Blue Scare

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The days had passed since Espio had met Shadow. He hadn't cut any news from Vector and Charmy yet. He was just looking at the clock, which kept ticking away. A real torture for him. Especially since fear invaded him very often.
-Will Sanna keep the after-effects of her aggression? Could she talk again or even move? Was she going to stay in a coma? Was she finally dead? thought without stopping the ninja. Shadow, had been hiding, since he had assaulted the hedgehog witch.
-I'm just a dirty selfish monster... murmured the cloistered hedgehog.
-Sincerely Shadow... said a very small voice that sounded soft and calm at the same time.
-M... Ma... Maria? he wondered. The spirit of the young blonde appeared in front of the ultimate life form.
-How is it possible? Am I going crazy?
-No, you're not going crazy. she laughed. Let's say, if I'm in front of you. It's that I felt an immense sorrow coming from you. I had more than enough of feeling this badly.
-Pfff... he said, rolling his eyes.
-You exasperate me! Maria added, crossing her arms in front of the hedgehog. Why are you so hard on yourself? she said as she landed on the ground.
-I betrayed that promise I made to you.
-Of course not. she told him seriously. You didn't want my name dirty. And I don't blame you for that.
-You don't understand... I almost killed Sanna... chuckled the hedgehog who was trying not to cry.
-I don't want to add fuel to the fire. But this hedgehog created by my cousin. It's only a matter of seconds before it explodes. It's a ticking time bomb.
-How can you say such a thing?
-Since I've been up there, I've been watching over you my friend. I scrutinize the slightest facts and gestures that take place all around you. And, I don't like what I see at all. Sanna is a real danger to Mobius.
-How to believe you? Being in a daze, you may just be a figment of my imagination. Shadow said coldly, trying the tears that appeared in the corners of her eyes.
-You're not crazy Shadow! Pulled yourself together! This hedgehog named Sanna is very dangerous! The ultimate life form did not respond to her friend's words. He continues to listen to her attentively.
-My cousin is crazy...
-I already knew that. he said in a puzzled tone.
-I don't think you understand the magnitude of the situation. Yes, he is also intense against Sanna. To always want to control her is that he has a goal. She is much more powerful than you can imagine.
-I am fully aware. Let's say that my first meeting with her was not at all rosy. I couldn't even get my Chaos Emerald back.
-You must do everything in your power to neutralize this girl. Eggman, is losing control over her. He doesn't even realize the situation. she ends up disappearing in front of the hedgehog. Shadow blinked while yawning greatly. He was beginning to fall from tired. His thoughts raced constantly. It gave him a huge headache. He clutched his head in both hands, closing his eyes. Trying to calm the pain that invades his head. He saw the precise moment, from where he hit Sanna before Espio intervened. The immortal being opened his eyes. It was unbearable to see this scene again. His throat was tight with deep remorse. Coming out of his hiding place, he stared at a tree. Shadow, let off steam while hitting with all his might on the tree trunk. Couldn't help but hit him until his knuckles were bleeding. He looked at his hands, which were covered in blood.
-I lost control, hearing Maria's name! The more he stared at his hands, the calmer he became. For once, it was his blood that flowed and not that of others.

Espio, who was still going around in circles in the living room. Suddenly stopped walking, hearing footsteps approaching the Chaotix agency. When the door opened slowly. He saw the disturbing looks of Vector and Charmy. Espio, pale as a ghost. His emotions, were so turned upside down that he couldn't control them more or less. He became invisible to his two friends. But, the bee and the crocodile could hear Espio crying. Charmy, saw the tears that flowed from the transparent face of the chameleon. Vector took the invisible figure of his friend in his arms. It was necessary to calm Espio, seeing him in this state upset him particularly. The green colossus waved the little bee away. He had to speak alone with Espio. The young Charmy, understood or wanted to come from Vector. So he went to his room. Anyway, the young bee was very tired. He had spent several sleepless nights, on Sanna's loan. Hoping so much, that she opens her eyes again. He had even cried a few times, in Vector's arms. Same as the crocodile, had cried a few times. Without Charmy seeing it. He didn't like showing his feelings to others.
-Come on my friend, calm down otherwise you risk remaining invisible for a while. I know you love him very much Sanna. But you shouldn't make yourself sick for her. Just imagine, if she comes out of the coma while seeing you in such a sorry state. Herself, she will not forgive herself. That little girl will think it's her fault if you get sick.
-You... you're right. snorted Espio who tried to calm his emotions inside him. But it was not easy. Just when he was about to calm down. The chameleon saw Sanna's bruised body again. He recovered again in all his states. Vector, was completely confused by his friend's behavior. He had to find a solution by appeasing her.
-What could I be doing? he thought, still hearing his friend bawl like crazy. Charmy, tried to sleep without succeeding too much. He didn't like hearing one of his friends cry like that at all.
-If it continues this way, I'm the one who will start crying again. he whispered, his heart heavy in his upper chest. Then suddenly he heard snoring. Espio, had finally fallen asleep. It must be said that since the departure of Charmy and Vector. With Sanna's body completely inert. While waiting for a sign from his two friends, the chameleon hadn't slept much. Vector, who led Espio back to his room. Seen him slowly reappearing in his arms. At least he was relieved that his friend had calmed down. While pulling the covers off Espio's bed. He finally noticed his face. The ninja was surrounded up to the chin. Vector, who put him down on his bed, sighed. While pulling up the covers on Espio. He heard himself mumble something last, between snores.
-Sanna, I miss you. I love you so much, come back to yourself... Espio said, snoring again. This made the crocodile shed a few tears. He, too, was well and truly tired of this sad misadventure. He slowly left the room of the purple reptile. Leaving the door open. Then it was his turn to yawn like never before. His bed was waiting for him impatiently. The crocodile stretching its arms, before setting foot in its sanctuary. Finally, he was going to be able to rest in his room.

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