Why can't you see I love you?

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Yena: Jahoon! Are you ready?!

Jahoon: Yeah! Wait a minute, I'm coming!

I took my blue belt bag and threw it over my shoulders, waking to the living room. Minju came over to me and fixed my collar. I smiled at her and grabbed her by the waist.

Jahoon: Thank you Minmin~

Minju: You are welcome Hoonie~ Remember to bring some souvenirs home to me, then I won't be so sad about not being available to come.

Minju pouted, making me smile even wider, and kissed her on her lips. The pout turned into the same wide smile I was wearing.

Yena: Alright! Enough of the affection, I think I'm about to throw up if I see another moment of it. Let's go Hoonie!

Yena yanked me away from Minju and we both walked over to the entrance to get our shoes on. I waved at Minju and made gestures, promising her that I will text her when we arrived. Both Yena and I got into the car and drove away with manager unnie driving. I looked over to Yena, who was sitting on my right side, and saw her taking out the camera, probably to film for Enzoi camera.

Yena: Wizones! How are you guys doing? Everyone must be wondering right now, what I'm doing. Right now, I'm in the van with Jahoon unnie and we are going to the amusement park today to spend some time with each other.

Yena turned the camera to face me.

Yena: Unnie, say hello to Wizones!

Jahoon: Hello Wizones! I hope everyone is feeling well and taking care of themselves right now. Be careful not to get a cold and dress warmly in this cold weather.

Yena moved closer to me and wrapped her left arm around my right arm and placed her head on my shoulder. I placed my head on top of hers and could see her smile widely at the gesture in the camera.

Yena: We will see you again when we arrive at the amusement park~

Yena: Wizone~ we have arrived~ Unnie~ I want to play this~

I looked up from my phone after texting Minju and looked at Yena weirdly since she usually doesn't talk in ageyo. I patted her head and nodded, not noticing and looking at the ride, that she was pointing at.

Jahoon: Of course, anything for my dongsaeng.

I could see Yena slightly frowning at the word dongsaeng but it quickly changed back to her usual bright self. She dragged me to the queue and first when we were on the ride, I noticed it and regret everything.

Jahoon: Never... *ugh* pull me... *ugh* to a ride... like this again.

We got off the ride. I dragged myself to a bench and pulled myself up to sit on it, leaning over to the trash can. Yena followed behind with a worried look.

Yena: I'm sorry unnie... I didn't know that you would get this sick because of a ride.

Yena rubbed my back, making me threw up. After finally stopping, I leaned to make my back rest against the bench. Yena took out a tissue from her pouch and wiped my mouth before throwing it in the trash can.

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