EPILOGUE: The Jinkook Couple (M)

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The Jinkook couple were currently lying on bed with Seokjin engulfing Jungkook in his arms and peppering his face with kisses while excitedly shouting 'I'M MARRIED TO MY LOVE! I'M MARRIED TO MY LOVE!'

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The Jinkook couple were currently lying on bed with Seokjin engulfing Jungkook in his arms and peppering his face with kisses while excitedly shouting 'I'M MARRIED TO MY LOVE! I'M MARRIED TO MY LOVE!'.

Jungkook couldn't stop laughing seeing his Jinnie so happy as if he found a treasure, Seokjin got off bed and started happy dancing making Jungkook laugh out loud as the way Seokjin was dancing was so funny and if any professionalist dancer would see him dancing they would faint.

Seokjin soon hold out his hand for Jungkook as Jungkook smilingly took it and they started slow dancing.The long amusement was gone all that was seen was love in the air.
Seokjin nuzzled his face in Jungkook's neck inhaling his scent, he bite it earning a moan from Jungkook as he widraws his face from Jungkook's, neck with a smirk plastered on his face he took a look at Jungkook who was looking at him with the same fire in his eyes.

Not asking for the permission Seokjin picked Jungkook up in bridal style and throwed him on the bed with both of his hands pin on either side of his head, he leaned closer to Jungkook's ear and whispered
'My sweet sweet baby boy are you ready for daddy to ravish you?'
Jungkook breath hitch as his cheeks started to turn pink but soon a smirk formed on his lips and he pulled Seokjin down and whispered just a inch away from Seokjin's lips
'Alwa-ys ready for y-ou daddy, Co-me on ta-ke me I've go-t a pre-se-nt for y-ou~'
Seokjin let out a groek when Jungkook cupped his hardened cock in his hands, Seokjin closed the gap between them and sealed Jungkook's lips with a passionate kiss, their saliva mixing together, their breaths mixing but none of that mattered right now what was important right now was to feel each other.

Soon Seokjin pulled out of the kiss and detached Jungkook's suit from his body and started leaving butterfly kisses and hickeys on his neck, Jungkook let out a moan when Seokjin took his kisses all the way from Jungkook's neck, nipple, waist to the between his legs. Seokjin looked up to Jungkook as if to ask for his concern, Jungkook smiled softly seeing his lover caring for him as he caressed Seokjin's cheeks and nodded, Seokjin smiled and took off Jungkook's boxers, he took Jungkook's cock in his mouth and started sucking which let Jungkook to bury his hands in Seokjin's hair soon Jungkook reached his climax and inserted his semens in Seokjin's mouth and Seokjin swallowed it all without wasting a drop which led Jungkook to shy away as he complimented 'So tasty', Jungkook hit his chest and Jin let out a giggle as he then proceeded to order
'Turn for me baby boy'

Jungkook turn around and Seokjin widened his eyes when he saw a plug inserted in Jungkook as he turned to Jungkook's side to find his answers, Jungkook shyly replied
'I wan-ted to be prepa-red for yo-u, I wa-nted to pleas-ure you to-o I'm so-rry if i made yo-u uncomf-orta-ble it's ju-st I thou-ght-'
Jungkook's words were cut off when Seokjin removed the plug in a second and licked it tasting Jungkook's semens while maintaining a eye contact with him.
Jungkook embarrassingly looked down to avoid Seokjin's gaze but Seokjin hooked his fingers below Jungkook's chin and lifted it up giving a small peck as he spoke
' I was just surprised Jungkook, stop doubting yourself you're beautiful and that fact will never change and I loved it you're such a good boy for daddy aren't you?'

Jungkook spoke

Seokjin removed his briefs and pumped his cock few times aligned it Jungkook's entrance and pushed it, Jungkook moaned in pleasure and pain? Well there wasn't any. Seokjin started thrusting in Jungkook at a slow place but then soon replaced it with the rough thrusts as both of them moaned by the heavenly feeling soon both of them reached their climax and Jungkook released his cum on Seokjin's abs and cock and Seokjin inserted his cum deep inside Jungkook both of them were soon found in the bathtub with Jungkook placed between Seokjin's legs, his head on Seokjin's chest both of them relaxing and with a warm smile on their faces.

'I love you so much baby and I can't wait to see our pups running in this house thank you so much for loving me I'm so involve with you Kim Jungkook'
Seokjin said while turning Jungkook's face to face him and kissing him

Jungkook couldn't control his tears after listening this not that he didn't listen before but it's just so overwhelming to hear it, he never thought someone would love him so much even after his stammering disability but luckily he found his 'Mafia guy' the one who loves him so much that it's just so good to with him.
Jungkook was pulled out of his thoughts when Seokjin wiped his tears using his thumb and kissed them. Jungkook smiled warmly at Seokjin and pulled him into a kiss and spoke

'I love you too my hubby'
This was the first time Jungkook didn't stammer saying the whole sentence and well this was a miracle but Jungkook never cared about it now because he didn't feel insecure anymore because of his Jinnie.
On the other hand Seokjin promised himself to love his baby forever and protect him from the world.

That's how the stammering boy found his way to the cold, cruel and ruthless mafia's heart❤️

A/N- The Jinkook part ends here hope you enjoy reading it angels💞
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