Zayn Hospital

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AN ~ sorry this took so long to upload, had a TON of writers block with this chapter

Liam POV
When we got to the hospital, we waited for about an hour before a doctor approached us and led us back to Zayn.
"Hey Z" I said as I entered the room, and Zayn looked up groggily at all of us
He had multiple IV's hooked up to him, which the doctor had explained was the rehydrate him after they pumped his stomach.

We were at the British embassy hospital, as we did not have Italian health insurance so it would be difficult to receive care at the public hospitals. This meant the hospital was a small, more private setting, AND we didn't have to worry about any fans mobbing us.

"How ya feeling, mate?" Niall asked as he pulled a blue plastic chair over and sat next to Zayn's cot
"Not good" Zayn mumbled, closing his eyes
"I bet" Harry cooed
"Boys, you're allowed to stay in here but you have to let him rest" Paul said somewhat sternly, and we all nodded

After about another half hour, a different doctor came back in to check Zayn's blood alcohol levels.
"Down to .15, much better, huh Zayn?" The doctor said and Zayn smiled slightly. "I'm guessing you are his band mates?"
"That's us" Louis answered
"And you're his tour manager?" He directed at Paul
"Yes, that would be me" Paul replied
"Would you mind stepping outside with me for a minute? I would like the have a word" The man requested
Paul nodded and followed him out of the room, leaving the four of us to keep Zayn company.

"Reckon you scared us pretty good, mate" Louis said, pulling a chair up next to Zayn
"'m sorry" He whispered. "'m so stupid"
"No, Zayn, it's okay. Yeah it was a dumb thing you did, but everyone makes mistakes, right?" I tried to comfort him. It was technically his fault, and yes, he was being reckless, but I couldn't just openly say that - especially when he was lying in a hospital bed.
"Bet you've learned your lesson though, huh" Louis joked, and I chucked. I sure hoped he had learned his lesson, because personally, I did not want to have to stick my fingers down his throat again.

Paul POV
"First, I want to introduce myself. I'm doctor Humphrey" The doctor said, reaching out his hand for me to shake.
We were just outside of Zayn's hospital room, but far enough away so that he and the boys couldn't hear our conversation.
"I'm Paul Higgins, the boys' tour manager" I returned the greeting
"Alright, so let's get straight to the point," Dr Humphrey began. "I'm unsure whether or not you are aware, but when we ran tests on Zayn's blood, the results showed that he is severely malnourished. He is lacking many vital nutrients, and is clinically underweight. Do you know how his eating habits have been recently?"
"He hasn't been eating very much recently, I have noticed, but often when we remind him to eat, he does. He did pass out after a concert about three weeks ago, but he claimed that the weight loss has been because he has been exercising more. Are you suggesting otherwise?" I asked
"Well, I cannot say anything for sure, especially as it was difficult to get any information out of him last time I spoke with him. I know that there was a meeting with management that led him to the binge drinking tonight, but that's the extent of my knowledge. I do, however, want to get him a psych consult" He said and I nodded
"How long will that take?" I asked, knowing that Zayn would probably dread every minute of it
"Probably thirty minutes, but maybe more depending on how it is going" Doctor Humphrey explained. "I'm going to chase down our psych specialist now, and you are free to go back into Zayn's room" He finished as he shook my hand and turned to leave.
I went back into Zayn's room, where all four boys were sat next to him.

As the doctor had promised, a psychiatrist soon came to the room, and we were forced out.
Fortunately, there was an empty room down the hall,  and I encouraged the boys to try and get some sleep - as it was now coming 1am.

As I expected, subsequent to Zayn's appointment, the doctor and counselor asked to speak with me privately. The four boys all left the room to go back to Zayn, while I stayed to have the chat.
The doctor explained to me that the most pressing issue was that Zayn was significantly underweight, and clinically malnourished. The doctor said that he could use to gain two stone.
The psychiatrist, accompanied by a nutritionist, had made an in-depth plan to help Zayn restore the needed nutrients. Moreover, they had bought Zayn's story about not having much time to eat, and exercising more - though I was beginning to have my suspicions.

"Alright boys, I've just called the limousine, and they will be around to pick you up in a few minutes. Zayn and I will meet you out there once he's finished signing his discharge paper" I explained the game plan to the boys once I was back in Zayn's room.

Once the boys had left, I turned to Zayn.
"Zayn, what's going on? I mean, seriously" I sighed, sitting on the side of his hospital bed
"Nothing Paul, I'm fine, okay?" Zayn snapped
"Okay, fine" I surrendered, putting my hands up.
He had put his walls up towards all of us, and wasn't planning on letting them down anytime soon.

Once Zayn was discharged and we were back at the hotel, I made all of the boys sleep for a few hours before their concert tonight.

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