Puppy Yujin

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Yujin: Yena unnie please give me the controller! You told me I could play after you had played the last round.

Yena: No I said after one more last round. Stop trying to take the controller away from me!

I walked out of my bedroom all groggily since I was still sleeping because I wanted to sleep as much as possible since we didn't have any schedule today. I was about to yell at them when Yujin sprang on top of Yena and began to pry the controller out of her hand, as Yena clung onto it with her life. They continued rolling around the living room while making a lot of noise that could even wake up the dead. I heard feet shuffling behind me and looked around to see Wonyoung walking out of her room with a bit messy hair, eyes half-open and a pout on her lips, making her extremely cuter than usual, which already were impossible. Wonyoung walked over to me and hugged me around the waist while burying her face into my chest. I chuckled at her and combed her hair with my fingers, telling her to go back to sleep and that I would make it quieter for her. She nodded and gave me a kiss on my right cheek before walking inside her room, still with a pout on her face. I turned back to the living room and sighed when I saw Yena and Yujin still at it. I walked over and stopped right in front of them, as they stopped when they noticed my presence.

Yujin and Yena: Good... good morning unnie.

Both of them said nervously, still lying on top of each other, while I glared at them.

Jahoon: If you guys don't quiet down now, I will cut each of your fingers one by one, so that you guys wouldn't be available to play any games.

I said in a monotone, making them visibly shiver before detaching themselves from each other. Both of them sprang on their feet and hugged my arms with Yujin on my left and Yena on my right. Yena pouting with her duck lips and Yujin with her puppy eyes.

Yena: Unnie~ I wasn't at fault~ It was the stinky dog that tried to take the controller out of my hand when I wasn't done playing yet.

Yujin: Yah, unnie! I'm not...

Before Yujin could finish her sentence, I slapped Yena at the back of her head lightly, making her pout even more and kiss me on my cheek, in hope that it would help me not be mad at her.

Jahoon: Yena apologizes to Yujin right now. It is not nice to call someone a stinky dog. She is a dog but not stinky.

I patted Yujin's head, making her smile so wide that her eyes turned into moon crescent. How is it possible for a human to look like a puppy that much? Yena sighed and clung to my arm. I looked at her with stern eyes, making her visibly shiver.

Yena: I'm sorry Yujinnie.

Yujin: It is okay unnie.

I pried my arms out of their grip and pushed them towards each other, making them hug.

Jahoon: Now that is done, continue what you were doing but please keep the noise level down, since some are still trying to catch on to sleep.

I pointed at myself. Both Yujin and Yena saluted and whispered "yes ma'am" as quietly as possible but still available for me to hear. I chuckled tiredly at them before turning on my heels and headed back to my bedroom. As I walked inside I could hear Minju's soft snore, making me chuckle lightly. How could she not be awakened by all these noises, is a mystery. I laid down on my bed and was about to sleep when I felt a presence beside me. I opened my eyes to see Yujin cuddling up to me with her head now on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and patted her head.

Yujin: Sleep unnie. You need it after working so hard.

Jahoon: Yes mom.

I grinned as Yujin hit my stomach before lightly rubbing it. As we were about to sleep, a loud noise was heard from the living room.

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