Shattering heart

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*A quick recap*'Hahahaha'Seokjin laughed by seeing a flustered jungkook--------------------------------------------------

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*A quick recap*
Seokjin laughed by seeing a flustered jungkook

Wtf?! Why am I laughing I just want to use this pretty little boy imma not gonna get attached to him or will I?!
Seokjin asked himself

'Bbye! I hope you live up to your promise and rent us a bigger house'
Jimin said politely while talking to the house owner

*Jimin lied to Jungkook about going to a friend's house, he wanted himself and jungkook to be living with a lil more sanity so he decided to rent a lil bigger house for their living*

'Ughhhh!! I hate snowfall now how am I gonna go home?!'
Jimin said in a frustrated tone

'Mind if I give you a ride you pretty boy?'
A mysterious man asked while eyeing Jimin

'Excuse me! You can't just call me that and besides very nice to you but thanks I'll manage on my own!'
Jimin said obviously being annoyed but was awestruck by the flawless man standing in front of him

'Awww you took me in a wrong way I was just admiring you, don't worry I'll drop you come on'
The mysterious man said while smiling genuinely

Ummm....... Jimin was a lil convinced that this man Infront of him wouldn't do anything wrong with him so he decided to trust him as a angel he is
'Okay sure I'll take your offer'

'I'm glad now come on!'
The mysterious man said while opening the car door

*As they started going to home by the instruction given by Jimin, Jimin was a little curious to know the name of the man who was helping him*

'Um could you mind telling me your name? It's ok if you don't want to I just wanna be thankful'

'It's ok don't panic, I'm Taehyung and nice to meet you'
Taehyung said extending his right hand as he was driving with the other and smirked

'It's ok don't panic, I'm Taehyung and nice to meet you'Taehyung said extending his right hand as he was driving with the other and smirked

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'Oh nice to meet you. I'm Jimin'
Jimin said while smiling softly as his eyes forming a shape of a cresent moon

'Oh pretty name you got there just like you'
Taehyung said while smirking lightly

Jimin smiled shyly while hearing that
'Thank you'

As the environment went all silent again Jimin noticed that he was just a road away from his home and he could finally tell Kookie the good news, but as they went further they noticed that the road was blocked by snow and there was no way to get b...

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As the environment went all silent again Jimin noticed that he was just a road away from his home and he could finally tell Kookie the good news, but as they went further they noticed that the road was blocked by snow and there was no way to get back to his house

Jimin annoyingly said
'Now that's the reason I don't like snowfall aghhhh now how am I gonna go back to my house I have nowhere else to stay?!'

'Hey hey it's ok calm down you can welcome yourself to my house imma fine with it'
Taehyung said smirking eternally as he was thrilled to have some fun with such a beauty rit here now what did you expect me kim taehyung to fall for someone?!

'Hey hey it's ok calm down you can welcome yourself to my house imma fine with it'Taehyung said smirking eternally as he was thrilled to have some fun with such a beauty rit here now what did you expect me kim taehyung to fall for someone?!Huh😏

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'Um are you sure? I don't wanna bother you I've done that enough'
Jimin asked while fiddling his fingers

'Aww it's perfectly fine I just wanna help'
Taehyung said

'Okay then! And thank you so much again'
Jimin said while smiling lightly

*Time skip at Jungkook's house*

'Wh-at the h-ell di-d ju-st hap-pen? Did I just ki-ss Seokjin?'
Jungkook said while touching his lips and unconsciously remembering the sweet memory

'Hey I'm really hungry could I get the dinner now?'
Seokjin asked Jungkook so calmly like nothing just happened between them

'Hey? Hey? Jungkook?'
Seokjin called Jungkook but the latter was too lost in the sweet memories

Seokjin went behind Jungkook and touched his shoulder inorder to call him.
Jungkook flinched slightly and turned to face Seokjin
Jungkook said shyly

'Um I just asked you  about the dinner but I guess you weren't paying attention and about the earlier scene that happened just forget that it was just a gesture to say thank you I didn't mean anything nor I felt anything so I hope you don't take that kiss seriously'
Seokjin said sternly

Um sur-e it's ok I kne-w you didn't me-an anything come on go hav-e you dinner it's setu-p on th-e table'
Jungkook said in a wavering tone as tears were about to drop but he controlled himself

Seokjin said

'Um I'll ju-st co-me back in a while I nee-d to u-se the restroom'
Jungkook said

As Jungkook entered the restroom he let his tears fall uncontrollably. What did he expect of course he doesn't match to Seokjin's level he's just a loser who stammers how did he even expect Seokjin to feel something in the kiss?!

Imma back🤠
Sorry for late update
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