Zayn Burnt

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AN - So so so so sorry this took so long. Had an absolutely insane few weeks, followed by me leaving my phone at a hotel arghhh. Also this chapter isn't my best but I just needed to get it done :/

Zayn POV
"You say it's getting late, it's getting late. And you don't know if you can stay, if you can stay" Liam sang as I ran up to the platform for the chorus
I was hit by a slight dizzy spell, just as the chorus was about to begin, so I stopped where I was to reorient myself
"If this room burning" Harry began as flames shot up from the edge of the stage
I began jogging up to where the boys were now, as stopping earlier had messed up my timing a bit.
Just as I was nearing them, the flames shot up again, and then I was greeted by the smell of burning hair and sharp pain on the side of my face.
"Argh, ahh" I cried as I brought my hand to my face. It took me a moment to realize what was going on, and as I did, I felt someone's hands on my shoulders and myself getting practically dragged backstage.

Liam POV
"Preston, go grab a medic and Lou" Paul ordered as he rushed over to Zayn, who I had just brought backstage
"The flame hit him in the face, Paul" I said as he helped to direct Zayn over to the couch
Zayn was panicking and crying, and we knew among other things, we needed to calm him down
"I know, Liam. Zayn, I know it hurts but I really need you to calm down for me. A medic is going to come look at your burn, and Lou is going to fix your hair" Paul assured him
"Argh. Argh fuck. Fucking hell. Argh" Zayn groaned as he doubled over and Paul and I stopped him from falling to the ground
"Zayn, I'm going to sit you down, okay? Help is on the way" Paul said as he helped the crying Zayn to the floor
"Paul, fuck. Ow. Help me" Zayn moaned as he reached up to his face, which was already blistering
"Don't touch it, Zee" I cooed as I guided his hand back down to his side

After a few more moments of Zayn's pained cries, Preston returned with Lou and a medic
"Okay Zayn, I'm going to have a look at your burn. Just stay still" The man said as he put on a pair of latex gloves before reaching out to Zayn's cheek
"Argh, argh. Fuck stop. Argh" Zayn screeched as the medic's fingers lightly grazed the burn
"Shhh, Zayn. It's okay" I cooed as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it
"Okay, since the burn is on his face, and already blistering, I think it'd be best if he went to A&E to have it checked out. I will put some aloe vera onto it though" The medic suggested and Paul nodded

After a few more minutes, a car arrived and Paul helped Zayn into it before they headed to the hospital.

"What happened to Zayn?" Louis asked quietly as I came back out to stage
"He burnt his face badly. Paul's taking him to the hospital now" I explained and Louis looked at me, shock present on his face

After the concert was over, I checked my phone immediately to see if Paul had texted me - he had not, so I called him.
"Hey Liam," He answered as the line connected
"Hey Paul. How's Zayn doing?" I asked and Niall, Harry, and Louis watched me, waiting to hear any news too
"He's doing well, and will hopefully be discharged soon. They haven't had to remove any skin from his face, which was the worst of the medic's worries so that is good. He's right here if you'd like to speak with him"
"Yeah sure, Paul. That'd be great" I said as I put the phone on speaker so all of us could talk to him.
"Hey Liam" Zayn said tiredly as he answered the phone

Our conversation with Zayn was quick, as he was tired.
Once we got back to the hotel, I checked twitter and saw that Zayn had sent out a tweet. I decided to send one out too.

I look like two face. Thanks for the well wishes every1

Incredible show tonight...For the most part. Zayn's in good spirits, and we're all glad that he's okay :)

End of the Day // One Direction SickficWhere stories live. Discover now