A suprise?

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Previously-'O-k I'll b-e yo-ur boy-frie-nd'--------------------------------------------------Present

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'O-k I'll b-e yo-ur boy-frie-nd'

'That's cool now! So I need to introduce you to my Mom so you know we need to act like all lovey dovey and if my mom doesn't get satisfied I need to 'kiss you.'

A few tiny red patches being seen on Kookie's skin
'A k--iss?!'

'Yes a kiss it's no big deal besides it's just to convince my mom so that she doesn't doubt our relationship'
Seokjin said

'Ohh ok-ay'
Kookie said still a lil stunned by Seokjin's request

'Okay! Great then I'll pick you up at 7 please just wear a pleasing outfit'
Seokjin said

*Meanwhile Kookie reaches home*

'Hey!Where have you been?! I've been so worried I thought something happened to you'
*Tears pricking up in his eyes*

'Ji-min! Ple-ase don't cry, S-ee nothing hap-pened to me I'm just fine ple-ase don't cr-y or you'll ma-ke me cr-y'Kookie backhugs him in order to comfort him

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'Ji-min! Ple-ase don't cry, S-ee nothing hap-pened to me I'm just fine ple-ase don't cr-y or you'll ma-ke me cr-y'
Kookie backhugs him in order to comfort him

'Ji-min! Ple-ase don't cry, S-ee nothing hap-pened to me I'm just fine ple-ase don't cr-y or you'll ma-ke me cr-y'Kookie backhugs him in order to comfort him

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A/N- So cutee omo my heartt🤧

Jimin murmur under his head and smacks Kookie's head

Kookie hisses in pain

'Come on! Dinner is ready!'
Jimin exclaims

*At the dining table*

'U-m Jim-in I got a fri-end I nee-d to m-eet at 7 s-o I'll be o-ut wi-th hi-m'

'Okay sure no problem just come back home safely'
Jimin says while stuffing food in his mouth

*Time skip to 7*
Seokjin is standing outside Kookie's house inorder to take him
Meanwhile Kookie comes out of the elevator.

Kookie is so amazed by Seokjin's whole self gosh!! How can someone be so handsome I don't think I can handle it
Kookie thinks

'Hello hey are you here?'
Seokjin waves his hand Infront of Jungkook

'O-hh u-m so-rry I ju-st got spaced o-ut'

Seokjin smirks and leans a lil closer to Kookie
'Like what you see?'

Jungkook blushes and looks down in embarrassment

*At the Kim mansion*

'Mom! Mom!'
Seokjin shouts

'Yes dear I'm in my room please come here!'

'Mom I'd like you to meet Jungkook he's my boyfriend!'
Seokjin exclaims happily

Kookie bows

'Son that's so great! I'm so happy for you see this lil boy he's so beautiful! But I'm son why does he stammer?'

'Mom he just has some past issues related to that but mom he's so great and his stammer will never affect me in wrong way'
Seokjin exclaims with a bit serious tone

'I'm so happy for you son finally you found someone who could take care of you, someone with whom you can share your burden with and his stammering doesn't affect me it's ok no one's perfect.'
'Jungkook come here darling!'
Seokjin's mother exclaims as he calls Kookie

Seokjin's mother kisses his cheeks inorder to show her affection
He's so pretty!

'Th-ank y-ou'
Kookie exclaims as he's really delighted to meet Seokjin's mother

'So son what do you do for your living?'

'U-m I wor-k in a café a-s I'm n-ot fr-om Se-oul but appa-rently I set-tled here with my friend'
Kookie says

'So where do you live?'

'Um I don't live in a fan-cy pla-ce just a pla-ce me an-d my frie-nd to-ok inor-der to li-ve and for our surv-iva-l'
Kookie says a lol lower this time

'Son why don't you move in with us with your friend?'

Both Jungkook and Seokjin says at the same time

Holla! Imma back🐰
This book is just becoming so interesting I genuinely feel as a author

Anyways please drop your views and don't forget to vote 🌠

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