Liam and Harry Hospital

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Harry POV
My mind felt fuzzy and I felt sick to my stomach as they sat me down in the ambulance.
I felt them put a blanket around me before they began talking to me, but I was too focused on Liam to actually hear what they were saying.

Liam didn't do drugs. Liam would never do drugs. But why were we sitting in an ambulance right now? Why had his heart stopped? He didn't do drugs. He never would.

I briefly felt myself being lifted from the ambulance onto a gurney.

The next thing I knew, there was a man shining a torch into my eyes.
"Harry? Harry can you hear me?" He said as he moved it back and forth.
I tried my best to look at him but my body really did not want to cooperate.
"His eyes are more responsive. Harry, can you hear me?" The doctor asked
"Murgh" I groaned, it being the only sound I could get out
"Okay Harry, you're in the hospital. You're in a bit of shock so just try to relax" He said as I glanced around the room.
"What...what happened?" I finally managed to say
"You body has just gone into shock. You're doing well though" Paul said, making his presence known
"Lim. Li, Liam" I mumbled
"Your friend is in the room next door. We're taking care of him" The doctor assured me
"He. He was dead" I whispered, thinking back to seeing Paul giving him CPR when I first walked into the dressing room
"The paramedics were able to restart his head and he's been stable ever since. We're just waiting for him to wake up now."
"Oh. I um, I don't remember" I said
"That's normal, don't worry. The paramedics said you were unresponsive for the entire ambulance ride so it'll take a little while for you to feel 100% now. So, I'm going to go and check on your friend Liam, and you get some rest" The doctor said before he left and I closed my eyes.

Paul POV
Once I had informed Louis, Zayn, and Niall about what had happened with Liam, they were insistent on coming with me to the hospital.

We loaded up and headed over to the embassy hospital, while I began communicating with management about canceling tonight's concert.
I let the boys go and sit with Liam once we arrived, and I went to Harry.

"How's he doing?" I asked as I went into his cubicle
"He's unresponsive. Apparently as soon as he got into the ambulance the paramedics couldn't get him to respond to talking, light, or pain."
"Okay, so what do you do?" I asked. In my training, I knew how to deal with shock that was brought on my an injury, but never how to deal with emotional shock.
"We just need to monitor him and make sure he doesn't stop breathing. Hopefully he'll come out of it within the next half an hour or so" The doctor said. "Now, I'm going to go check on Liam and my other patients, can you stay here and keep an eye on him? His pager is right there if you need anything"

I sat with Harry for half an hour before the doctor came back in.
"How's he doing?" He asked as he came over and checked Harry's vitals
"No change" I sighed and the doctor pulled out a torch from his back pocket
"Harry? Harry, can you hear me?" He asked as he shined it into his eyes. "His eyes are more responsive. Harry, can you hear me?"

Liam POV
My head felt muggy and my whole body felt weird. I didn't know where I was and I couldn't remember how I got here. It wasn't until I heard a familiar voice that I realized I wasn't actually dreaming.
"Do you know if Paul called off the concert?" The voice asked
I felt someone squeeze my hand and I did my best to squeeze it back.
"Liam? Are you awake? Guys, he squeezed my hand. Liam, squeeze my hand again if you're awake" Another voice said
I squeezed it again
"Guys, he's awake. Liam can you open your eyes?" The same voice asked, and I tried but I couldn't
"Here I'll page the doctor" A new voice said

Soon, two new voices came in, one of which I recognized and one I did not.
"You paged?" The doctor said as I heard him come over
"He's awake, he squeezed my hand" The voice said
"Okay." The doctor said and I heard movement around me. "Liam, if you can hear me squeeze my hand"
I squeezed his hand
"Okay, Liam. You're in the hospital. Just keep waking up" He encouraged and finally, my eyes opened
"Hey" Zayn said as I glanced over at him, and then to  Niall who was beside the doctor
"What, happennmmph" I tried to speak
"You overdosed on ketamine, Liam. Just keep waking up and we'll have a talk about that later" Paul said and I looked over at him, he was standing at the foot of the bed with his hand on my leg

I'd overdosed on ketamine? How was that possible? I've never done drugs in my life. Paul had to know that. The boys had to know that. Did they really think that I'd used ketamine?

"I dohnt do drughs" I struggled to say
"We found your water bottle Liam, we'll talk about this later" Paul said

Somehow I managed to remember something in my fuzzy feeling brain - the water bottle.

"Not mihne" I mumbled
"What Liam? What's not yours?" Louis said
"Water bottle. Someone put it down at the sin, signing" I tried to explain
"You drank from someone else's water bottle?" Paul asked
"Iy, I forgot which one iht was"
"Okay Liam. Just keep coming around, alright? And I'll go try to make some calls to figure out who did this to you" Paul said before he shook my leg and then left
"How are you feeling Liam?" The doctor asked after a moment
"Funny" I answered
"Okay, that's normal post-overdose. Your vitals look pretty good right now, so I'm just going to do a quick examination before I go and check on your friend Harry, okay?"
"Harreh? Was happened to Harry?" I asked
"He wasn't feeling too well in the ambulance, so we're just keeping an eye on him" He assured me
"Oh, okay" I said as he shone a light in my eyes
"Can you follow my finger?" He said as he moved his finger in front of my face and I did as he asked.
"Okay good. Now, I want you to tell me when you feel me pinch, okay?" He said before pulling the blanket up a bit from my legs.
"Now, now," I said as I felt him pinch me softly up and down my legs
"Okay, very good Liam. You seem to be doing pretty well. We're going to keep you here for another hour or so, so just hang tight. I'm going to go and check on Harry now, alright?"
"Okay. Thank youu" I said as he left and I rested back and closed my eyes

When I next awoke Zayn was the only one in the room with me now.
"Zayn? Where is everyone?" I asked, finding talking much easier now
"Oh you're awake. They all went to grab a bite to eat, it's about dinner time. Paul's called off our gig tonight" He said
"Oh. You should go grab dinner. You're too skinny" I said reaching out and poking his side
"I already ate Liam, and if I was with them nobody would be here to keep you company" He replied as he batted my hand away
"Eat more then" I said as I became tired and let my eyes slip closed again

"Paynooo" Came a voice, and I opened my eyes to see Louis next to me
"Hi" I whispered
"How are you feeling, mate? You ready to get outta here?"
"I'm good. Where is everyone?" I asked
"Oh they're all hanging out with Harry right now, so you're stuck with me"
"Oh, the horror" I groaned
"Don't you think you're so...uh, um, uh. Shit what's the word" He stammered and I looked at him confusedly
"What word, Louis?" I asked
"The word, like 'hahaha', jokes. Shit"
I'd never seen Louis look so embarrassed so suddenly, which confused and concerned me even more
"Like funny?" I said
"Funny. Yeah, funny. Funny" He sighed, sounding relieved
I almost laughed at the fact that he'd just forgotten the word funny, but when I saw the fear and embarrassment written all over his face, I bit my lip.
"Are you okay?" I asked, not knowing what to do or say
"I'm fine. I'm gonna go grab something to drink" He said and then he left the room without another word
Had he seriously just forgotten the word funny?

About thirty minutes later, the doctor came and gave me my discharge paperwork.
Harry got discharged around the same time, so we all just headed back to our hotel, where we spent the night relaxing.
Louis just stayed in his room.
None of us knew why.
I knew it had something to do with what happened in the cubicle earlier.

End of the Day // One Direction SickficWhere stories live. Discover now