Chapter 10

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                                                                               Chapter 10


   School was boring like always and pretty much the same as always go to class, listen to teacher, do work and make sure you're not late for class. There was one thing that was different and its the fact that I couldn't stand being away from Aaron and I know he didn't like it either. The only times we could see each other was passing each other in the hall. Right now I'm sitting in class trying to look over my notes for the test we are having, but it's difficult to concentrate.

"Okay class put away your notes and get out a pencil you will have until the end of class to complete this test once you are done place it on my desk." She said handing out the papers.

Aidan and I studded for it but with every thing going on I couldn't concentrate, when we studied though he made sure I got at least half right before I did anything else and I was glad at that. My parents even agreed that it was a good idea. Finishing my test I got up to put I on the teachers desk once I did the bell rang I didn't even realize I took all period. Aidan and I got our stuff and went to lunch, luckily since I made my lunch at home I didn't have to go through the lunch line so I could find Aaron quicker. It wasn't hard I just flowed the pull it's like the wind pushing you trowed the person you can't live without.

(Aarons Pov)

School needs to be over I can't take this everything hurts when other people touch me when I'm walking down the hall. I need James or I'm going to rip my hair out. That might hurt less then when people touch me, even when they graze by me it hurts. Why didn't his parents mention that if someone touched me it would hurt like hell.

Finally school was over, once that bell rang I ran to James's arms and automatically I felt better all the hurt from the day was gone. Well there was still a small stinging but I can handle that better then what I had to indoor all day.

"I'm guessing you felt the same way I did." He said holding me tighter, I just nodded in his chest. "I couldn't stop thinking about you it was hard to concentrate on the lessons."

"That's better than what I had, whenever someone would bump into me or touch me at all it would hurt like hell I feel better now though."

"I'm glad you do. Let's go find Aidan he went to get some things from his locker."

I grabbed his hand and we went to find Aidan I hope he can hid our presents from James so we can wrap them. It would ruin the surprise if he saw them now.

"You know it would be easier if we knew where his locker is." James pointed out.

I knew where his locker was, but I was giving him some time to quickly run to James's house to hide the presents and run back. We walked all over school I hoped we gave him enough time I mean he is a werewolf he said he ran fast. He better be right.

"Hey guys you ready to leave." Aidan said taking me out of my thoughts.

He looked as if he hadn't ran to James's and back to school at all which means James wont suspect a thing. I smiled at the thought. "Let's go." I wined "your mom said that she was making a cake I love homemade cake. Come one lets go." I wined even more pulling James out of the school. I've never had homemade cake before and she made it sound so good.

He laughed a bit with Aidan "Okay, okay babe lets go." He laugh more as we walked to his house.

We walked in the house just as his mom was putting icing on the cake. Yummy! I wanted to help, but Aidan and I needed to rap James's presents.

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