Sanna, you are always welcome no matter what. Even at night, don't be shy. If you're in trouble, I'm here for you. At the words of the chameleon, she was so touched that she couldn't help but jump to the detective's neck. Contemplating Espio's skin, his body made him feel something that even she couldn't describe. Except she didn't care too much. Espio tensed instantly. Showing so much emotion was not his strong suit and receiving it as well. Sanna immediately released him.
-Sorry... she said in a very small voice. Embarrassed, Espio was going to answer him except that the little moment was interrupted.

Charmy appeared and jumped to Sanna's neck. She stiffened, not knowing how to react. Espio rolled his eyes, unsure of what to say. Also it relieved him that his friend had come. Vector walked into the room, then removed the bee that was almost suffocating the girl.
-Name of god, you do it on purpose !? Or, is it your good humor that makes you stupid? the crocodile got angry and released Charmy. But the latter rushed again, on poor Sanna. Squeezing his arms more and more. Still saying nothing of how she must react to such a demonstration. Espio had had enough, the bee was breaking the limits.
-Once too many. he thought as he grabbed Charmy. Sanna felt released from a tremendous weight.
-But are you deaf or what? he growled. You've been told a thousand times to stop this! Will I or Vector have to tape you to the walls? Like a common flycatcher? The chameleon was angry, who made big eyes. Charmy almost broke into tears. Espio sighed as he released him.
-Listen Charmy, some people are not made for this kind of contact. The little bee, remembered something, at the words of his friend. He took a letter out of his helmet.
-Someone from your mother's clan brought you this. he said, handing the envelope to the reptile.
-Hmmm... the chameleon sighed, taking the envelope, turning it over. At the sight of the writing on the paper of that envelope he had between his fingers, he started to sweat nervously.
-How, you could have forgotten a letter, which was permanently on you? Vector thought discouraged.
-Are you all right, Espio? the hedgehog wondered. Immediately, the ninja turned white, like snow. Sanna was in awe again.
-It's impressive, how quickly the color of her skin changes. thought this one. Vector scratched his head at his friend's reaction.
-Is anyone dead? asked the crocodile.
-Oh no, you're going to have to leave? Charmy whimpered. Espio finally resumed his colors.
-Sure that letter was my mother's handwriting. And that also in the letter... he began seriously. At the pronunciation of this phrase, the bee and the crocodile looked at each other. They both began to giggle at the same time. Then they left Espio's room. Panicked, Vector walked into his room, pulled a suitcase from under his bed, and stepped out. Sanna walked over to the doorframe, to see what was happening to the two detectives. Not understanding their reactions. Charmy entered her room which, behind her door, was a bundle and then came out. Having her bag on her shoulders. The hedgehog understood absolutely nothing about their behavior. It looked like two hens, no head that was about to go under a chopper. The two detectives rushed to the front door. Vector opened it wide and began to run outside. Charmy followed, who closed the door behind him. They set off on a run, screaming at the top of their lungs. While waving his arms, like vulgar lost.
-See, they've gone mad, or what? Sanna asked, who turned back to the chameleon. Her eyes widened slightly, while trying to keep his comments to herself.
-Let's say, that my mother is very severe. I wouldn't say he's a bully. began the chameleon, searching for his words. While trying to explain to Sanna the behavior of her teammates.
-Is it that much worse? thought Sanna, who was somewhat confused.
-My mother was not keen on the idea of ​​me moving here, while continuing to work as a detective.
-Why is that?! asked Sanna, who was also curious to know.
-I come from a ninja tribe, which must obey certain laws and restrictions. My mother being the wife of the chief, of the tribe. She is the one who makes the decisions. My father who passed away since I was little. She took care of me, along with her clan. Raising a child while commanding an army is very complex. She had a lot of it on her arms. Then he continued to read his mother's letter. Sanna looked at him without saying anything. Espio looked up at the hedgehog. His gaze fell.
-Are you okay, Espio? Sanna asked hesitantly in the tone of her voice.
-She's coming in a few days... he said somewhat disturbed. By dropping the letter at his feet.
-And that's why Vector and Charmy left, like common thieves? Can't your mom be that bad? smiling at the chameleon. He remained insensitive to Sanna's smile. His mother was a particularly direct person. Being able to be very cruel at any time. Especially, what concerns the principles of the tribe.
-If you knew Sanna. Espio thought, looking at the young hedgehog. It's not easy. I just wish everything went well.
-But yes, everything will be fine. Charmy and Vector are exaggerating with this. They should have stayed here with you to welcome him.
-Let's say, my mom doesn't like my two teammates. She thinks they're stupid. While wondering, what am I doing with them.
-You doubtless perceive badly, the intention of your mother for your two friends.
-She doesn't like Charmy and Vector. Thinking it's their fault that I became a detective. Also, she thinks that I give up martial arts and everything related to the world of ninjas. Except that my mother is wrong.
-Why don't you just explain your point of view to him? Sanna asked.
-Because I know full well, she won't listen to me.
-Do it and you will see the result.
-I think it's lost. Especially when she notices the absence of Vector and Charmy.
-Did you ever mention to your mother that she scared them?
-I don't know what planet you live on, but my mother, as I mentioned to you earlier, is very cruel.
-Look, I'll show you the opposite. I'll be there with you, okay?
-I don't know Sanna, my mother will stay at least 3 days here, with all her army.
-So I'll stay with you all the time she's here! Him, all alone with Sanna, even if his mother will be there? Why not, after all, there won't be Charmy and Vector to spoil their time with Sanna.
-Good, very good. I accept. he said to her at last, with a smile on his face.
-Great! she said cheerfully. While jumping around his neck. He blushed slightly during losing all his ability and losing control of his legs. Sanna blushed a little, seeing herself on Espio's neck. Not understanding, why she wanted so much contact with her being.

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