Consequences on being in a relationship

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Yena: We all know that you guys are a couple now and we are happy for you but can you please stop being so affectionate with each other?

Yena rolled her eyes at Minju and me. We were all now sitting in the car, driving home after arriving at the airport from our holiday. Yena faked a throwing-up-noise, only to get hit by Yuri in the back of her head.

Jahoon: What are you talking about? Minju and I are nothing compared to choosing two.

I pointed at Hyewon and Eunbi unnie, making everyone, except those two, look at them. Both Hyewon and Eunbi were cuddling up against each other, a blanket covering them, doing something that hopefully was holy. They were sweet-talking to each other and calling each other pet names, everyone cringing at every name. It was as they noticed us looking at them since they stopped with what they were doing and turned around to look at each of our faces.

Eunbi: You guys got any problem?

Eunbi said with a small smile on her face and a raised eyebrow but you could clearly see the glare in her eyes.

Izone except Hyewon & Eunbi: Nope!

Everyone turned back to what they were doing and tried to look elsewhere than at the two. I could hear Eunbi laugh a bit at us. I took a look at her from the corner of my eyes and saw her returning to cuddle with Hyewon. Suddenly I felt a slap on my left shoulder. I looked in surprise at my left side to see Minju cutely glaring at me with a pout. I kissed her lips to make the pout go away but she was still glaring at me.

Minju: You almost got us in trouble with Eunbi unnie~

She whined and buried her face into the crook of my neck and wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me tightly. I giggled at her since she was tickling my neck and squealed internally at her acting cute. I kissed the crown of her head and stroked her hair with my right hand, while my left arm was wrapping around her waist.

Jahoon: I'm sorry honey~ but I had to say the truth or else Yena would tease the whole time~

Minju looked up at me for a few seconds before burying her face back into my neck. We stayed like that for the whole ride home.

Fansite: Jahoon! Please look this way! Please notice me!

We were at one of the fan sign events for Panorama. I tried to look directly into each of the fans' cameras and posed for them before sitting in between Nako and Wonyoung when we were told that the signing was going to begin soon. I signed a lot of albums and answered a lot of fan questions but one question stuck to my mind.

Fan: Jahoon unnie. I have a question for you.

I smiled at my fan and gestured to her to ask away.

Jahoon: Sure! What do you want to ask me about?

Fan: Have something happened between you and Yena unnie? Wizone has noticed that you two don't talk much or spend time much with each other as before.

I looked at her, trying not to seem surprised by the question. I put on a fake smile and shook my head.

Jahoon: No, nothing is wrong~ I just happened to spend more time with Hitomi and Minju these days, and she happened to spend more time with Yuri and Chaewon. We are both on good terms~ Don't worry~

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