Louis Seizure and Lux Injured

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"Louis! Louis" I called
Daddy had to go on a work trip, so I got to visit with Mummy the band, and now I got to hang out with them every day. I was just with Harry, but then Mummy had to do his hair, so now I was on my way to find Louis.

"Louis! Louis!" I called again as I entered his dressing room
"Hey Lux! High five!" He said, holding out his hand for me to high five before he picked me up
"Couldn't find you" I whined as I buried my head into his shoulder
"Well I reckon you've found me now, huh?" He said and I nodded
"Hey Lux!" Liam said as he came through the door
"Liam! Liam!" I giggled and he came over to give me another high five
"You wanna go to Liam?" Louis asked
"No!" I squealed as I gripped his shirt. "I wanna stay with Louis"
"Alright, alright" Louis said as he lifted me up higher into his arms
"I'm hungry!" I yelled as I threw my hands around Louis' neck
"I have some snacks in my backpack, let's go" Louis said as he maneuvered me so I was now piggy back, and he went over to the table where his backpack was.
"Okay let's see, shall we?" He said as he opened up the sack. "I have some crisps and some wispas. What do you want?"
"Wispa! Wispa!" I screamed in excitement. Mummy only let me have chocolate after dinner.
"Argh" Louis said as he put his hand to his ear
"Wispa!" I said again reaching out to it but all Louis did was close his eyes
"Liam?" He said
"Yeah Louis? You alright?"
"Just, just take her" Louis said as he squeezed me tight
"Shit, okay Lou" Liam said as I watched him stand up from the couch.
Then Louis fell over and I fell with him.

Liam POV
"Shit, Louis" I gasped as he and Lux fell to the ground and he began convulsing
Lux immediately started sobbing.
"Shhhh, Lux, you're alright" I said as I quickly went over to Louis and turned my attention back to Lux. "Shoot, you're bleeding. Crap. Okay" I said as I looked around the room for some tissues.
Lux appeared to have a cut on her chin, but there was already too much blood to tell how big it was.
I didn't want to leave Louis by himself seizing, but I had no choice. I had to find Lou or someone to help me, so I scooped Lux up and glanced back at Louis convulsing once more before leaving the room.

"Lou?" I called as I rushed into the dressing room
"Liam? Oh my god" She gasped as she saw Lux in my arms. "What happened? What did you do sweetheart?" She said as she took Lux from my hold
"Louis was holding her and he collapsed. He called to me and I just didn't get to her in time before he started seizing" I explained
"Okay, alright." Lou cooed as Lux continued crying and Lou reached for more tissues. "Where's Louis?" She turned her attention back to me
"Still in the other room. I didn't want to leave him but I needed to find you" I said
"Okay, go stay with him and make sure he's okay. I'll handle this and find Paul" She assured me and I rushed back to Louis.

There were two things that I had forgotten to do - finding something the cushion Louis' head, and set a timer.
As I realized my mistake, I felt panic flash in me. Surely it hadn't been more than five minutes, right? And what if Louis had hit his head? I had no way of knowing, so I just did what I should've done in the first place; I found something to put under his head, and set my iPhone stopwatch.
"You're okay Louis, it's okay" I whispered as Louis choked and sputtered out some bloodied saliva.
When he first was diagnosed with epilepsy, I struggled a bit when it came to his spit, but now, unfortunately, I had been forced to get used to and desensitized to it.
"Liam, talk to me. How long's he been fitting?" Paul asked as he came into the room and knelt beside me
"I dunno. I forgot to set a timer" I said, though I knew it was definitely nearing the five minute mark.

Fortunately, after another thirty-or-so seconds, Louis stopped seizing and not long after he began to come to.
"Urgh" He groaned as he scrunched his face up
"You're safe, Louis" Paul said. "You've had a seizure so just take it easy"
"You've had a bad seizure Louis, so just stay still" I said, not knowing if he hurt himself when he fell or when he was alone in the room.
"Does anything hurt, Louis?" Paul asked
"Sore. Much sore" Louis answered
"Okay, just relax there and then we will move you to the couch" Paul said as I ran my hand through Louis' hair
"Where's, Lux?" He then asked
"Lux is in the other room with Lou. She's okay, Louis" I said, not wanting to worry him.

After a few more minutes, Paul picked Louis up bridal style and laid him on the couch.
"Alright Louis, you're just gonna rest here for awhile, okay? I think you should have tonight off from performing" Paul suggested, and Louis didn't even have the energy to argue

I then went to check on Lux and Lou.
"How is she, Lou?" I asked as I entered the dressing room and Lou had Lux sat up on her workspace
"I've gotten the bleeding to stop, and I think the cuts just superficial. Is Louis okay?"
"Yeah, he seems it. Paul's with him right now" I said
"Ah, okay. Good"
"Liiiiiiiam" Lux said as she held her arms out to me and Lou put a Hello Kitty bandaid on her chin
"You wanna go to Liam? You wanna go to Liam?" Lou asked Lux enthusiastically, and I went over and picked her up
"Are you alright Luxey?" I asked as I brushed her hair out of her face
"Yes. I want wispa!" She said as I remember that Louis had promised her a wispa.
"Okay. How about we go get some wispa?" I said and Lou nodded

When we got to Louis' dressing room, I went into his bag and go Lux a wispa. Once she was done with it, she went over to Louis on the couch, and situated herself onto the small space next to him.

End of the Day // One Direction SickficWhere stories live. Discover now