My World

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I'm fast-forwarding the time please don't get confused

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I'm fast-forwarding the time please don't get confused.
-3 Years-
In all those 3 years there were many incidents that took place, Jin's mother got to know about all the planning and she happily welcomed Jungkook to the family, Yoongi tried to snatch Jin away from Jungkook but well that wasn't possible. Yoongi did everything he could but it was of no use all his efforts went to vain, he decided to kill Jungkook
He made a perfect plan but it was Jin who took the shot instead of Jungkook abd and that's when Yoongi went behind the bars.
Life took a lot of turn in these 3 years, Jungkook never lost his hope on Seokjin, he knew his Jin will get up some day even if he was breaking inside he didn't show his weak side to anyone because he needed to be strong for his Jinnie.

On the other hand Taehyung and Jimin were happily dating each other for the past 3 years and we'll it couldn't get any better, they fought, they cried, they smiled and they went all the ups and down but that didn't stop any of them to stop loving each other because no relationship is perfect.

Jhope suffered with his nightmares, his past he was abused by his step mom everyday he was beaten but that was his past and he overcome it with his two best friends Jimin and Jungkook and there was a special someone who used to send him flowers everyday and he couldn't be happier.

It's been a 3 years but Jim was still unconscious the bullet shot right in his chest just a little below the heart, though he was saved he was still in coma.

Everyone started to lose their hope and tried to convince Jungkook that Seokjin was gone but Jungkook knew that his Jinnie will be back.
He entered the room in which Jin was and started to speak while caressing Jin's cheeks.

'Hey Ji-nn-ie, It's 3 yea-rs of yo-ur ag-ony and everyon-e is star--ting to lose ho-pe b-ut I didn't bec-aus-e I kno-w my Jin will never leave me. Plea-se you'll never lea-ve me ri-ght?'
Jungkook broke down crying this was the first time he cried in those 3 years because he can't he just can't
He still held Jin's hand and continued
'Please Jinnie, wake up yo-ur Koo-kie nee-ds y-ou I just can't live with-out you any-more it hurts my heart, my hea-d every-thing just ple-ase I rea-lly love you Jinnie plea-se wak-e up'

He was just about to go when he gasped as he felt Jin's hand hold on his tighten there he was his Jinnie looking at him with a warm smile.
Jungkook was so shocked that he just ran up and hugged Jin tightly as his tears started to fall
'Jinnie! You're aw-ake! I mis-sed you wh-y did you do th-at you kn-ow i couldn't li-ve witho-ut you how coul-d you ta-ke the sh-ot for me? Are you craz-y?'
Jin just smiled warmly as he rubbed his lover's back soothingly inorder to calm him down just then the doctor entered

'This is truly a miracle Mr. Jeon, we all lost our hope but here your love for proved us wrong.
Mr.Jeon could you wait outside for a minute? Mr.Kim just woke up so we need to do some check ups.'

Jungkook nodded as he detached himself from his lover and head outside. Mrs. Kim hugged Jungkook and thanked her for loving his Jin so much.
Everyone was crying Taehyung, Jimin, Jhope, Jungkook and Namjoon they all were so happy to see Seokjin finally awake they all hugged Jungkook to comfort him when hoseok's hand slightly brushed Namjoon's, they both looked at each other and Jhope shyly smiled and held Joon's hand tighter which led Namjoon to smile wide showing his dimples, Jhope shyly looked away unaware of the surroundings, The vmin couple and Jungkook were smiling mischievously looking at their friends shy encounters.

They all went inside to meet Seokjin after the check-ups were done and hugged Jin and welcomed him back.
Mrs. Kim scolded Jin for his careless by giving a long lecture and everyone laughed happily seeing the scene.

A/N- Guess what peeps?
This story is about to end soon😭
I'm sad cause I enjoyed writing writing it but at the same time I don't wanna add more angst in this i like to keep my stories more fluffy and smutty I hope you guys don't think I'm rushing it cause we'll i already planned it's ending already and ur was like this.
Stay tuned for the next chapters❤️
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