Vocal goddess Yuri

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???: Jahoon unnie~

A sweet and warm voice called out for me, as I sat in the living room watching Yena and Hyewon gaming together.

Yena: Unnie what does it says?

Hyewon: Turn on the two gas pumps and the main breaker to restart the generator.

Hyewon read in perfect English, while Yena just stared at her all confused since she didn't understand what Hyewon was saying.

Yena: What does it say?

Yuri jumped on the couch and sat beside me while cuddling up to me. I giggle at her and patted her head before returning my attention back to Hyewon, who was speaking.

Hyewon: I don't know.

I snickered at her and both Yena and Hyewon turned around to face me, while Yuri looked at Yena, then at Hyewon, and lastly at me, confused about what is happening.

Yena: That is right! You know how to read and speak English Jahoon unnie! What does it say?

Jahoon: You really don't know what it says Hyewon?

Hyewon shook her head cutely and looked at me with her puppy eyes. I screamed internally and tried to keep a straight face since it was rare for me to see Hyewon making puppy eyes. I sighed and was about to facepalm myself when a hand stopped me from doing it. I looked at the owner of the hand and saw Yuri, shaking her head at me.

Yuri: You need to stop your bad habits of facepalming yourself. I don't want you to ruin your beautiful face.

I looked at everything else in the room except for Hyewon, Yena, and Yuri, trying not to blush. I cleared my throat and faced Hyewon.

Jahoon: You read it in perfectly English Kwangbae... Well, it says: 두 개의 가스 펌프와 주 차단기를 켜서 발전기를 다시 시작하십시오.

Hyewon and Yena: Thank you unnie!

They both turned their attention back to the game, as I turned my attention to Yuri, who was looking at me with a pout. I pinched her lips, making her shake her head to make me stop. I giggled at her and cupped her face, making her face me. I looked her directly into her eyes and decided to tease her. I moved my face forward acting like I was trying to kiss her on the lips but quickly moved backward, quite shocked, as Yuri leaned in trying to kiss me back. Before our lips met, a pillow was thrown at us from the other side of the room.

Nako: Not in front of my salad! Get a room!

Both me and Yuri looked at each other before bursting into a laugh. We then cuddled closer to each other, as much as possible and I rubbed my right cheek with Yuris while looking at Nako. Nako sighed and grabbed her forehead before running into Eunbi's room.

Nako: Eunbi unnie! Please stop Jahoon unnie and Yuri, so I can eat in peace without throwing up!

I high-fived Yuri before getting pulled away from her, as Eunbi pulled my ear, making me stand up. I looked over to both Hyewon and Yena, who were sitting behind Eunbi, for help but both of them looked at me with an apologetic expression that says: "Sorry unnie, you are on your own." I pouted at them and returned my attention back to Eunbi.

Eunbi: Stop teasing Nako, so she can eat. She needs to eat to grow.

Nako: Unnie~!

Jahoon: I'm sorry unnie~ Please forgive me~

I hugged Eunbi and pouted at her while doing ageyo, making her release my ear with a sigh. She then patted my head and walked into the kitchen with Nako. My shoulders drop and I clenched my hands into a fist and lightly hit my own head, a habit of mine whenever I was embarrassed. My whole body shuddered out of embarrassment from doing ageyo.

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