The Survival Instinct Appears

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Somewhere on Mobius, an army of chameleons surrounded a beautiful female ninja. Her forehead was adorned with jewels, which surrounded her horns. Advancing slowly, facing the sunrise. She was among the crowd surrounding her, thus protecting her. It was Espio's mother, who was going to meet her only son. Without knowing it, the ninja chameleon had been closely watched by his tribe. The chameleons that were in hiding all around the Chaotix agency. They had mentioned to Constant Vigil, chief of the tribe that his son had lost in terms of concentration. This was very alarming for the chameleon's mother. Not liking at all, what was reported to him. That was why she had sent a letter to Espio. Above all, she had been somewhat irritated, that her only son did not give her a sign of life. Espio was very important to her. Unable to believe, such a thing from his son. Claiming that she wanted to see him, but that was just a trick to get him back on track. Constant, also heard between the tree branches, that there was an unknown hedgehog, who often came to see him. Also mentioned to him, that Espio seemed to have a soft spot for this funny girl. And besides, this hedgehog named Sanna seemed to be in love with her son. There was no way a hedgehog was around the chameleon ninja. She had to put a therm on all that. There were about 2 days of walking left before their destination. She was more determined than ever.

When Cream opened her eyes, Sanna and Rouge were gone. She woke Amy, with help from Cheese. She wanted to know what was happening.
-Miss Amy, stand up! the beige rabbit yelled. The rose jumped from its makeshift mat and fell squarely on the ground.
-What is wrong with you? Amy said, still asleep.
-Miss Rouge and Sanna are no longer there!
-Cha Chao Cha! Cheese said. Amy sighed for a long time. She had little choice to explain Rouge attitude to the witch hedgehog.

The bat had forcibly taken young Sanna to Dr. Eggman's headquarters. Then left immediately in the direction of his club. She ran into Knuckles and Sonic. Remaining surprised, she listened anyway to the two boys who explained to her the rest of Omega and Tails. Also, Sonic enthusiastically mentioned to him that the fox had invented a machine that can locate emeralds as well as fragments of the Master Emerald. Rouge became somewhat confused, because Knuckles was speaking at the same time as the blue hedgehog. Also, she needed to contact Shadow. Telling her that she brought Sanna back to Dr. Eggman's base. Except that it was too late, Shadow left his room. His eyes widened, seeing the two boys poking his partner's skull. He stopped dead in the corridor. The white woman finally noticed the black hedgehog, over the shoulders of the two boys.
-Okay guys. Come on, get Omega and the gear we need. We'll help you, I'll find Shadow for you. She jumped up behind them and pushed them out of her club. Locking the door behind them. She sighed deeply, to show her relief. Knuckles and Sonic looked at each other and shrugged.
-Women... they said at the same time. They left without asking any more questions.
-What about Shadow? he said as he walked over to Rouge.
-We will help Knuckles and the others find the Emeralds and the Master Emerald Pieces.
-Oh no Rouge! I have my arms full with this plague of Sanna.
-Speaking of her, I took her back to H.Q. this morning.
-For real?
-Yes, I slept at Cream's, with Amy and Sanna there. Shadow chuckled. The white hybrid, didn't like her teammate's attitude at all, she started tapping her foot. Insulted that the ultimate life form is laughing at her.
-I needed to decompress too! gets upset Rouge.
-It's alright, it's alright... It's just how badly I imagine you in a slumber party.
-Do you want a slap, seeing that you're laughing at me? I can't imagine you having a sense of humor. All of which is always of an unpleasant nature.
-Listen, he said, resuming his seriousness. I too have to evacuate.
-I forgive you for this time, but if you dare to laugh at me again. I am going to hit you! she said smiling. Shadow winked at him in acceptance.
-Ah, so I wanted to warn you that I told Amy everything.
-What did you say to that pink kid?
-Everything that happened with Omega and our crushing encounter with Sanna.
-Good... sighed the ultimate life form. Here on Mobius nothing remains secret for too long.
-And I heard from the guardian's mouth, while the blue hedgehog spoke. What Omega did you see on your way to Tails?
-Yes... At his workshop. Before I entered his home. I was listening under the window. Then the hedgehog correctly explained to Rouge what had happened at the yellow fox workshop.
-At least, it matches in every way, with the glow that was around Omega's eyes.
-Yeah, except the emerald residue I had never heard of.
-Knuckles and you are the same. You keep your information to yourself. Real graves! A click was heard. Shadow's bracelet was open.
-Shadow, if you see Rouge, said thank you for me. Because she brought Sanna back. finished Dr. Eggman.
-It amazes me that she hasn't run away, yet.
-Yes... actually I had to tie it up a bit... she said, looking up at the ceiling.
-Attached! Shadow asked a question, to really know if he had heard correctly.
-She was not at all, keen on the idea of me forcing her back. So I had to do it differently. At least my plan worked well, in that Dr. Eggman thanked me.
-Hmmm... I don't believe you... I know it when you lie...
-Well, if you want to... she said looking at him again. I made a promise to Sanna that you and I would take her to town.
-What, in town? Shadow said, frowning as he closed his eyes.
-To take her shopping, you and me. hissed Rouge, who coughed.
-What, me too? looking at the bat smirked, while reopening its eyes. While staring at her, with a murderous gaze. She smiled broadly at him, while showing all her teeth.
-We have to be there in 10 minutes to pick her up. Otherwise, she guaranteed me that you were going to run after her again... Shadow felt a black anger rise in her face.
-ROOOOOUUUUUUGGGGGEEEEE! Shadow shouted. His cry echoed throughout the club. She chuckled as she grabbed Shadow's arms and left at breakneck speed through the sliding door behind the club.
-I HATE YOU! cried the black hedgehog at the top of its lungs, with its feet in the air.
-It's going to be okay Shadow. she said smiling.

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