Something a little new

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Don't forget to vote and drop your comments🥺--------------------------------------------------Previously(from pernicious intentions)'You'll be moaning my name soon babyboy and with the same sweetness, Just wait and watch'Taehyung said while smirk...

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Don't forget to vote and drop your comments🥺
Previously(from pernicious intentions)
'You'll be moaning my name soon babyboy and with the same sweetness, Just wait and watch'
Taehyung said while smirking and knowing clearly about his evil plans to ruin this beauty just besides him
Jimin and Taehyung had spent 2 days in Taehyung's house due to the snow gathering, but now as the weather cleared Jimin spoke
'Um I think I should get going, I need to go to Kookie he must be worried'

'Ah ya sure okay I'll just get dressed and drop you just give me 5 min'
Taehyung said as he walked towards his room to get dressed

*Time skip*
Taehyung git dressed in normal everyday outfit, baggy clothes and a cap on his head as he signalled Jimin to join him in the car, Jimin was dumbfounded by Taehyung's muscles,his arms, the tattoos everything was so ethereal about him, he soon came out of his 'check out' session as Taehyung tapped his shoulder

*Time skip*Taehyung git dressed in normal everyday outfit, baggy clothes and a cap on his head as he signalled Jimin to join him in the car, Jimin was dumbfounded by Taehyung's muscles,his arms, the tattoos everything was so ethereal about him, he...

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'You're ready to go?'
Taehyung said

'Um ya-ya let's go'
Both Jimin and Taehyung headed towards the car and drove off to Jimin's house

During the ride, Jimin couldn't bring himself to look at Taehyung from the fact that he was looking so handsome he hated to admit it but he really found Taehyung attractive from their first meet and even started liking him in those two days as he was looking outside the window a warm hand on top of his hand suprises him.
He looked at Taehyung surprisingly but Taehyung just kept a neutral face while focusing on driving, Jimin blushed by this little action but didn't move his hand away, he gripped it because of the warm feeling in his chest making a little smile form on Taehyung's lips.

*At Jungkook's house*
Jungkook was making waffles for the breakfast as he hardly knew how to cook but a sudden hand of his waist surprised him, he turned around to find Seokjin clinging to him like a baby koala, this made Jungkook chuckle and he wrapped his hands around Seokjin's neck and  closed the distance between them to seal a kiss.
After a small peck Jungkook pulled back only to find a whiny Seokjin complaining about how it's not a proper kiss, he chuckled but anyways ignored Seokjin's words and starting to focus on the waffle

Seokjin didn't like Jungkook ignoring his request so he whispered something in Jungkook's ear that left him flustered

'If you keep up this attitude, you're gonna get punished baby boy'

Jungkook's cheeks turned crimson red as he spoke
'YA-H!!! Don't s-ay su--ch thin--gs wh--ile I'm m--aki--ng brea--kfast'

Both Jungkook and Seokjin bickerings never ended but they eventually sat on table to eat the breakfast.
As Jungkook was about to grab his seat, Seokjin grabbed Jungkook by his arm and made him sit on his lap

'Wh--at do y-ou th--ink you're doi-ng?
Jungkook said while looking down due to embarrassment

'This seat is more comfortable than anything I want you to sir here honey'
Seokjin whispered teasing Jungkook

Jungkook muttered a small 'brat' under his breath and started eating as they were eating the door opened surprising the visitor as well as Jungkook and Seokjin

Jimin said as he opened his arms for a hug and Jungkook ran towards Jimin to receive it on the other hand Seokjin and Taehyung were surprised to see each other.

Taehyung walked towards Seokjin and whispered
'So this is the one you introduced you're mother to?

Seokjin answered

'Seokjin I never knew you have quite a good taste'
Taehyung muttered with a smirk earning a smirk from Seokjin as well

'You too bro'
Both of them smirked while looking at Jimin and Jungkook, Jimin then spoke

'Kookie who's this?'
Jimin asked curiously

'Um he---he he's my b--oyfr-iend Jimi--nie hy--ung'
Jungkook said as he bite his lips and looked at Seokjin who was smirking

'Ahhh and here I thought you were alone I guess who did have a great company'
Jimin teased Jungkook earning a whine from Jungkook

'Hello! I'm Park Jimin and I'm Jungkook's best friend and if you ever hurt him I won't spare you'
Jimin said casually but with a hidden warning in his voice

'Hey Jimin, I'm Kim Seokjin and don't worry I won't hurt my kookie ever'
Seokjin said smiling warmly

'Jim-in hy-ung who's th-is?'
Jungkook asked referring to Taehyung

'Oh um Kookie, during the heavy snowfall he gave me a shelter to live and I'm really thankful to him'
Jimin smiled warmly at Taehyung

'Hello, I'm Jungk-ook and tha-nk you so much for tak--ing care of my hyu-ng I'm really tha-nkful'
Jungkook said bowing

Taehyung smiled at him

As both Seokjin and Taehyung were leaving the bid they're goodbyes to Jungkook and Jimin, a lil cheek kiss from Seokjin to Jungkook and Jimin went to Taehyung and said
'Thank you so much Taehyung'
Jimin said smiling at Taehyung

'Uh-Uh no problem'
Taehyung said in a little hesitancy as he couldn't help but feel his heart flutter at Jimin's cute smile what is happening? Did he start to like Jimin? No it can't be he's Kim Taehyung he uses people does not love them yeah that's the type of guy he is it's just something else and perhaps Taehyung denied his heart

Both of them bid the goodbyes and left leaving a blushing Jungkook and  smiling Jimin behind

Jimin started to Jump with Jungkook while repeating
Jungkook laughed while jumping with Jimin.

A/N- Guess what author is really guilty that the author decided to give double update!!!💃💃

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