Stuck with you

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Previously: 'I love you'Seokjin said and as a respond to Seokjin's confession Jungkook said'I love you too'--------------------------------------------------'Mhmmmmmm Seokjinn'Jungkook moaned as Seokjin inserted his tongue in Jungkook's mouth expl...

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Previously: 'I love you'
Seokjin said and as a respond to Seokjin's confession Jungkook said
'I love you too'
'Mhmmmmmm Seokjinn'
Jungkook moaned as Seokjin inserted his tongue in Jungkook's mouth exploring the hot cavern inside

*After their life confessions, the couple moved to the bedroom to continue their steamy session with Seokjin on top of Jungkook currently exploring his mouth*

'Jungkook you're driving me crazy'
Seokjin said as he was already hard listen to Jungkook's muffled moans

Seokjin pulled out of the kiss meeting a whiny Jungkook but the session didn't stop there he soon moved to Jungkook's neck marking his territory

'Jungkook who do you belong to?
Who is the only one who can touch you like this answer me!'
Seokjin said in a stern tone

Poor Jungkook was not even able to concentrate and couldn't form the words because of Seokjin's pleasant actions

Jungkook screamed as Seokjin marked a hickey on his neck a lil too harshly

'Answer me Jungkook!'
Seokjin said wanted to hear his lover's sweet voice

'Youu! I belo--ng to you
You're the onl-y one wh-o can tou--ch me like th--at you're the only on--e that has my he-art'
Jungkook said in a low voice while cupping Seokjin's cheeks

The couple stared at each other lovingly after the confession made by Jungkook there was no lust just love seen in both of their eyes

The couple stared at each other lovingly after the confession made by Jungkook there was no lust just love seen in both of their eyes

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'I love you too Jungkook and I promise I'll be with you forever well you're stuck with me'
Seokjin said being a lil too emotional

Jungkook chuckled a lil due to Seokjin's choice of words but who is he to stop Seokjin to say something like that we'll he'll gladly accept to be with Seokjin for the rest of his life

'I love you'
Seokjin repeated his words while looking at Jungkook lovingly there was no place for lust as the pleasant smell of live filled the room

Seokjin kissed Jungkook's forehead and interwined their fingers while spooning Jungkook and bringing him closer to him

'I lov-e y--ou to-o'
Jungkook said kissing Seokjin's knuckles and drifted in the world of dreams

I know you guys might be a lil disappointed as there's no smut in this but please bea lil patient I promise I will add smut but not now I want a lil fluff and I truly hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


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