I will be happy, I promise you

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Mina: พี่สาว ~ * ร้องไห้ * ช่วยฉันด้วย (Unnie~ *cry* Please help me.)

Jahoon: Mina!

I stretched my hand out and tried to catch her but she got further and further away whenever I got closer.

Mina: พี่ ~ ฉันกลัว ~ (Unnie~ I'm scared~)

Jahoon: พี่อยู่นี่! พี่จะช่วยคุณเอง! (Unnie is here! Unnie will help you!)

Mina: พี่ ~ ขอให้มีความสุขนะ ... สำหรับฉัน ... เพื่อนของพี่กำลังรอคุณอยู่ ... ขอให้มีความสุขกับเธอ ... สำหรับฉัน ... ลาก่อน (Unnie~ Please be happy... for me... Unnie's friend is waiting for you... Please be happy with her... for me... goodbye unnie...)

Jahoon: Mina?! Mina! Don't go! Mina!!!!

Minju: Jahoon? Jahoon?! Wake up! Please wake up!

I quickly sat straight up, out of breath. Sweat running down my face and back. Minju placed a hand on my cheek and turned my face to face her.

Minju: It's just a bad dream Hoonie. Are you alright? Look at you. You are sweating so much, and it must have been a really bad dream right?

I stared at her face for a bit before I quickly pulled her into a hug, making her freeze at the suddenness but returned the hug. She rubbed my back and whispered sweet words into my ear, trying to calm me down. I pulled away and looked her directly into her eyes.

Jahoon: Thank you Minju. I'm sorry for waking you up. I'm fine now.

Minju: Are you sure you are fine? You are sweating so much and you even talked in your dream. By the way who is Mina?

Jahoon: Yeah, I'm really fine, just the bad dream makes me sweat like this but don't worry~ and also for the name Mina, why are you jealous?

I noticed a slightly pink tiny appear on her cheeks, as she cleared her throat and turned the other way. I smirked at her reaction and decided to tease her a little bit. I hugged her and pulled her down with me to lie in the bed. I then turned her around and kissed her cheeks, forehead, and nose, making the pink tint on her cheeks turn red.

Jahoon: Awww~ I have made Kim Minju more flustered than normal~ Mina is my little sister.

Minju: Wait, your little sister? But why did you have a nightmare about her?

I kept quiet for a moment and just stared at her face. Minju placed a hand on my cheek and caressed it with her thumb.

Minju: You are crying.

Jahoon: Huh?

I used my fingers to wipe my eyes, revealing them to be wet. I smiled a little at her and placed my hands on top of hers, which still was on my cheek.

Jahoon: Don't worry~ I just got something in my eyes. Also, give me some time to collect myself first, I will tell you and the rest here tonight.... maybe....

I whispered the last part, which Minju still caught. She pulled my face closer to hers and kissed my forehead.

Minju: You don't need to tell it if you don't want to. I understand if you don't want to but I want you to know that I'm here if you need someone to talk with or if you just need a hug.

I hugged her. Minju pats my back with one hand while the other was caressing my hair, making me a bit sleepy. I pulled her down to lay back on the bed and pulled a bit away to look her in the eyes.

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