Jealousy and make up

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Jimin again visited the place he rented for Jungkook and him but he just wasn't so sure about it as the price was touching the sky but anyways he had a little hope left about it so he decided to go again

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Jimin again visited the place he rented for Jungkook and him but he just wasn't so sure about it as the price was touching the sky but anyways he had a little hope left about it so he decided to go again

'Hey! Sir I just wanted to ask the prices again it's just that the they're really high and we can't really---
Jimin was cut off when the guy spoke annoyingly

'So? It's none of my business boy! If you think the prices are high just go already I don't have so much time to waste on your broke ass'

'That's really rude of you sir, I guess we won't buy it and just because me and my friend is broke doesn't mean we're not human have some dignity oh I guess you just dropped it a long time ago!'
Jimin said in a angry tone as he couldn't believe the man's word so what if they're broke?! Aren't they human? He just stormed back from their and went to the cafe for his shift.

As Jimin started to cover his shift he noticed that Kookie wasn't there so he asked Sana about it as she was really nice friend of them so she would've have known

'Hey Sana! Do you perhaps have a idea where Jungkook is?'

'Um ya! He just went a while ago actually he just saw his boyfriend with someone who came with him for a date so he was really upset and just ran home crying, poor Jungkook I felt really bad'
Sana said sadly

'WHAT?!? I guess I should just leave too what if he's still crying?
Jimin said as he started to go but Sana stopped him by saying
'No, Jimin don't go right now, his boyfriend just ran behind him so they'll resolve their problems I guess you should continue your shift if sir knows that you both skipped he would fire you both
Sana said concerningly

'Oh he did? Um then I guess I should just continue they'll solve their problems and if not I swear I'll not leave Seokjin!'

As Jimin began to cover his shift as certain person grabbed his attention
Jimin shockingly said

Oh Jimin?! I didn't know you work here well good for me
Who's this pretty lady?
Taehyung smirked a little at Sana who just blushed looking at Taehyung

'Um-Um it's Sana
Sana couldn't form the words properly as she wasn't used to this much attention before

'Mind if I talk to you for a bit beautiful just want to get to know you?'
Taehyung asked looking at Sana

'Uhh--- Jimin-'
Jimin cut Sana off by saying
'No problem Sana, I'll cover your shift 5 min won't hurt go'
Jimin said smiling

As both Sana and Taehyung started to have a little talk Jimin noticed Taehyung complimenting Sana and lightly hold her hand
Something within Jimin just hurt, he just couldn't look there because he did like Taehyung and he knew that but just because he does doesn't mean Taehyung does too and that was proven by the fact that Taehyung was more interested in Sana, Jimin was hurt, he was Jealous, angry, he just wanted to go out from there, just vanish but he couldn't do that
As Taehyung and Sana's talk was over Sana furiously blushed as she excitedly told Jimin
'He gave me his number and he said he'd love to meet me again, that time a proper date'

Jimin looked at Taehyung, he was looking at Sana with a smirk, he just couldn't control anymore he was hurt highly hurt maybe he'll always experience heartbreak and with that Jimin just exited the cafe not making eye contact with any of them

Sana started chasing Jimin but was stopped by Taehyung as he spoke
'You cover your shift, I'll see what's wrong'

Taehyung said as he started chasing Jimin as he found Jimin sitting in a washroom as he was speaking to himself, Taehyung decided to wait there and listen but next sentence just surprised him to the core
'Jimin you need to control himself, just because you like him doesn't mean he should return your feelings it's okay you're made for heartbreaks'
Jimin said as he didn't notice his eyes getting glassy but before he could proceed sudden voice shocked him
'Oh so someone is Jealous?'
Taehyung said as he just walked closer to Jimin until there was no space between them with a smirk plastered on his lips

Jimin couldn't make a eye contact with Taehyung as he looked away seeing Jimin nervous made Taehyung smile proudly because that's what he wanted all along he did all that purposely just to get Jimin's attention, to make him his, to use him, his body.

Taehyung laid his eyes on Jimin's plump lips as he licked his own as connected his lips with Jimin
Jimin eyes just widened as he couldn't process this, he was numb but as Taehyung bite his lips he let out a low moan making him live the moment he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck as Taehyung pulled Jimin closer by his waist and he wrapped Jimin's legs around him and pushed him against the wall.
Things got heated and that's when Taehyung pulled out and whisper
'I did that all purposely my Jiminie to see the jealous you'
Taehyung smirked at Jimin as Jimin just couldn't believe that he just made a fool out of himself.


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