A maknae, who is not like a maknae Wonyoung

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Eunbi: Everyone wakes up now or I will splash you with a bucket of water!!!

Eunbi unnie walked into the room with a speaker in her hand. I groaned and covered my face with the duvet, as I stuck my hand out and waved Eunbi unnie away, indicating that I was awake. I waited a moment until I was sure that Eunbi unnie was gone, before trying to get out of bed but something or someone was weighing me down. I looked down at my chest and saw Wonyoung sleeping on top of me, pouting slightly.

Jahoon: Wonyoungie~ It is time to wake up. You have to go to school.

Wonyoung: No, unnie~ I want to sleep more~ I want to cuddle with my favorite bear unnie~

Wonyoung cuddled closer to me and hugged me in an almost death hug. I chuckled at her and hugged back. I kissed her forehead only to make her pout even more. I then kissed her cheeks and nose in addition, as she smiled a pleased smile.

Jahoon: Fine, I will give you five more minutes but then you have to get up after that.

Wonyoung: Thank you unnie!

I chuckled at Wonyoung's reaction as she kissed my cheek and laid her head back down at my chest. I laid my head on top of hers and closed my eyes.

Eunbi: Yah! Jang Wonyoung! Park Jahoon! Get your asses up now!

Jahoon: That was the fastest five minutes ever.

Wonyoung covered her mouth as she was laughing and stood up from the bed before dragging me up with her.

Wonyoung: Let us go and get ready unnie, then we can finish our breakfast fast and unnie can walk me to school!

Jahoon: But...

Wonyoung: No buts unnie. Unnie is too lazy and unnie also has to go be with me in school.

Jahoon: Wait what?! Why? I'm too old to go to school Wonyoungie.

Wonyoung pouted at me while changing into her school uniform, while I changed into a pair of black jeans and a light blue button-up shirt. I tilted my head at her.

Wonyoung: Unnie really forgot about it~ Today is the day where students have to take a person who they admire or are proud of with them to school and where they also get to spend a day with them. And I have chosen unnie as the person I both admire and are proud of the most.

I opened the door and we walked our way into the kitchen, where the others were sitting, eating their breakfast. I pointed to myself and mouthed "Me?", as I looked at Wonyoung. Wonyoung nodded and sat between Chaeyeon and Yuri, as I sat between Minju and Hyewon.

Jahoon: But why me? I'm glad that our little giant baby admires and is proud of this unnie but why?

I looked up from my bowl of fried kimchi rice to see everyone looking at me with a "Did you really ask about that? You really don't know" look. I blinked a few times and pouted.

Wonyoung: Unnie always takes care of us and always worries about us like a big sister.

Yujin and Yena: And unnie always put other people before herself.

Both of them said with their mouth full, receiving a hit in the back of their head by Chaeyeon and Eunbi, who was sitting beside them.

Chaeyeon: Yah don't speak with food in your mouth but I have to agree with them Jahoon unnie. I really admire unnie for that but I'm also worried about it.

Jahoon: Why?

Everyone, except Jahoon: Because unnie neglects herself for others.

I opened my mouth and pointed at them, wanting to argue with them but nothing came out of my mouth. Hyewon placed my hand back down at the table, while Minju feeds me, making me shut my mouth.

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