The End

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This is really the last concert. This is really the end.... No! Jahoon! Don't think like that! You have promised yourself to think positively! This is not the end, it is only a new beginning. I sat on the couch in our waiting room and looked around the room, especially at my members. Some were doing their makeup, some were getting their mic on, some fixing their clothes and some are just chilling, waiting to perform for the last time as Iz*one. As I slowly looked at them one by one, I tried to keep in my tears which were already on the verge of falling. All the memories flooded my mind and all of the regrets of things I still haven't been able to do with them.

Eunbi: Seems like you have a lot on your mind. Mind sharing a piece of it?

Jahoon: Jesus unnie! You almost gave me a heart attack!

Eunbi unnie chuckled and patted my head before sitting beside me on the couch. She wrapped an arm around my waist and one hand on my cheek, leading my head to lay on her shoulder. I snuggled closer to her and wrapped my arms around her upper body and my legs around her waist with a pout on my face.

Eunbi: I'm sorry Hoonie but you seemed to be really distressed by something. Mind telling your unnie?

I let out a breathy sigh, making Eunbi unnie rock us from side to side like she was rocking a baby to sleep.

Jahoon: I'm just a little bit sad unnie~. This is our last concert together as a group and we can't even be with Wizone for the last time because of a damn pandemic! And I don't want to separate from you guys yet. There are still so many things that I haven't done with you guys.

I pouted even more and wrapped my arms tighter around Eunbi unnie, afraid that she would disappear if I didn't hold tight enough. She patted my butt and looked at my face, the best as she could.

Eunbi: I understand your feeling Hoonie but sadly we can do anything about it. I also want to spend more time with everyone.

Jahoon: If I just have pushed more on them... if I have just-

Eunbi: You have done all that you could Hoonie. I know that we all for sure appreciate your efforts but we were just unlucky.

Jahoon: But...

Eunbi unnie shushed me and kissed me on my forehead. I pouted again and frowned a bit, making Eunbi unnie chuckled at me.

Eunbi: Minju! Your baby needs hugs and kisses from you!

Jahoon: Wait, what?

I pulled a bit away from her and looked at her confused. Eunbi unnie just looked at me with a smile before walking away, allowing Minju to come and sit beside me instead. Right at the moment, when Minju hugged me, I felt somehow at ease and melted into her hug and kisses. I'm sure that I'm by now having a lipstick mark on my forehead.

Minju: What happened to my baby? My baby is alright?

Hitomi: That is a rare sight to see Jahoon unnie getting babied by Minju unnie. Jahoon unnie is always the top and the one babying Minju unnie.

I scoffed and just snuggled closer to Minju and snuggled my face into the crook of her neck, taking in her scent.

Jahoon: Sometimes, I can be the one babied too. I'm a baby.

I acted cute, making some squeal at me and some trying to puke. I stuck out my tongue at them, while Minju giggled at my reaction. She then kissed my forehead again, making me return my attention back to her.

Minju: So what is it that you have in your mind?

I told her everything that I had told Eunbi unnie. As I was done she kept quiet, making me worried. I sat up to look at her face better, to see her biting her under lip slightly, trying not to cry. My heart melted as I looked at her and wrapped my arms around her so that her head was on my chest.

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