Step Two:You Call A Truce

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Step Two:You Call A Truce

Merida wasn't sure what to think of Hiccup he was only a inch or two taller than her he dressed like a viking in a way but he was still to thin to be one in her opinion. But as she looked over her shoulder at him and his dragon she knew not to judge a book by its cover. He had asked if there was a place for him to stay the night. Merida knew just the place she couldn't take him to the castle expressly with his dragon.

Leaving him in the woods was a option but he stopped his dragon from attacking her. She owed him this much. As she pushed back the branches she looked at the one place she hadn't been to in years. The Witchs Cottage the place she had gotten that spell to change her fate. Which end in her mother turning into a bear along with her wee devil brothers.

She paused turning to Hiccup who looked wide eyes at it. He opened his mouth but she shushed him opening up the door wooden carving and such were still in the places she last saw she had visited this place everyday for the first month after her mother was turned back.And she never seen the witch again.

But her guess was the witch was still out there likely no to return to this land. Toothless flew in interested in everything Merida laughed snorting a bit she knew what her mother would say. A Princess doesn't snort! All well a princess also doesn't trust a viking they were enemies of the clans. Merida didn't seem to have a problem with them she never had met one and only heard stories.

She found them quite interesting actually she loved the storys. Although some spoke of dragons nobody ever believed them. But Merida now did she had seen one with her own eyes. They were quite amazing Toothless was amazing.

"Wow what is this place?" Hiccup asked examining one of the wood work.

"Its a witches cottage," she replied.

He dropped the carving stepping back looking around waiting for a green woman with a point hat to jump out. Stereotype Merida giggled at his panicked face he wasn't very brave.

"Don't worry she abandoned it years ago!" she told him.

"She? You met a witch?" he exclaimed.

"Its a long story maybe I'll tell you sometime," she said.

"I'm only staying one night so why don't you tell me now?" he suggested.

Merida narrowed her eyes at him, "Listen viking I don't trust you not that I think your much of a threat, " she jestered to him, "But I don't go and tell my business and secrets with enemies ot the kingdom and clans!"

"Listen I have no idea what your talking about!" Hiccup honestly didn't have a clue.

"Your a viking from Berk my guess we been at war with you for very long!" she explained.

"War but theres barely any of us vikings in Berk and ive never seen any wars between us and anything besides dragons!" Hiccup tells her.

She groaned turning to face him he wasn't very smart at least thats frok what she could see. He took a step back from her. She smiled in satisfaction he was afraid of her.

"Listen the fights are supposedly fought on one of the clans land ao ive never seen it," she tells him, "Maybe your fellow vikings have been keeping secrets the only real reason Berk and us are still at war is because of alliances which I believe you get help from my best friend cousined Queen Elsa of Arendelle and there a pretty big kingdom."

"Elsa yes she is a friend of mine but I don't think what you say is true her kingdom doesn't fight in less being a attacked so where ever your getting this information its false!" Hiccup was confused was what she said was true?

"Listen my parents don't tell me much but my friend Elsa cousin Rapunzel chance you heard of her she isn't one any side she can't choose so she keepa her kingdom out of the way!" she said, "Now I must leave I expect you be gone in the morning!"

She held her head high and marched out of the cottage Angus stood outside. Carefully she pulled herself on the back of him Hiccup ran out of the cottage stopping her from leaving.

"Listen Merida just because our homes are at war doesn't mean we have to be!" he tells her, "Listen I don't know you okay but I'd rather us be friends not enemies why im here."

"You said you'd be gone by morning," she reminded him.

"I changed my mind if what you say is true I don't want to face Berk intill I get a understanding," he explained.

"Fine truce," she smiled, "I'll be back tomorrow to check on you don't go anywhere near the castle or town if someone see you expect the worse."

"You seen me," he smirks.

"Yah but im a lot more understanding and I only shot a arrow at you," she reminded him, "They'll do worse."

He flinched and she laughed before riding off he couldn't help but smile. Toothless gave him a question looked.

"What?!" He asked, "I don't like her, Toothless I have a girlfriend Astrid remember!"


Merida ran to her room as fast as possible to avoid her mother. When she got there she shut the door tightly leaning her head against the wood.

"Were you been!"

Merida snapped around hold a hand to her hear as she looked at her blonde friend. She shrugged of Puns questioned and walked to her closet to find some dry clean clothes. She couldn't stop thinking about what Hiccup said. Just because our homes are at war doesn't mean we have to be. What he said was true Hiccup did seem like a enemy in Meridas opinion.

Be she couldn't be sure he could end up hating her to defend his home. Whatever the war was truly about didn't matter which side your on does. Merida sighed pulling out a green nightgown. The war would be in her hands soon her and her new husband whoever he was.

"Rapunzel you know that war?" she said.

"Between here and Berk yah what about it?"

"What is it about?" She asked.

"I don't know," Merida knew she was lying but did press farther she didn't need Rapunzel expecting anything.

"So were you been?"

"You know the usual," It wasn't a full lie going to the forest and shooting was normal meeting a viking not so much.

Merida walked behind the changing wall thing. And changed I to her nightgown. She thought of seeing Hiccup again tomorrow.  She would need to find a excuse to leave and find away to sneek some food to him. She knew he'd be hungry.

"Whats on your mind Mer?"

"Nothing just thinking about....the rain," She looked at the rain that had started up again.

"I hear about the marriage thing I talked to your mom and tried to talk her out," Pun tells her, "But she said it was the rules but she also told me something that im not supposed to tell you..."

"What?!" Merida demanded plopping on her bed Rapunzel sat next to her.

"She hasn't actually picked a suite yet," Pun replied.

"Really!" Merida was shocked, "Thats wonderful it gives me more time to convince her to change her mind or find the witch to turn her into a bear again!"

"Merida!" Rapunzel gasped.

"I was just kidding you take things way to serous good night im going to bed!" Merida tells her.

Her friend nodded before leaving to her own room. Merida sighed how was she going to change her mothers mind? Suddenly fear filled her what if she couldn't change her mothers mind? Merida knew the answer she'd end up marrying a complete stranger....And she was determined not to let it happen...

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