Step Eighteen: You Let Her Choose Her Fate

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Step Eighteen: You Let Her Choose Her Fate

Hiccup ran his fingers over the crown. He let out a shaky breath holding back his tears. He sat in the small room of his at Gobbers were his old invention sketches layed abandoned. He'd spent a lot of time traveling and mapping the world that he hadn't spent a lot of time in here in awhile.

He clinched the crown standing up and raising it above his head. Every ounces of him wanted to destroy the worthless crown, to throw it away. As he stood there the crown still in his hand he let out a soft cry.

She was dead. His arm dropped and he slumped back into his chair setting the crown by a stack of papers. Before he could recall what he was doing he pulled out a pieces of paper and a charcoal pencil and started to scratch away.

He bit his lip hard, causing it to bleed. He did this for what seemed like forever. When he was done he dropped the pencil and stared at the picture of Merida. Anyone who had ever see her would have said the picture was exact.

He stared at the drawing, thats all it was. It wasn't really her. It hurt knowing this, it hurt knowing that the redhead Scott, onces queen of Scotland, who spoke of legends and lessons she never seemed to learn, a friend, was gone forever.

What hurt the most though was the things Hiccup never said. The words that were stuck in his throat afraid to come out. A tear fell from his eye landing on the picture right below the right eye of Merida.

It made it look like the drawing was crying to. This reminded the dragon trainer of the night he found out about the truth of who Merida was.

"Ye no Viking," she'd told him.

"Your right Mer, im not," he whispered.

"Aye know ye be a great chief," she said.

Hiccup shook his head putting his head in his hands than running his hand through his hair, "No I can't,  I wont be."

"Aye love ye, Hiccup,"

"I love you, I always will,"

Hiccup bowed his head only to rasie it when he noticed the blonde standing in the corner. He jumped knocking some things to the floor. Astrid stood her faces red with anger her arms crossed.

"Her," was all she said making Hiccup sigh.


"You loved a Scott? So this whole time you didn't love me?" Hiccup ran his hand through his hair.

"Listen Astrid, please, I never said I didn't love you!" Hiccup pointed.

"You said you loved her, Hiccup if you loved me you wouldn't have fell for her," Astrid exclaimed.

Hiccup opened his mouth to say something only to closes it. She was right, he didn't love her, well atleast not like he loved Merida. He loved Astrid as a friend,  a sister perhaps. From the way the blonde looked at him, he could finally see it, what he failed to see all along.

"I did love you Astrid, as I can tell though you don't love me, most likely never have," He then stood up.

Hiccup wasn't sure what he expected perhaps her to deny it, instead he got nothing. Astrid simply stood there silent, which answered all Hiccups questions. No she did not love him, and oddly it didn't hurt as much as he expected.

Hiccup sighed closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his noses, "Actually maybe, I never loved you either," he looked at Astrid, "Maybe this whole time I simply just wanted to, and now I know I was stupid to try and love you when there would eventually be someone who would come that I would truly love."

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