Step Three:You Go Fishing

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Step Three:You Go Fishing

Merida never thought it was possible for her to rise so easily in the morning but she did. Rubbing her eyes she changed into a longs sleeve teal colored dress and simple flats. The sun had barely started to rise. As quiet as possible she grabbed a brown shoulder bag and slung it over her shoulders along with her bow and arrows.

Mostof the staffwas still asleep along with the chefs so she had a easy access to the kitchen. Slowly she shut the door walking over to the table taking whatever what been leftover from yesterday or made late at night. Bread, fruits, pastrys, whatever was in arms reach. Filling a canteen with water she heard a familiar laugh.

Snapping around she faced Rapunzel who stood arms crossed raising a eyebrow. Merida gulped thing of excuse she could use. But Pun didn't say anything instead she walked over to a tray with a lid opening it reveling freshly made cookies and put some in a piece of cloth neatly wrapping it.

"Here cookies for him," she handed Merida the wrapped up cookies.

Meridas eyes widen she was shocked, "What....make you think theres a him I was just leaving early to go practice and avoided my mother!"

"Whatever you say Mer I'll twll your mother your still mad and ran off," Pun assured, "Just be back before dark we wouldn't want anyone worry would we?"

"Thanks Punzie I owe you!" She tells her running to the door.

"You always owe me!" she heard her friend shout as she ran to Angus.

Quickly she pulled herself on his back riding into the forest. She pulled out two arrows putting one between her teeth and sent the other flying into a target. She shot a arrows into targets intill she reached the cottage.

It looked abandoned on the outside but she knew a viking and dragon layed sound asleep one the otherside.Quick not to wake either of them. She cleared of a table that sat far away from where they slept on the floor. Merida layed out a table cloth she had tooken from the kitchen as well onto it. Laying out the food she had took she ate a apple and sat on a chair.

She looked at the viking sleep he seemed harmless but he looked that way awake to. Hiccup layed closed to his dragon like at any minute it would just fly away. But from the looks of Toothless tale with the hand made wing she knew it wasn't possible for him to fly woth out Hiccup.

Merida yawned she was still tired but ignored it. As she ate her apple she thought of what Pun had said. How did she know Merida was going to see a boy? What gave it away? Merida wasn't sure, whatever Pun though the reasons were, was wrong. Merida knew this she probably thought Mer had finally fallen in love. Bit that wasn't it she was out helping a boy not just eny boy a viking boy.

Hiccup scrunched his nosie sitting up. He must no have noticed her because her jumped when she said, "Good Morning!"

He looked at her wided eye trying to remember where he was and how he got there. He relaxed when it all c ame back to him. Quickly he stood walking over to the red head leaving Toothless to sleep. He knew he was tried from the long fly yesterday.

"Early riser my guess," he said taking a seat taking some bread it was a bit stale but it was better than most things he eaten in Berk.

"No I had to get up early so I could come bring you food," Merida explained.

"Thanks you didn't have to you know," He tells her.

"You said we should be friends and this is what friends do for one another," she said, "Besides waking up early allows me to avoid my mother."

"Oh well its still nice of you," he stated.

"Your welcome," she smiled, "So Hiccup qhat you got planned for us today?"

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