Dancing machine Chaeyeon

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Jahoon: Chaeyeon!!!!!

The door to my bedroom burst wide open and almost destroyed the wall. I open my eyes wide before looking back at the almost destroyer. The wide-open door had revealed a wild-haired Chaeyeon and a sleepy Wonyoung, that was rubbing her eyes cutely. I chuckled at Wonyoung and took her into my hug before rubbing her hair and telling her to go back to sleep. Then I walked back to Chaeyeon and flicked her forehead with my finger.

Chaeyeon: Ouch!! Why did you do that?!

I tilted my head and looked at her with a look saying "You really don't know?".

Chaeyeon: Well was it my fault that you yelled after me? But was it's wrong for you? Are you hurt? Who hurt you?

Chaeyeon came directly in front of me and put her hands on my shoulders before she began to shake me up. I let her shake me up like a doll before I gently pushed off her hands on my shoulder and put my hands on her face.

Jahoon: Even if I am hurt, I don't think shaking me up like that would help me or anyone at all.

I gently chuckled and kissed her on the forehead. I looked at her face and saw her face began to turn pink. I teased her even more and moved my face near her, so our faces' were inches away from each other. Chaeyeon pushed me away from her and I fell onto my bed and laughed at her.

Jahoon: I'm sorry for teasing you. But we both know that our comeback is soon and I want to review the dance with you because after all, you are the main dancer. Most importantly I look up to you with your dance, that is why we have to go to the company and right into the dance studio to review the dance. Right now as in right now.

I stood back up on my feet, took my backpack and dragged her out of my room, into her room. I put my backpack on my shoulders while still holding her hand tightly, took her backpack and dragged her out of the room and outside of our dorm. Chaeyeon chuckled all the way to the company while allowing me to drag her, without saying anything and looked at me sweetly.

Chaeyeon: Ok! I think this is enough for now. Let us take a break and order some food before we go back to the dorm.

Jahoon: But I'm not finished yet...

I looked at her with puppy eyes, while pouting. I smiled and back hugged her sweetly while rocking from side to side, as I tried to persuade her.

Chaeyeon: You do know that this won't help anything right? You know I worry about your health. You should take it easy with your health and I know that your company would say the same.

I sighed and nodded before letting her go and sat down in the middle of the practice room while staring at my reflection in the mirror. I saw Chaeyeon looked sadly at me, out of the corner of my eye but I tried to ignore her and laid down on my back and closed my eyes.

Chaeyeon: Jahoon unnie! Wake up! The food is here now! And I also ordered a lot for your big stomach and don't worry about the cost because it is all on me.

I quickly opened my eyes and glared at her. Chaeyeon smiled sheepishly at me. She knew how much I hated the fact that people are using a lot of money on me. I sat slowly up to not get a headache. Right after I came back to my senses, I could smell the food that fills up the room. At that moment I realized how hungry I was, so I rolled quickly over to the food and began to devour it. Chaeyeon sat beside me and calmly ate her food while smiling at me.

I took a small break and took the attention of my plate. I saw Chaeyeon trying to hold her laugh. I tilted my head and looked at her with puppy eyes. Chaeyeon moved closer to me and brought her hand closer to my face. I could feel my face getting hotter as she brought her own face closer to mine. Normally it would be me teasing my members by bringing my face closer to theirs to make them blush. This was the first time that this has happened to me, except for the time with Irene but that is something I want to forget for every price. My mind came back to the present when I could feel something soft on my left cheek, so I turned my head to the left and OH MY GOD! I ALMOST KISSED CHAEYEON. I quickly crawled backward and this time my face was hot for sure. We both turned our heads to the door after we heard someone cough. Our manager stood there and held his hand in front of his eyes.

Manager: I didn't see anything for sure but if you really are together then I'm happy for you both. I love you both!

The manager brought his arm over his head to form a heart, so I ran over to him and tried to fly kick him. Disappointedly he ran away and tried to hide behind the sofa.

Manager: Please don't kill me yet. Let us clean up and get back to the dorm because you both know what will happen if you both don't come back home before 8 pm as you promised Eunbi.

I almost broke my neck as I turned to look at the clock, which was almost 7:30 pm. I hurriedly clean everything and even wiped the floor before dragging Chaeyeon up, taking her backpack and my own before taking Chaeyeon and our manager in each of my hand and out to the car. Luckily we came back to the dorm before 8 pm and got out of Eunbis clutch.

I took a bath and put on my pajamas before laying down on my bed getting ready to have a good night, as the door to my room began to open up slowly.

Wonyoung: Jahoon unnie? Are you asleep?

Jahoon: No my dear, what is wrong?

Wonyoung closed the door behind her and sat at the edge of my bed. I could hear Chaeyeon roll around in her bed while mumbling something, so I tried to be quiet as possible and took Wonyoung closer to my side. She hugged me and snuggled her head closer to the crotch of my neck.

Wonyoung: I can't sleep.

She whined as she snuggled closer and closer to me. I chuckled but tried to choke my chuckled as I remembered that Chaeyeon was sleeping beside me. I laid down with Wonyoung and whispered a little lullaby for her, before I, myself, fell asleep.

I woke up to feeling numb in both of my arms and as I tried to stretch them, I could feel something preventing it from happening. I looked at both of my sides and saw both Wonyoung and Chaeyeon laying beside me as they hugged me and each other. I smiled at the scene and gave them both a kiss on the forehead, before drifting back to sleep.

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