Him and I (M)

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☠️- Please skip this marked mature chapter if you're uncomfortable with sexual activities/smut

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☠️- Please skip this marked mature chapter if you're uncomfortable with sexual activities/smut


Seokjin still didn't know how they finally made the way to Jungkook's bedroom safely as Jungkook was attacking his face with kisses
As they reached their 'so called, destination' Seokjin laid Jungkook on the bed as he hovered on him and started kissing him passionately.

Soon Seokjin pulled out of the kiss to see a already ruined Jungkook panting but he didn't stop there, nothing could stop him today as he needed to show Jungkook his love, the love and the softness he has only for his Kookie.
He soon attached his lips to Jungkook's neck that led Jungkook to let out a high pitch moan as he just couldn't hold the amount of pleasure he was getting by Seokjin's love act.
Seokjin continued marking Jungkook as he soon moved to his chest taking one of his nipple in his mouth biting it and swirling his finger around the other, he sucked them as if his life depended on it and on the other hand Jungkook couldn't stop moaning from the very start he was really sensitive

'Mhmhmmm--- Ahh Seokjin'
he let out a scream when Seokjin suddenly bite his nipple as he had a eye contact with Seokjin who smirked at him. Seokjin soon took off Jungkook's pant along with his boxers as he started teasing Jungkook by his little touches on his cock he finally took Jungkook's cock in his palms and started moving it up and down in equal rhythm, producing another sweets moam from Jungkook. Seokjin started to loose his mind by Jungkook's moan as he never knew they sounded like a sweet song he never heard anything like that before.

Jungkook dig his nails in Seokjin's shoulder pulling him closer for a kiss but soon pulled away as he saw Jungkook avoiding his gaze, he lifted up Jungkook's chin and spoke

'Baby, do you have lube?'
Seokjin asked making Jungkook blush furiously

'Um-I--- no'
Jungkook said as he was being honest, he was never touched before nor he touched himself

Seokjin smiled a little and kept two of his fingers on Jungkook's lips signalling him to open up as Jungkook did get a clue of what he was doing, he wasn't that innocent he knew what was gonna happen he openly invited Seokjin's fingers in his mouth coating it with his saliva by swirling around them in seducing way as he made eye contact with Seokjin as if to ask if he was doing his job perfectly, Seokjin growled in return as he detached his fingers and slowly teased Jungkook's rim as Jungkook started moaning and begging Seokjin to insert it in.

Seokjin couldn't handle anymore as he inserted two of his fingers in Jungkook's hole digging them deeper and curling them to reach his prostrate

As he found a certain spot he was looking for as Jungkook led out a high pitched moan as Seokjin hit his prostate over and over.
Soon Seokjin added his third and then fourth finger scissoring Jungkook as Jungkook let out a cry as he pulled Seokjin by his collar and circled his arms around his neck as Seokjin smiled seeing his Jungkook begging helplessly as he pulled out his fingers earning a whine from Jungkook and kissed Jungkook's cheek that led Jungkook to tug his shirt, Seokjin got the signal and removed it along with his pants and boxers.

Jungkook started to blush as he checked out Seokjin his eyes moving in the direction of up and down, Seokjin noticed Jungkook's little stare as he hovered on Jungkook as he whispered
'Like what you see my sweet little cupcake?'
Jungkook giggled a little by the nickname as he looked down in embarrassment as Seokjin lifted his chin up and said
'Jungkookie, do you want me to use condom or you want it raw?'
Seokjin asked as either way he wasn't sure and he didn't wanted to hurt his precious baby

'I--I wa-nt it ra-w'
Jungkook said as he blushed automatically in Seokjin's burning gaze

'Not so innocent ha? You're something else Jungkook'
Seokjin spoke as he pumped his cock several times and inserted it slowly into Jungkook, Jungkook automatically closed his eyes and let out a cry from the pain as Seokjin finally bottomed out, Seokjin waited for Jungkook to adjust, Jungkook let out a small 'move' and Seokjin started to thrust in and out slowly careful not to hurt Jungkook as Jungkook moaned by the intense pleasure given by his lover and soon begged him to go harder and heck who was Seokjin to say no?

He started to go harder as Jungkook holded the headboard tightly but Seokjin removed his hands and circled them around his neck instead, Jungkook opened his eyes and made a eye contact as he pulled Seokjin close to him as they shared a sloppy kiss but neither of them cared soon Jungkook was near as he reaching his climax and Seokjin spoke
'Come baby, Come for daddy just as a perfect doll'
Jungkook cried by the heat pooling inside his stomach
This was the last word that left Jungkook's mouth as his semens landed on Seokjin's cock, his stomach and the bedsheets as Seokjin was near too and Jungkook started nibbling in his ears lightly biting it that drove Seokjin to his climax and he filled Jungkook with his cum and Jungkook let out a satisfied moaned as the feeling was heavenly.

Soon the couples were found on the bed hugging each other as Seokjin showered Jungkook's face with kisses and Jungkook let out a giggles as their eyes met Seokjin spoke
'I love you Jungkook and I always will, if I ever do anything wrong which won't ever happen but if it does there's my weakness behind it and my only weakness it you, so please don't doubt me or my love for you ever again as I'm to weak to break my cupcake's heart'
Jungkook was overwhelmed with emotions as he knew he overreacted a little and that he shouldn't have doubt Seokjin love he promised himself to never do it again as he cupped Seokjin's cheeks and said
'I love you too Jin-nie, I'm so hap-py wit-h the fa-ct that yo-u we-re my firs-t and I pro-mis-e I'll nev-er doubt your lo-ve agai-n and eve-n I do I'll reme-mb-er your sub-tle hin-ts'

'You enjoyed a little too much didn't you baby boy?'
Seokjin smirked as he pulled Jungkook closer as if there was any gap between them before, only to see blushing Jungkook and that well answered all his questions.

'Naughty lover I've got there'
Seokjin again pulled Jungkook in a hug as Jungkook whined a little by the statement but he knew he can be naughty, silly or anything but only for Seokjin and that fact would never change.

A/N- Please don't forget to vote lovies as your vote matters a lot 🍬

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